It’s official! All of his appeals were exhausted and he was put on board a plane back to Newark, New Jersey.
Bryan has a ticket to Montevideo, Uruguay. The last time he was there he was slurring the Uruguayans and calling them things like “peasants” but is going to come crawling back asking for asylum again.
That’s it. That’s the post. Sorry, not much to add here.
EDIT: I’m leaning towards this being fake at this point. Flame me if you want.
Came across this today. Posted by the “Darnell Williams” troll account. I am assuming it is a real arrest report, so just take it with some skepticism until there’s more confirmation.
I wish it was posted without all the laughing and guffaws so that there is a higher chance of people taking this more seriously.
I would add this is NOT the first time Candy has been accused of molesting children. Candy’s twin, Brandy, has accused Candy of molesting her daughter Raven.
I’m kinda not in the mood right now to check court records but it seems obvious that this arrest didn’t go much further, at least into any serious jail time. I am curious and maybe I will go digging around to see what the actual disposition of this charge was.
I am also surprised that the minor victim’s name and address would be releasable but I don’t profess to be a legal expert.
I do know at one point Candy was doing some kind of part time job at an elementary school (or at least that’s how I remembered it). I think it was in Pensacola but not really sure. A couple of years ago. One of my rotating images of Candy is actually a selfie from that job IIRC. Even if there wasn’t a conviction, I’m surprised that Candy would be allowed to set foot in an elementary school with that kind of arrest record.
As you may have read in the comments section of the previous Bryan Tew thread, Bryan booked a ticket to Tallinn, Estonia that required him to change planes in Stockholm, Sweden on Friday/Saturday.
Bryan was deported from Sweden last month so it probably wasn’t the best idea for to go back. Apparently he was going to be deported a second time but instead of accepting deportation, he chose to apply for asylum. In Sweden this means being detained in an asylum camp with apparently limited internet access.
Knowing how Bryan is terminally online, I do not expect him to stay very long and will probably choose to be deported. Some Facebook links below the screenshot.
This was just a comment in the previous discussion but I decided to make it its own post for prominence.
Candy and her somewhat more sane sister Brandy announced the passing of their brother Wyatt Grandpre, I think it was week before last.
(Please note, this is not a commentary about Wyatt but rather the feud between the two sisters Candy and Brandy and Candy’s disrespectful behavior towards her family)
Candy’s sister and several other members of the family gathered in New Orleans for Wyatt’s funeral. I haven’t watched every video published between Candy and Brandy but I gather that Candy’s access to the funeral and the rest of her family was severely curtailed.
Brandy says Candy was massively disrespecting Wyatt by calling him a perp and a gangstalker, even after he died she kept talking shit about him on her channel. She’s not wrong, here’s a video of Candy doing exactly that:
Notice Candy’s absence from the funeral program (below):
I also noticed the Aaliyah music Brandy added. I have nothing against Aaliyah btw, just noting it because Candy has an extreme visceral hatred for Aaliyah for some reason that I do not understand.
Brandy says this was an entire family decision to ban Candy.
I believe Brandy because of the next clip. I believe this is the AirBNB that she said was rented for the family somewhere in the NOLA area. Apparently one of the family members did not take kindly to Candy getting in everyone’s face with a phone: