Bryan Tew in Panama / Open Thread

Bryan Tew finally left Ecuador a few weeks ago and arrived in Panama after failing to find any cheap air tickets to Nicaragua.

Some highlights of the adventure so far (in no particular order) –

Bryan was unhappy with the clinic who performed his PCR test and belligerently demanded his money back. Security was called which Bryan suddenly says there was “no reason” for:

With absolutely no evidence whatsoever, Bryan proclaims that he is “surrounded” by Panamanian “special operations soldiers”:

Bryan has more bizarre sexual nightmares. This time involving fucking a woman that was “possessed”. I guess this is an improvement over the time he had a nightmare about dropping the soap in the locker room for the Georgia Bulldogs:

Bryan can’t seem to figure out how to reach Nicaragua. In several posts and videos he’s said that Nicaragua is unfriendly to the US and he would be able to get help there. Oddly enough that’s the same thing he said about Ecuador several years ago but we saw how far he got with his asylum claim.

Anyway, depending on which posts and videos you watch, he either didn’t get the PCR test results on time, or he slept through the bus departure time and didn’t make it to Nicaragua. Now he wants to try the asylum gambit in Panama: