Bryan Tew Leaves the United States Again (EDIT Again: Finally Left)

EDIT: Bryan had planned on leaving on 9/1 and even made a video from the secure side of the airport terminal, but it appears he failed to make his flight.

EDIT: On 9/6 Bryan finally booked another ticket and made it to Paris, France. Where he is going from here, I do not know.

Just to catch up with the last post (in mid-July) where Bryan Tew had a fender-bender on the way to the JFK Airport:

Well it turns out Bryan ended up traveling to Finland where he thought he could sneak across the border into Russia. The Finnish border guards did not let him proceed and ended up briefly detaining him before turning him around. (We commented on how this could have been avoided by Bryan simply reading the news and researching the current situation on strained Euro-Russo relations).

Bryan immediately pivoted to South America where he made a trek between Peru, Brazil, Chile, and Uruguay. Bryan was briefly detained by Chilean customs for being the only gringo on a bus full of travelers crossing their border and had some miscommunications with the customs officers.

He ended up in the progressive nation of Uruguay where he applied for asylum, only to whine about how the nebulous “they” were still attacking him after he applied which seemed to be proof to Bryan that Uruguay was part of the conspiracy. He ended up leaving in a huff after a minor police incident that was the result of him harassing and berating a travel agent and came back to America to “receive medical treatment”.

In the past 3-4 weeks Bryan has been back, he has received no medical treatment and missed several more doctor’s appointments. (Funny how Bryan puts almost no effort into getting treated but will invest all this time and energy in vacations…)

Please read that last post’s comments to get more details, those are just a few highlights!

Today (9/1/24) I see that Bryan is at JFK Airport yet again, waiting for a flight to Paris’ Charles de Gaulle Airport. Presumably Bryan has intentions to travel beyond France, but this is the only part of his itinerary he is sharing:

We might possibly have some clues where he is looking to go. Two working theories:

One, he is still claiming to be an asylee in Uruguay. I have doubts that the government of Uruguay still recognizes him as an applicant for asylum after leaving Uruguay of his own free will and means, and it doesn’t look favorably upon him that he willingly chose to go back to the country that is supposedly threatening his life. He might try to return and continue pursuing this.

Two, last night he posted this (below) claiming he is trying to reach news outlets in South Africa (!!) to beg for asylum. I’m not sure how the local news is going to help him. The post-apartheid government of South Africa is not likely to be overly accommodating to him, a white man, neither are any of the other post-liberation governments of other former colonial outposts.

I mean I shouldn’t have to say this, but these countries are run by people who know, painfully, what real oppression looks like with many of their leaders having been alive during some of it, and memories of fore-bearers having lived through it are taught in extensive detail. I can’t see any of them being sympathetic, and if anything, they might just be offended by some clown who claims his schizophrenic experiences are somehow worse than what they’ve endured.

31 thoughts on “Bryan Tew Leaves the United States Again (EDIT Again: Finally Left)”

  1. Bryan flew back to Frankfurt and he says that he’s been “arrested” by the airport police because he told them that he was flying to Russia.

    Just like when he left Serbia, if Bryan Tew is so desperate to get to Russia, I don’t understand why he left a country with several daily flights direct to Moscow via Turkish Airlines to go to a country with no such flights.

      • Bryan says the airport cops have contacted / are contacting the US State Department and Homeland Security.

        I can’t speak for Germany but it is currently still legal for Americans to travel to Russia.

        However I think it has more to do with the fact that Bryan actually is very obviously mentally ill and in poor health. (Not that either of those are crimes, but Germany probably doesn’t want a basket case American with lots of medical needs bumming around their airport and eventually becoming someone they have to pay to care for).

        I think it was 2-3 years ago Bryan got deported from Germany before? I think he applied for asylum but they told him to fuck off and ended up putting him on the next plane out of the country.

        Don’t remember all the details, except that at the time he called a human rights organization in Germany and one of the employees working there was almost as nutty as Bryan was and made a video referencing me as evidence of the CIA conspiracy against Bryan.

    • weather or not, there’s stalking, (stalking, in the general way, is real, but, whatever, that’s Not the discussion I’m trying to make, anyways…..) or advanced stalking, or not, whatever, Bryan Tew, said again, seems to be putting On a melodramatic act, because one day, like in some more older and former videos of his: one day, he’s on crutches, then another day, he’s jumping into the ocean or sea?? or some ocean, or sea?? from some low level rocks, near the beach?? or a beach?? (where was that at???) (not saying he’s not being attacked, whatever) it just seems like he Is putting on an act, lots of times, even the act, of being so called (crazy), but, anyways: let’s just say, that he is or did actually work for or at a USA Government agency, that employs or employed people, looking for a job or jobs, in the USA Government job or jobs places, like That. It seems like he’s actually working both sides, of the fence, or fences, or might be, because: lots of other people on you tube have said, or called him out, for seeming too good to be true, sometimes, you know?? and, if a crime or crimes like this, are going on, like generally, general view, of being attacked and assaulted, in a grocery store parking lot, or a clothing store parking lot, type or types of a situation, he sure Isn’t/Not doing attack and assault victims, any type of justice, nope. again: others say on you tube: he might be an employed actor, putting on a really good show, his most recent you tube videos, Above, just seems like he’s putting on an act, lots of times, he makes his video, on you tube, Doesn’t It??? (again: I’m not saying that people don’t/not get attacked, and assaulted (general view) it’s just that It seems like Bryan Tew, is putting on an Act, to make possible people, who have been in (general view) types of situations like that, out to Be Easily Dismissed) he might very well, be an actor, like a hired actor, like when one does general, local, stage productions, like at a local live show or shows, stage productions, locally, Doesn’t It though?? yeah, he seems Really scripted!! makes one go hmmm, doesn’t it?? he’s NOT what he SEEMS to Be, does he?? anybody or anyone know, if he’s ever been to acting classes, maybe???

    • hate to say it, or be mean, about him but: he seems to be putting on an Act, and I have my doubts about him, in Lots of his you tube videos, I do. maybe the first few you tube videos of his, ( I really need to get a life offline again, generally speaking, even in these social troubled current times lol) saying, and stating: I’m being assaulted and attacked, (general social view) but: after awhile, it just becomes silly, and goofy, and stupid, him sliding down into car and vehicle seats, and off of benches, vice versa, it’s no longer even (beneficial) (information) now, if ever, he just does the Same you tube videos, over, and Over again……..NOT HELPFUL At all, Nope. I’ve seen Better, Actual Detective Shows On TV (yeah, TV, the boob toob lol) That Actually PROVIDE More Real information, on How To DEAL with Crime and Crimes, Crooks And Crook…….

    • Bryan had better behave himself in Turkey, he wouldn’t want to end up in a Turkish Prison after all.

      I wonder if him being in Istanbul means that he read my comments on places that still have direct flights to Russia and he might actually try getting to Russia from Istanbul?

      Bryan was also complaining again about still not having received the, what was it? $700K that he was awarded in the Iranian shariah court judgment even though I’ve been telling him that the judgment, assuming it’s even real, was that the United States government will pay Bryan that amount with the obvious problem that the United States government is well outside of the jurisdiction of an Iranian shariah court and is not going to honor a verdict from that court (which it may not even know about). There’s no money waiting for Bryan in Iran so I hope he isn’t considering flying to Tehran to pick it up.

  2. Candy Grandpre / Darnell Williams update. The Fake Darnell Williams Perp(tm) has returned from his brief self-exile and he’s back with a vengeance.

    (I guess he realized that Tobi Reed’s threats were in fact empty ones and the FBI was not interested in an stupid lolcow internet beef like I said)

    He’s making daily community posts and videos/shorts (mainly re-uploads of Candy’s videos with his trademark “black” voice and/or text added):

    Darnell re-uploaded one of Candy’s “organ squeezing” videos. I can’t link it (aren’t you glad) because the video was either reported or self-deleted. It was definitely one of the more “X” rated Candy videos, at least the audio track was. It sounded more like Candy was rubbing one out than experiencing debilitating pain from DEWs.

    Today, Candy got booted out of an Econolodge:

    Darnell is claiming credit and I am starting to believe him. The threat to get her banned was posted before Candy’s live video showing her getting banned:

  3. Bryan got into some kind of altercation with the manager of a hostel in Bucharest. It resulted in a weapon being pulled on Bryan and his luggage being broken.

    I didn’t listen to the recording, just Bryan’s explanation afterwards. Maybe there’s some context in there.

    While I don’t condone violence, Bryan has recorded his own rude and arrogant behavior all around the world and I find it far more likely that this violent reaction was a consequence of more of the same sort of behavior and far more unlikely that the CIA/DIA is going to the extraordinary effort to replace the normal manager of a hostel with a violent and aggressive one just to fuck with Bryan.

    • I listened to the confrontation and the hostel manager mentions Bryan Tew being arrested in both Chile (I know it was more of a temporary detainment for questioning than a full arrest) and in San Diego (the VA hospital incident in 2017).

      My takeaway from this is that Bryan probably gave the hostel manager a somewhat shady vibe (a disheveled-looking American probably at least twice as old as the average American backpacker who would stay at a hostel in Romania) so the manager went to Google to find dirt on Bryan and found dumptrucks of it, possibly even looking at this very website.

      • Bryan thinks the hostel manager should have no right to run background checks on would-be customers. I agree that it’s unusual but I don’t think it’s wrong. You can choose to stay somewhere else.

        Maybe the manager saw Bryan’s hands down his pants video. Or maybe he found the review for the hostel in Nicaragua (Edit – I think it was Costa Rica, actually), the one where Bryan gave them a one-star for the Internet not working, only for the hotel manager to respond saying that Bryan was caught consuming adult content in front of others (heavily implying he was beating off). Still boggles my mind that Bryan never deleted that review.

        Bryan denies he was arrested by Chilean police (I cringe every time Bryan says “Chilly”, that’s not how it’s pronounced) yet he SAYS he was arrested in the title of his own video. What a dumbass.

        • CRIMES in this world, DO HAPPEN, Mister Stefan Adams, however, one statement, I’ve FINALLY have been LEARNING over these last few years, of this social reshuffling, of social ways IS: NOBODY AND NO ONE, vice versa, OVER ALL, in this WORLD And SOCIETY, really even GIVES a FREAK, OVER ALL, maybe they NEVER really did, Neither, Mister Stefan Adams??? also: Bryan Tew might be saying SOME Truths, about CRIME and CRIMES happening to Him, and CRIME or CRIMES, generally happening In this world and society Too, whatever,…..BUT again: most all of His videos, are mostly about Him, sliding down and downwards, into car and vehicle seat or seats, bench or benches, vice versa, Yeah, THAT’s Really Going To (help) His life situation, currently, and other wise, with the CROOKS And CRIMINALS, And JERKS of This world and society……..also: How’d He even Get started, on Hopping and Travelling Around the world and society, to begin with, Mister Stefan Adams?? just asking, is all…….well, I’m Off To go watch more videos, about Narcissists And Narcissism………because of a rude attention seeking You Tube user, named: Jan C. Brennan, who might very well still be lurking around online, in the background, of my life, since fall and summer, of 2019, Though She basically TOLD Me, to STOP CONTACTING Her Then, UHG!! URG!! Freaking 2019 Already GAH!! Give IT Up Jan C. Brennan, There’s NO (friendship) here, and NEVER Won’t Be, And NEVER Was, Lady, NOPE. I should of NEVER gotten onto Fools Tube, back in 2017, though I’m NO longer ON Fools Tube, Narcissist Jan, Chased Me Off Of Fools Tube, Because I called Her RUDE Butt OUT!!!! joys of social media, hey??? (NOT Her FIRST And ONLY Time, Around the Computer Chat Room Block Or Blocks, hey Jan????) (from the first known dial up sound coming online LOL)

          • The only “truths” Bryan Tew has is his past diagnosis of paranoid delusions. Just like ALL the TIs I have ever followed. And there are studies that show it is just that, an “internet shared delusion, akin to the thing known as “folie à deux,” something known for hundreds of years. We just no longer have institutions and medical autonomy, so people found to be mentally ill do not have to get proper treatment and then they meet on the web.
            And share their symptoms, vague enough someone who is also paranoid and/or delusional can see lists of things and think, “Hey, that happens to me, too.”
            The “vague” part is shown by the silly “tactics” TIs, for which all TIs look. But it is things like “seeing people wearing red,” like not wearing red is a very common thing to see. Or seeing people talking on their phones. Or my personal favorite, seeing white, black, and gray/silver cars en mass; the problem with this is those colors “white-black scale” account for just over 70% of the vehicles sold in the US. That means EVERYONE sees more of those cars, because there are more of them. I looked myself one day and the only car not white or black in three rows at my local Kroger’s was gold, and it was mine. Am I a TI? No. I understand statistics. TI’S are deluded and do not.
            Bryan’s “hypergame theory” schtick is wrong, breaking the cardinal rule of what a “hypergame” means, but I saw several references to it being used by Bryan from other TIs, so I researched. The other TIs use HG theory because Bryan Tew says it, so it’s a big circle jerk. Candy Grandpre says one tactic is GangStalkers drive with their arm on the windows sill of the car, something she personally does not think safe. She said she saw other TIs say the same thing, but those TIs only looked after they saw her SUGGEST it.
            TIs all base everything on things other people suggest to them. I made a suggestion to Candy about something more personal vibrating, and not just her feet, and she lapped that up and admitted, yeah that happened to Herr, too. And she still talks about it. It took her a few minutes.
            The real clue to a normal thinking person should be how every single TI has a different, who, what, where, when, and why. That is not a gang,a group, a church, a shadow government agency, or anything approaching an organized program, it is a bunch of individuals with their own problems and delusions, trying to find someone to listen to them. So they all overlook all the other stories from everyone else, and share the little points they can, like seeing white cars and people with red shirts, and think they are alike.
            It is funny if it wasn’t also so sad. They all need medical treatment, and possibly permanent assisted living. Even if it is forced upon them. Many get SSDI, and the rules say they have to get mental health treatment and be compliant, but they don’t enforce that. Which enables them to continue to think that someone driving by in a white car, wearing a red shirt, with their elbow resting on the padded window sill are trying to sex-traffick or kill them.
            Until they get treatment, they will have no peace, no hope, and no real life.
            And share it all on the internet to poison more people who need help, too.

        • what’s really Hurtful is: I Really Did Want to BE a friend or friends, with and to you tube Narcissist, Jan C. Brennan, but all a Witch like That is Concerned about Is: Getting Attention, from the start, and Narcissistic Supply, from Anyone Anybody Everyone Everybody, she Possibly CAN!!! I didn’t and not go out there, looking or stalking for Jan C. Brennan, nope, I just wanted to generally go, and feel wanted and needed and Wanted some attention of my own lol (I Sure DID lol) (in a freaking computer chat room or rooms, of all things Lol) because even back then in 2019 and 2018 and 2017, NOT Many social relations, offline, for Quite Awhile, nope. and then the 2020 Stuff happened, and It put off social relations offline, more off………some friendship, NOT!!!

        • Bedsy in Bucharest doesn’t seem to be part of a hostel chain as far as I can find so, if the hostel manager gets a bad vibe from a customer, they can fairly safely ban that customer without having to worry about that customer than contacting their corporate headquarters to complain.

          There’s not really any corporate decorum to uphold that might discourage managers from (admitting to) Googling for information customers who give them a bad vibe.

          • to Star Bricker (real name) (is it???) honey, or dude, vice versa, whatever, or whoever, vice versa: One time a few months ago on either Here, or another Place online, like This place: plain Stalking, is a real thing, but: put another word on it, like: (gang) stalking, then suddenly, the action and event, of Stalking, becomes something (mental) I was actually agreeing, that Bryan Tew, is a bit Dramatic, Star Bricker, but: Stalking does happen, because this whole world and society, is just a goofy, Welcome To Planet of the Fools??? often times angry, mixed up place, even on the better days, Star Bricker. I got attacked and assaulted, and nearly raped, here in Texas/TX. back in August of 2021, just going out on a summer evening, to go get something to eat, from fast food, the man or guy, was probably just released, from jail or prison, and I Had To Defend myself, and He was a Big guy or man, I thought I was Dead for sure, Star Bricker. Obviously, but: I didn’t/not start screaming or hollering: I’m a TI or anything like that, but: it makes One Really Have To Wonder About This Life, And World, sometimes, Star Bricker……why not just call them Stalkers, to begin with?? (stalking is real) (Definition Of Stalking, Even On Wikipedia) because using the name of (gang) stalker, makes it into a conspiracy, on Both sides of the discussion. living in this life, Is a challenge, and it can Be Cruel. but Again Yes: Bryan Tew, does get dramatic, sometimes it seems like He’s acting, some people on You Tube, have said, even if there might be something going on, Bryan Tew does make it seem like an act, Star Bricker…….fifteen minutes of fame???? I dunno……

  4. Bryan is now in Belgrade, Serbia.

    Don’t know if he’s going to stay here and apply for asylum or what. He did just yesterday say “they” were making it hard for him to search for flights and said it was “illegal” for “them” to be impeding his access to “asylum flights”.

    He’s treating the airport as his own personal bed and breakfast (much like Candy prior to her banishment from MSY).

    A guy is sitting in a seat near Bryan and doing normal airport things like taking a phone call, Bryan grossly exaggerates and says he is “yelling” into his phone (I listened and it was nowhere near yelling). He might not be quite as possessive as Candy but he is getting there with the way he wants to take ownership of that entire bench.

    • It could be that he’s planning on flying to Russia considering that, if I remember correctly, Serbia is one of the few countries in Europe (besides Turkey, if you count that as Europe) that still has direct flights to Russia.

      Whether or not Bryan can even get on a plane to Russia without a visa, I have no idea.

      • Bryan’s now “stranded” in Bucharest, Romania (he seems to be in a hotel or hostel). He says he wanted to go to Hungary to get to Russia but he doesn’t really say what happened to cause him to fly to Romania instead.

        I’m not sure why he didn’t just try flying to Russia from Belgrade since Belgrade has direct flights to Russia unless my earlier suspicion was correct and airlines won’t even let him book a flight to Russia without a visa.

        • I was typing out a reply earlier but I forgot to hit send. Bryan says he is having banking issues and doesn’t have access to money anymore.

          I think the issue is with Coinbase (his crypto trading platform). He just posted something to Facebook showing his Coinbase account is locked for an unspecified reason.

          Crypto is rife with scams and people trying to steal from others, including hacking into wallets and that sort of thing. I’m sure Coinbase has paranoid security and Bryan’s accessing of his account from several eastern European countries is likely playing a role in triggering the lockdown.

          I don’t know if you caught it, but Bryan was having problems getting his luggage in Belgrade. He says his bag never showed up at the carousel. I didn’t mention it since I just assumed it would show up there or in the baggage claim office eventually.

          Well Bryan is in Romania now and apparently he is still without his baggage. That really sucks for him!

          I don’t understand why he left the airport in Belgrade. I mean I wouldn’t be doing all the dumb shit he’s doing to begin with but I think it would be prudent to stay at the airport for at least a few more days to see if they can track it down, file a police report, that sort of thing. He just up and left instead of trying to at least get them to look at surveillance cameras and that sort of thing to see if his bag was ever there and someone took it or what.

          • Bryan says he locked his Coinbase account himself due to having, I guess, his extra phones / iPads / laptops in his missing luggage that have access to his Coinbase account.

            Does he have “Find My” turned on any of his devices? Didn’t put an Airtag in his luggage? Could have located his missing stuff really quickly.

  5. Bryan is now in Paris, France. He’s seen laying on the floor of the Charles de Gaulle Airport in Paris. Unknown destination or if he ends up staying in Paris for any length of time.

    • Whaddya think? Two, three weeks before returning to the United States? I know he has more money accessible to hime than he did a couple of months ago but he could have a trillion dollars and still be in no condition to travel outside of the United States for an extended period of time because of all the medical appointments he misses (and the doctors he sees overseas rarely seem to do more than give him the diagnoses and medications he’s looking for).

      • If he wants prescription drugs, then Latin America is probably where he should be.

        To Bryan’s credit, I have not seen him show off his huge hauls of prescription narcotics like he used to do. It almost seemed like a boast when he would show off to the camera how many controlled substances he got prescribed from the doctor in Ecuador (or wherever it happens to be).

        Only thing I’ve seen him show off in America recently is Propecia and Metoprolol (neither of which have addiction potential). Too far from the Mexican border now that he’s in New York / New Jersey (Canada won’t give away narcotics like candy so that’s not a viable option). It’s great if he’s actually cleaned up his substance abuse problem.

        I still don’t understand what Bryan is planning on doing now that he’s in Paris.

        He’s moping around the airport making dumb videos. He’s just laying on the ground crying about his heart in most of them but ends up in (I think) a mostly empty cafe making a 20 minute rant about how “they” are forcing him to utter words he doesn’t want to utter.

        He mentioned renting a car but being too drowsy to drive. Again, I’ll give Bryan credit for actually restraining himself from causing an international incident in a rental car. We’ll see how long that lasts.

  6. Bryan has approx. $70,000 kept as various cryptocurrencies. I am guessing this is how he is storing his VA award for PTSD after having bad luck with the banks.

    While I have dabbled in crypto before, I would say it is very inadvisable to store large amounts of money like this. Those currencies are very volatile and are subject to wide swings, swings way worse than the stock market, and are not insured at all. He’s already down about $4000.

    Of course it can work the other way, but it’s just not a good way to guarantee returns like the stock market does over time. If he needs this money 6 months from now and he ends up being down 20%, those losses are locked in as soon as he sells. Crypto is a purely speculative asset and isn’t tied to anything real.

    There are stablecoins pegged to the US Dollar like the USDC that would be better .. but it’s still risky compared to an FDIC insured bank. But whatever, why am I trying to give a paranoid schizo financial advice?

  7. Free tip for Bryan if he is going to Africa, Namibia is relatively much safer than South Africa is these days and it has the second-largest white minority population in South Africa, especially in Windhoek, so he wouldn’t stand out as much as he would anywhere else in Africa.

    • [Namibia] has the second-largest white minority population in South Africa

      Minor correction, I meant south-Saharan Africa, not the country South Africa.

  8. Bryan is full of himself today. He posts the video of JFK being assassinated (content warning, click at your own risk, etc.) followed by various clips of Bryan making funny faces at the camera, etc.

    Yes Bryan, your schizophrenia and health conditions that you refuse to get treated properly is equivalent to or worse than JFK being assassinated.

  9. It appears Bryan did not make his flight yesterday as he is now posting new itinerary claiming a new departure date of 9/5, which remains to be seen.

    In other news, Bryan has been self-diagnosing himself with congestive heart failure for the past couple of years now. In this video that was published this morning (unknown if the video was recorded this morning) he repeats his self-diagnosis of CHF:

    While I have no doubts that Bryan is not a healthy person, he is such a frequent flyer in the cardiology unit at the ER that he would have been diagnosed with it already if he really was suffering from CHF.


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