It’s official! All of his appeals were exhausted and he was put on board a plane back to Newark, New Jersey.
Bryan has a ticket to Montevideo, Uruguay. The last time he was there he was slurring the Uruguayans and calling them things like “peasants” but is going to come crawling back asking for asylum again.
That’s it. That’s the post. Sorry, not much to add here.
As you may have read in the comments section of the previous Bryan Tew thread, Bryan booked a ticket to Tallinn, Estonia that required him to change planes in Stockholm, Sweden on Friday/Saturday.
Bryan was deported from Sweden last month so it probably wasn’t the best idea for to go back. Apparently he was going to be deported a second time but instead of accepting deportation, he chose to apply for asylum. In Sweden this means being detained in an asylum camp with apparently limited internet access.
Knowing how Bryan is terminally online, I do not expect him to stay very long and will probably choose to be deported. Some Facebook links below the screenshot.
EDIT: Bryan had planned on leaving on 9/1 and even made a video from the secure side of the airport terminal, but it appears he failed to make his flight.
EDIT: On 9/6 Bryan finally booked another ticket and made it to Paris, France. Where he is going from here, I do not know.
Well it turns out Bryan ended up traveling to Finland where he thought he could sneak across the border into Russia. The Finnish border guards did not let him proceed and ended up briefly detaining him before turning him around. (We commented on how this could have been avoided by Bryan simply reading the news and researching the current situation on strained Euro-Russo relations).
Bryan immediately pivoted to South America where he made a trek between Peru, Brazil, Chile, and Uruguay. Bryan was briefly detained by Chilean customs for being the only gringo on a bus full of travelers crossing their border and had some miscommunications with the customs officers.
He ended up in the progressive nation of Uruguay where he applied for asylum, only to whine about how the nebulous “they” were still attacking him after he applied which seemed to be proof to Bryan that Uruguay was part of the conspiracy. He ended up leaving in a huff after a minor police incident that was the result of him harassing and berating a travel agent and came back to America to “receive medical treatment”.
In the past 3-4 weeks Bryan has been back, he has received no medical treatment and missed several more doctor’s appointments. (Funny how Bryan puts almost no effort into getting treated but will invest all this time and energy in vacations…)
Please read that last post’s comments to get more details, those are just a few highlights!
Today (9/1/24) I see that Bryan is at JFK Airport yet again, waiting for a flight to Paris’ Charles de Gaulle Airport. Presumably Bryan has intentions to travel beyond France, but this is the only part of his itinerary he is sharing:
We might possibly have some clues where he is looking to go. Two working theories:
One, he is still claiming to be an asylee in Uruguay. I have doubts that the government of Uruguay still recognizes him as an applicant for asylum after leaving Uruguay of his own free will and means, and it doesn’t look favorably upon him that he willingly chose to go back to the country that is supposedly threatening his life. He might try to return and continue pursuing this.
Two, last night he posted this (below) claiming he is trying to reach news outlets in South Africa (!!) to beg for asylum. I’m not sure how the local news is going to help him. The post-apartheid government of South Africa is not likely to be overly accommodating to him, a white man, neither are any of the other post-liberation governments of other former colonial outposts.
I mean I shouldn’t have to say this, but these countries are run by people who know, painfully, what real oppression looks like with many of their leaders having been alive during some of it, and memories of fore-bearers having lived through it are taught in extensive detail. I can’t see any of them being sympathetic, and if anything, they might just be offended by some clown who claims his schizophrenic experiences are somehow worse than what they’ve endured.
Bryan has been warned repeatedly to not use the phone while driving. I’ve told him many times not to do it and that he would wreck if he keeps doing it. He has also been cited by the Moonachie, NJ Police (who provides patrols for Teterboro, where he received his citation) for the same thing.
He doesn’t care and likely holds himself blameless for this. He blames “they” or “them”, i.e. the mythical CIA agents or CIA contractors who he believes are making him feel unwell.
The only thing good here is that it appears this was a low-speed wreck involving only him. I’ve seen Bryan on the highway making these retarded “they’re torturing me” videos around hundreds of people. Bryan even has one video where he’s complaining about his burning lust for Rafael Nadal while speeding down the highway.
Maybe he was too busy fantasizing about Rafael Nadal or mourning his absence from Wimbledon 2024.
Bonus Clip: Bryan Tew gets into a verbal altercation with a random dude (trucker maybe?) in what I believe is the parking lot at the Walmart in Teterboro, NJ.
This is extremely inadvisable behavior for Bryan. Bryan is not in any physical condition for a fight. He would lose and lose badly. I can imagine the other guy landing a single punch on Bryan and Bryan getting laid out on the ground.
Part of me wants to see Bryan get hurt after threatening someone but there’s no point and he would learn absolutely nothing from it.
Bryan is just lucky that this dude has a lot of self-restraint, otherwise we could see Bryan with additional spinal injuries and/or aggravation of his existing injuries rendering him effectively a cripple.