I commented about this on the previous post but it deserves to be mentioned in its own post.
Bryan says another veteran elbowed him, likely unintentionally, and Bryan responded by shoving him, cursing him out, and trying to get him to fight him:
Of course Bryan’s reaction is perfectly normal and totally reasonable. Unfortunately the VA does not see it that way and has chosen to eject Bryan from his ”pallet shelter” for violating the VA’s zero tolerance rule on violence:
Do I feel sorry for Bryan? No, he has acted out this way on numerous occasions over the years. It’s why Bryan is missing so many teeth and why his back/shoulder is messed up as badly as it is. He keeps starting fights, getting his ass kicked, and losing with no remorse.
Bryan is lucky that the other guy didn’t take a swing at him and knock out his remaining teeth. But what Bryan didn’t receive in physical injury he received in loss of shelter placement.
He hasn’t learned his lesson before and likely hasn’t learned it now. He blames everyone else but himself.