No, Bryan hasn’t shared that video with us. He just talks about this happening and how he felt the urge to record it.
He seems to think the man was sent just for his entertainment.
No, Bryan hasn’t shared that video with us. He just talks about this happening and how he felt the urge to record it.
He seems to think the man was sent just for his entertainment.
Reference the post (a few posts down) I made earlier about MJM seeming to get his shit back together while away with friends in Wisconsin.
So it appears to be the case that he did in fact have an intervention (see Ron’s comment below) which resulted in a return to sanity for a few weeks while he was in Wisconsin with friends. Unfortunately as soon as he got back to Inglewood, CA he hit the meth pipe hard and regressed back into psychosis:
It’s funny but only up to a point:
Today he makes a post implying that he plans on taking his own life:
Reference the post (a few posts down) I made earlier about MJM seeming to get his shit back together while away with friends in Wisconsin.
So it appears to be the case that he did in fact have an intervention (see Ron’s comment below) which resulted in a return to sanity. Unfortunately as soon as he returned he went back on drugs:
It’s funny but only up to a point:
Today he makes a post implying that he plans on taking his own life:
This video speaks for itself really. He says very clearly that he is having fantasies of killing a woman at his hostel.
Deeply disturbing.
Also, here’s a Facebook post where he basically says the same stuff. Look at the last few paragraphs and the creepy photo he took:
Bryan Tew has flown around the world in the last couple of weeks after finally leaving Ecuador. He makes stops at various cities on his way to Europa/Asia since he can’t afford direct tickets.
He has not found a destination he feels comfortable in yet, all of the cities so far have been bad for him.
Here he is in Bogota right after leaving Quito harassing a street bum:
He made his way to Frankfurt for a layover and then onto Hong Kong. In Hong Kong he went to a clinic and was prescribed unspecified medication but did not receive it because he had an altercation with another patient in the office. He promptly left HK because of this incident.
He then makes his way to Belgrade, Serbia. He has an awkward encounter with a fellow hostel guest:
Bryan Tew then makes his way to a local festival where he creeps on children:
He decides that Serbia is not a good place for him so he travels to Rome. He makes several videos of the Colosseum where he finds more stalkers and perps:
Rome doesn’t work for him so he makes his way back to the airport. According to his Facebook post, he has purchased a ticket for Munich.
In other posts, he says he intends to return to Quito so that he can continue his asylum claim, even though he has previously trashed the Ecuadorean government for being part of the mind control paradigm.