Bryan Tew’s main YouTube channel shut down for repeated copyright violations

So on Sunday 12/27, Bryan Tew’s YouTube channel with approximately 5K subscribers was shut down for good due to repeated infringement of copyrights.

Bryan has been known to upload clips from Hollywood movies, usually psychological thrillers, that supposedly explain some aspect of his life and what he perceives to be happening to him as a TI. He also listens to commercial music playing on a speaker while he is recording himself on YouTube live (serious YouTubers know that this is also a no-no).

In both cases, this earns him either a forced monetization of his infringing video (meaning YouTube will place ads on his video, with all the ad revenue going to the copyright holder), or a removal of the video and a copyright strike placed on his record. Too many strikes results in your channel being permanently deleted, along with all of your content.

I believe the last video Bryan uploaded was a re-upload of a video that “Ella Free” created about the “TI Day” event that happened earlier this year (2020) where a bunch of TIs made video testimonies about being a TI.

Bryan reuploaded this video with a title and description suggesting (with no evidence) that all of these TIs were “crisis actors” designed to discredit the TI movement.

The problem here (apart from being a ridiculous paranoid lunatic) is that Bryan has no rights to re-upload copyrighted content. There is such a concept known as “fair use” under copyright laws (in the US at least) where you can use a limited amount of copyrighted content if you turn it into a commentary or a news report or similar. However, simply reuploading a video and making an dumb claim about it in the description box isn’t sufficient to claim a fair use exception.

It appears that the re-upload of Ella’s video was the final straw that took down his account. This is not surprising to me considering that Bryan pretty much considers 90% of the TI movement, Ella included, to be government agents, and the people who are the target of Bryan’s unfounded claims dislike being labeled this way.

Ella flagged the video and this was the end of Bryan’s channel. He had one more chance to clean up his act w/r/t copyrights and failed with this video upload.

In usual fashion, Bryan is blaming the “shadow government” for his account shutdown. Since it happened right before his scheduled flight to Ecuador, he thinks it is no coincidence and that They(tm) are doing this to remove all of his “evidence” he needs to make an asylum claim.

Of course regular viewers will know that Bryan applied for asylum in Ecuador a couple of years ago and was subsequently rejected, so that’s kinda silly.

Being that I have a bit of interest in Bryan’s antics, I suspected that one day his videos would disappear for whatever reason. My feeling at the time was that Bryan would do something either homicidal and/or suicidal which would result in social media companies scrubbing his accounts as often is the case.

I have a pretty comprehensive archive of Bryan’s YouTube channel. It doesn’t have every single video he’s ever made but it has most of them. I began this by using video downloader tools manually every once in a while, but sometimes he uploaded a video and then deleted it before I had a chance to capture it.

If there is a particular video of Bryan you are interested in seeing again, let me know (help me narrow it down by date as there are literally thousands of videos).

Bryan, I’ll even let you have a copy of your videos. But it’s on one condition – you must agree to an interview with me by email where you answer my questions.

42 thoughts on “Bryan Tew’s main YouTube channel shut down for repeated copyright violations”

  1. Good to see. All his “evidence” videos, which haven’t helped him with his claims anyway. He was warned. It’s good to see YouTube coming through with it’s TOS violations.
    I wish they were as strict with their policy against hate speech and harassment. In my case, the use of my name and all the slurs that come with it, including saying I am involved in human-trafficing and other crimes and the use of homophobic slurs, including titles of videos which contain them and not only is the account is still up, another account doing the same thing has been made.

  2. I think my top Bryan Tew video was the one from sometime in 2017, where he’s lying on the floor of that supermarket in Ecuador (was it an Oxxo? Do they have Oxxo in Ecuador?) because he wanted to make an ass of himself and most people wisely ignored him.

    Second would be the one when he was in St. Petersburg, also in 2017 if I remember correctly, and the police officers and or border agents were laughing at him.

    • Or maybe it was Peru?

      They have Oxxo (a Mexican convenience store chain, but I think some South American stores are supermarket-sized) in Peru and I distinctly remember “Oxxo” possibly being in the title or at least him mentioning it in the description and I don’t think Oxxo is a store chain that I’d just randomly think of considering that I don’t think I’ve ever been within 2000 miles of an Oxxo location.

  3. He was back live feeding this morning.
    Does he always sleep with his hand in his pants? It was kind of creepy. I couldn’t watch. I was afraid his hand would start moving.
    Despite his claims his inability to sleep is part mental illness (my depression shows up as insomnia, too), and part his weight and the weight of his chins on his throat while sleeping on his back. He looks like a prime candidate for a c-pap mask at night and a prescription of amitriptyline.

    • I just saw that. His hand was definitely moving. But the whole thing lasted like 10 seconds or so? I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt and say he was just rearranging things to be more comfortable.

  4. Bryan is whining about the other guests at his hostel. His complaints could very well be valid, but it’s hard to take anything he says seriously because all of the stuff he describes are things he himself has been guilty of perpetuating on others.

    Says that this place isn’t the sort of place you’d want children to be around in. This is coming from the guy who repeatedly exposes himself and fondles his junk on live streams and admits to obsessive compulsive masturbation and has a pornography habit that other hotel owners have called him out on.

    • Yeah, pot calling kettle black. Perhaps if Bryan didn’t use the floor as a hamper, trash can, bureau, and closet, the guy wouldn’t have anything to kick around. Bryan yells, complains, is up all hours and instead of video gaming, has religious sermons, music, and his live feed. They sound like a perfect match. His annoyance is probably based on the fact that Bryan doesn’t speak or understand their language, so can see people openly talking about him, because when you are weird, people will talk. And he can’t understand a thing. It’s rude, but oh well, so is Bryan.
      He’s got a video that his asylum attempt in Ecuador was denied, even though he told the lawyer working on the case to not do anything. Probably will change his travel plans, although he can’t seem to decide where daily.
      And I’m wondering about his claim he was harassed by a cop and injured. So far, I’ve seen no hospital visits or 911 calls to document his whining. Seems like no one cares in Sweden.
      And posting a bad review while you are still living there…? He’ll likely be kicked out soon. Again. When you have 20 odd years of travel and have been kicked out of hostels everywhere, YOU might be the problem. Occam’s Razor, used correctly, says that’s the problem.

    • It’s almost as though hostels exist as places for people who want to sleep with a roof over their heads but don’t want to pay extra for privacy.

      I know Bryan Tew inevitably gets what is effectively his own “private” room in a hostel due to being a nightmare guest that other people unfortunate enough to share a room with him quickly request to change rooms, but, generally, if you’re sleeping in a hostel, you’re going to have to cope with other people who also don’t have a lot of money.

  5. Hoe dare the country of Sweden care for its own homeless citizens instead of catering to a fat fucking faker from the US.
    He’s homeless, he stayed at a shelter in San Diego and slept in a church yard in Old Town. There is nothing as useless as a snobby slob.

    • You got that right! The other TI I follow is always going off about filthy, infected, infested homeless people. She is homeless, sickly, and admits that she wets herself and occasionally craps her pants. Her reasoning behind why what she does is okay, is that she is a TI, and it’s the gang-stalking energy weapons that make her have incontinence, and the other homeless people, choose to be filthy and she would choose to be clean. She thinks Bryan is fake, btw. Because he has more subs.

  6. Bryan is uploading more copyrighted material again.. This time a trailer for The Truman Show.

    He’s not too bright. I’ll laugh some more when his second channel gets deleted.

  7. Bryan says someone is staring at him. Who is actually staring at him though? Nobody in that four second clip is looking at him.

    There are two women talking to each other as well as what appears to be a man and another person (a woman?) having a conversation. Nobody out of the four people in that clip are looking at him.

  8. I have been laughing at those two things, too.
    And that he is so lacking on social skills and smarts that he would rather lose another $$$ ticket than “play the game.” What an idiot.

  9. Bryan is promoting conspiracy theories about the newly-released COVID-19 vaccines.

    Bryan, nobody in the United States is fined or arrested for refusing vaccines but as a potential disease vector, you will be restricted from many activities (depending on the state). Nothing else you have said about the vaccine is remotely accurate, it is just baseless rambling on your part.

    “Christians, Activists, Whistle Blowers & Targeted Individuals

    You have a twelve month window to get out of the USA before permanent travel restrictions prevent you from forever leaving without a vaccination. Set up a second base of operations outside of North America. If you can get out then do so soon. The Bible says, “if they persecute you in one place then flee to another” and “to be wise as serpents and innocent as doves” (Matt. 10:13).

    First you will be ostracized. Then you will be isolated. Then you will be fined and eventually arrested, just like parents are being fined and arrested today who refuse to enroll their children into other vaccination programs for their children against other diseases.

    The Vaccine(s) will soon become mandatory within four years. Your children will be taken from you, along with your livelihood and liberty, and eventually you will lose everything as you will be considered a medical liability and a danger for the public to be around. Just wait for COVID-20, COVID-21, etc. It’s coming!

    Whatever you do don’t take the vaccine. Within twelve months you will not be allowed to engage in international travel without an immunity stamp in your passport verifying that you have been vaccinated. If you take the shot you will die a premature death just like the rest of the sheepish masses, and probably die forever:



    I have been warning targeted individuals, activists, whistle blowers and Christians, for over two years, that the day is quickly coming where you will no longer be able to cross state lines. There will be little to no warning when the borders close, because of so-called ‘medical necessity’.”

  10. Just a wee heads up…You know I have mentioned another TI I follow while commenting on The Amazing Misadventures of Bryan Tew. She stalked me online and “outed” my identity here on a YT video title; she never really discussed anything about it, just that I use that name here. She had nothing better to do than find this site, and make a video about it. Likely she is jealous that someone is receiving more attention than she does. Her videos get ~100 views each, so it won’t be completely flooded with paranoid delusional people, but it might add some traffic.

    I’ve not watched this video yet. I will not be surprised if I feature prominently. She believes her made-up fantasies about me, but judges everyone as a demonic, Satanist, gang-stalking perp for imagined offenses like driving with a headlight out, wearing red, driving a white car, playing music too loud….and watching her videos. So you might burn in hell for this.

    • Oh, I forgot something. Watching her videos is best done by speeding up the timing. Even at 2× speed, she has a lot of pauses, and she speaks really slowly. And usually wanders off topic, has to read something on her phone, and talks about stuff she doesn’t read through. But it also makes her tics and grunts more obvious, too.
      Some of the best articles about the psychology of the “targeted individual” I found on her blog, and were articles that discussed the phenomenon as mental illness. She doesn’t read anything thoroughly, and has said her comprehension is low.

    • It is laughable how this site tries so hard to discredit Bryan Tew . It is totally transparent if you ask any random person to sit and listen to a couple of Bryans longer videos , and then come to this site ( this has been tried and tested). It becomes absolutely clear the sole purpose of this sight is to discredit and drown out what is happening to Mr Tew and millions perhaps of other human beings around the globe .

      “Conspiracy Theorist” or “Conspiracy Theories” were terms created by the state and its own media outlets itself, this was to serve as a diversion tactic used to smother out any other possibility, reasoning or challenge to the states version of events .
      I still await a response to my question.

      Why do you feel it appropriate to build a website for no other reason than to directly discredit Mr Bryan K Tew ? Again , if he is so delusional, paranoid and schizophrenic then surely there is no need to interfere and portray him in a negative light .

      Furthermore , there is absolutely no merit in anything you say whatsoever .

      On one hand you say Mr Tew is delusional and a paranoid nutcase , yet you have apparently have no qualification to make such a diagnosis or even attempt to psychoanalyse this man based on what he posts on youtube .

      On the otherhand you say Mr Tew is smart enough to know right from wrong so hes fair game ?

      This alone tells us all we need to know about you and your gangstalking buddys .

      • If you ask a normal person to read / listen to any of Bryan Tew’s ramblings they’ll think he’s nuts and they would probably agree with us to some extent, I would imagine.

        Anyway, didn’t we have this conversation already? I’m not going to rehash what I’ve already said.

        By the way, Bryan has been diagnosed by a psychiatrist. Bryan posted his own medical diagnosis several years ago. Schizoaffective Disorder /w delusional component (that may not be the precise terms used, I am just going off of my memory). So I’m not the one who made this diagnosis about his mental state.

        Being schizophrenic or schizoaffective does NOT prevent you from knowing right from wrong.

      • No, what is laughable is the pseudo-intelligence Tew speaks. Which has not changed in several years, literally a cut&paste commentary on each of his videos, which in turn vary only in the location. He supposedly understands it all. The how, and why, the who and what, EVERYTHING about gang-stalking. Yet he himself is tortured with earaches, carpal tunnel, panic attacks, and pains from being aging, obese and sedentary. He claims Christian music and sermons disrupts the process, spends hours listening to both, and is still annoyed. How can he help anyone if he cannot help himself? How can he be believed? He claims it’s all “hypergame theory,” yet misses one important feature that separates regular vs hyper. The very fact he talks about it, proves he is wrong. He misuses Occum’s razor, turning the truism 180° to his own benefit. He’s claimed it is the “shadow government.” Or maybe it’s all religious, depending on his current mood. He videos his own lies, for example claiming his back is too badly damaged to work, yet is seen hiking hills, using motor scooters, the inlet where he went snorkeling after climbing down a cliff…all of which make his claims of disability dubious. He’s claimed for years he has a bad heart, yet has never had anything found by anyone beyond a minor blip on occasion, a trait I share with him that requires no treatment.
        We follow Bryan for these things. He is not credible. He is not intelligent. He is not somehow “noble.” What he is is entertaining, hapless, opinionated, brash, condescending, rude, and about as unlikable a person as can be found online. He is not well-liked among other TI’s, many of whom believe him to be a disinformation plant and a “perp.” He’s a buffoon.
        We didn’t drink the Kool-Ade and see through his psychosis. And we don’t need to be qualified to claim he has mental health issues, as he has posted reports by qualified doctors that he has several issues for which he receives no treatment, and has/had dozens of videos taken around the world showing qualified medical professionals attempting to get him observed and treated, because his mental health is far from healthy.
        And he is a prescription drug addiction, with drug seeking behavior.

  11. She’s complaining about bright yellow lights in her window overnight?

    Where I live, that’s called “a snowplow clearing the streets”. If it wasn’t a plow, it was probably some other kind of utility vehicle.

    • She complains about EVERYTHING. She is a bigger narcissist than Bryan. She does videos she calls “perp walks, “which just means she points out vehicles and declares them “perp.” But how does she know? White/silver/red car, loud music, headlight out, tail light out, car too nice, car going too slow, car going too fast, car she is certain she has seen before, car starts moving when she is looking at it, car sitting in the shade, seeing someone with a cellphone, car moving in her general direction, car driving away, some driving a car with a red shirt, someone driving a car with a shirt the same color as their car….and more she makes up as she goes along. She sees a fleet of white vehicles in front of a business, and declares them perps monitoring her, not people working for the same company driving company vehicles. She sometimes even approaches them to tell them they are gang stalkers, or yells at their cars on the street “murderers!” Which could get her in trouble someday.
      No one around her is a random person living a normal life, they are all perps.
      She’s a trip. Other “TI” have told her she makes them look bad.
      And her behavior has gotten her banned from several businesses, including a cheap motel. But they were all perps, too. She has peed her pants and then caught a bus, and proclaimed someone else a filthy street person. She can, because while she lives on the street, if she had a place to shower she would, and filthy homeless don’t want to be clean.
      She cussed at a minister on a bus who asked her to wear a mask. Several days later, finds out that people on the bus are supposed to wearing masks to ride. Just one of her many stupid mistakes in judging people. She believed a “TI” who insists she has been pregnant for TWO YEARS. How gullible is that?

  12. She complains about EVERYTHING. She is a bigger narcissist than Bryan. She does videos she calls “perp walks, “which just means she points out vehicles and declares them “perp.” But how does she know? White/silver/red car, loud music, headlight out, tail light out, car too nice, car going too slow, car going too fast, car she is certain she has seen before, car starts moving when she is looking at it, car sitting in the shade, seeing someone with a cellphone, car moving in her general direction, car driving away, some driving a car with a red shirt, someone driving a car with a shirt the same color as their car….and more she makes up as she goes along. She sees a fleet of white vehicles in front of a business, and declares them perps monitoring her, not people working for the same company driving company vehicles. She sometimes even approaches them to tell them they are gang stalkers, or yells at their cars on the street “murderers!” Which could get her in trouble someday.
    No one around her is a random person living a normal life, they are all perps.
    She’s a trip. Other “TI” have told her she makes them look bad.
    And her behavior has gotten her banned from several businesses, including a cheap motel. But they were all perps, too. She has peed her pants and then caught a bus, and proclaimed someone else a filthy street person. She can, because while she lives on the street, if she had a place to shower she would, and filthy homeless don’t want to be clean.
    She cussed at a minister on a bus who asked her to wear a mask. Several days later, finds out that people on the bus are supposed to wearing masks to ride. Just one of her many stupid mistakes in judging people. She believed a “TI” who insists she has been pregnant for TWO YEARS. How gullible is that?

  13. Trashing around endlessly, pulling off the sheets, flailing and whining like the most angst driven homely 13 year old girl in the world.
    Does he even still have a working passport?
    It’s time for the state department to take the passport, send him to where he has family.

    • I agree. It’s like he tries to have a bad night’s sleep. As a Mom, I want to yell at him for not making his bed properly. I don’t know what he thinks these videos do for him. It is evidence of nothing but that he is a sloppy whiner.
      With carpal tunnel, probably from holding his tablet with one hand for long periods of time. When it hurts, you put on a brace, available at any pharmacy. But that would be helping himself, something anathema. Better to moan and whine.
      He’s a pansy ass whiner. My lumbar spine has been destroyed by cancer, and I complain less than him. And take few narcotic pain meds to deal with it. He needs to man up. His pasty white belly is ??

  14. Bryan says he is typing up a new federal lawsuit.

    Bryan is still posting videos, although it’s entirely just news clips / conspiracy film clips with his nonsensical commentary in the description box. Doing live streams on Facebook, just of him (attempting to) sleep.

    Also noticed that Bryan is cross-posting videos to Bitchute (YouTube alternative, haven for white supremacists and far-right trolls where there’s little to no moderation of content).

  15. To be able to sleep, you actually need to do something to make yourself tired. Flopping around on a mattress all day doesn’t make you tired.
    Real movement Bryan, something other than eating and going to the bathroom doesn’t count.

  16. Now that he’s shown himself asleep, he needs to see someone about his sleep apnea. That alone will give you his sleep patterns. First thing, lose weight. Don’t sleep on his back. Of course, if he was diagnosed with sleep apnea, they would not be giving him sleeping pills to abuse.
    Amitriptyline, Brian. It will do you a world of good.

  17. Here’s that bogus lawsuit Bryan is typing up. He wants to sue Spain in a US district court.

    I’m not a lawyer but I do have some questions:

    (1) How is Bryan going to file this lawsuit as a pro se / pro per litigant if he isn’t present in the USA and doesn’t have a lawyer to represent him? The courts aren’t going to let him file and prosecute a lawsuit all by himself while he sits on a bed in Sweden with his hand down his pants.

    (2) The Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act does not appear to grant Tew permission to file a lawsuit against Spain. Normally the courts treat governments as entities immune to lawsuits unless there is an exception granted (such as for state-sponsored terrorism, war crimes, and stuff like that). Nothing Tew is talking about sounds like it would meet that bar.

    I glanced through his suit and he is claiming the “terrorism exception” but his claims don’t come close to meeting the definition.!267&ithint=file%2cdocx&authkey=!ACbs1FBR4wBkmfY

    • He is also claiming Spain held him hostage. He cites his passport being taken (even though he voluntarily handed it over) as an act of “hostage taking”. He wasn’t prevented from getting his passport back; it was forwarded to the US embassy and in no way was he prevented from reaching the embassy.

      The flimsiest of flimsy claims.

  18. And the police took the appropriate action, sending it to the US embassy. A passport is US property, not yours. And as US property, must be returned to them, not necessarily the holder. And his reactions and mannerisms have been shown to cause suspicion and concern around the world.
    Read it and weep, Bryan. I think the law school at Cornell to be quite a bit more authoritative than a law school tied to a foreign school, and based in the Bahamas.

  19. Oh, dear. That is quite a pile of words, isn’t it. But there is one point about Bryan Tew and His Many Adventures that has always perplexed and troubled me. He has lived for years off and on, in Spanish-speaking countries, including this past year in Spain and does not seem to have learned the language beyond what a tourist learns before their trip. Except for the buzzwords he throws around like “inteligencia” and “policia.”
    And he claims they thwarted his career as an investigative reporter, in Spain and Ecuador, both Spanish-speaking nations.
    Boom. My head exploded.
    I’ve read everything he puts online, which is usually his lawsuits, and then read the remarks made about those suits. While I know that tort writing and reporting are differing styles, his work is a mess. Is he a good writer, able to maintain a livelihood? Highly unlikely. Ridiculous to even claim.
    But I’d love to see him try.
    The other TI I follow has made ~$25 over three months as a self-published author at Amazon.
    I would expect working freelance, Bryan Tew, Investigative Report, would do worse.

    • If his Facebook is any indication, Bryan Tew’s “investigations” are entirely overlong word salads (which he reposts again and again) regurgitating conspiracy theories he read on the Internet that I’ve seen explained much more succinctly and lucidly elsewhere. (Whether those conspiracy theories are plausible or bonkers is besides the point, the point is that there are plenty of people who can explain the conspiracies much better than Bryan is able to.)


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