Not much going on with Bryan the past few months. The highlight continues to be his frivolous lawsuit against Spain (see: Bryan Tew files bogus lawsuit against Spain).
There are no updates to his case – the last update was Bryan hiring a firm that specializes in international legal process to formally serve Spain (the nation) with his lawsuit which happened back in April. The suit was served as far as I know but Spain has not responded yet.
The latest stuff from Bryan:
Bryan meets with some attorneys who were appointed to represent him in his asylum case. Boring:
Bryan discovers a video YouTube user “Meegs B” made about Bryan a few years ago and is incredibly upset. If anyone remembers, Meegs thought Bryan used to be “Brian” but became a victim of the Mandela Effect and turned into “Bryan” because of nefarious activity involving time machines and what not.
Bryan is very upset that she made this video and accuses her of being a “perp”. (Video is on Bitchute):
Bryan pens a letter to his asylum attorneys making a demand that he be allowed to visit Cuba to seek medical treatment. I don’t know if Bryan makes these ridiculous demands with any expectation of getting what he wants. He’s way more needy than actual refugees from war-torn regions who arrive in the country on boats with no possessions.
The last I heard, Bryan was banned from returning to Cuba (he’s talked about it several times, including recently) so I don’t understand why he thinks he can return.