Bryan Tew Leaves the United States Again (EDIT Again: Finally Left)

EDIT: Bryan had planned on leaving on 9/1 and even made a video from the secure side of the airport terminal, but it appears he failed to make his flight.

EDIT: On 9/6 Bryan finally booked another ticket and made it to Paris, France. Where he is going from here, I do not know.

Just to catch up with the last post (in mid-July) where Bryan Tew had a fender-bender on the way to the JFK Airport:

Well it turns out Bryan ended up traveling to Finland where he thought he could sneak across the border into Russia. The Finnish border guards did not let him proceed and ended up briefly detaining him before turning him around. (We commented on how this could have been avoided by Bryan simply reading the news and researching the current situation on strained Euro-Russo relations).

Bryan immediately pivoted to South America where he made a trek between Peru, Brazil, Chile, and Uruguay. Bryan was briefly detained by Chilean customs for being the only gringo on a bus full of travelers crossing their border and had some miscommunications with the customs officers.

He ended up in the progressive nation of Uruguay where he applied for asylum, only to whine about how the nebulous “they” were still attacking him after he applied which seemed to be proof to Bryan that Uruguay was part of the conspiracy. He ended up leaving in a huff after a minor police incident that was the result of him harassing and berating a travel agent and came back to America to “receive medical treatment”.

In the past 3-4 weeks Bryan has been back, he has received no medical treatment and missed several more doctor’s appointments. (Funny how Bryan puts almost no effort into getting treated but will invest all this time and energy in vacations…)

Please read that last post’s comments to get more details, those are just a few highlights!

Today (9/1/24) I see that Bryan is at JFK Airport yet again, waiting for a flight to Paris’ Charles de Gaulle Airport. Presumably Bryan has intentions to travel beyond France, but this is the only part of his itinerary he is sharing:

We might possibly have some clues where he is looking to go. Two working theories:

One, he is still claiming to be an asylee in Uruguay. I have doubts that the government of Uruguay still recognizes him as an applicant for asylum after leaving Uruguay of his own free will and means, and it doesn’t look favorably upon him that he willingly chose to go back to the country that is supposedly threatening his life. He might try to return and continue pursuing this.

Two, last night he posted this (below) claiming he is trying to reach news outlets in South Africa (!!) to beg for asylum. I’m not sure how the local news is going to help him. The post-apartheid government of South Africa is not likely to be overly accommodating to him, a white man, neither are any of the other post-liberation governments of other former colonial outposts.

I mean I shouldn’t have to say this, but these countries are run by people who know, painfully, what real oppression looks like with many of their leaders having been alive during some of it, and memories of fore-bearers having lived through it are taught in extensive detail. I can’t see any of them being sympathetic, and if anything, they might just be offended by some clown who claims his schizophrenic experiences are somehow worse than what they’ve endured.

81 thoughts on “Bryan Tew Leaves the United States Again (EDIT Again: Finally Left)”

  1. Bryan has a new haircut. I call it the “boomer haircut”. For some reason it reminds me of Hank Hill’s father Cotton from KOTH.

    He ends up in the hospital again, presumably for his non-existent heart issues. There’s a recording of Bryan in a cardiology clinic earlier this week where the doctor says nothing is seriously wrong with his heart. Bryan doesn’t accept it.

    • Bryan has been determined by countless medical professionals to not be having any serious heart problems beyond his high blood pressure (If I’ve missed something that he’s posted where a doctor actually says he has a serious cardiovascular medical condition – let me know).

      Bryan insists that his heart is severely damaged but has no evidence for it beyond frantic videos where it sounds like he is having an anxiety attack and his heart is beating ~150bpm.

      I’m not a doctor but I’d say it is a combination of being very out of shape and the constant anxiety. Being out of shape means your heart has to work harder to do ordinary things. That’s not super healthy but it’s not in of itself a sign of “damage”.

      Bryan thinks all of his doctors are being tipped off or “gotten to” by the CIA and told to hide his true diagnosis of congestive heart failure. Bryan does a bit of what I think is acting or exaggeration and coughs profusely for the camera.

      (FWIW – I have a bit of chronic sinus troubles myself, and during allergy season I can sometimes have coughing fits caused by the sinus drainage down my throat. I don’t know if Bryan has something like that, but I definitely do not have congestive heart failure. Coughing fits =/= CHF).

      Anyway, all of this is just context for Bryan thinking he cannot get honest medical treatment here in the USA and is AGAIN trying to leave the United States for Russia.

      This time he’s trying to book a ticket to Tallin, Estonia thinking he can get to Russia that way. However he’s having some difficulty booking the ticket. Here he is frantically and rudely arguing with a booking agent about his account being depleted of funds but unable to find the ticket he claims to have booked.

      (I don’t really know what happened – I’m not taking a position other than commenting on Bryan’s aggressive rudeness and the ridiculous fiction of this being a “life or death” thing for him.)

      • and: Two Tickets To Paradise Lol I GOT TWO TICKETS To PARADISE……How Many Weeks Are You Staying?? or Planning On Staying MAAM?? TWO WEEKS!! What??? TWO WEEKS!!!! total recall movie or film

      • It would be hilarious if Bryan gets to Tallinn and rents a car only to be turned around at the border again, this time not because the border between Estonia and Russia is completely closed as it was in Finland (the highway border crossings from Estonia are still open, for now) but rather because he doesn’t have a visa to get into Russia (unless he got one without publicly posting about it, which I suppose is a possibility).

        The only way to get into Russia without a visa was by ferry to St. Petersburg and those ferries probably won’t be running again without regime change in Russia.

        • He didn’t make it to Estonia. He had a plane change in Sweden and was apparently arrested or detained by Swedish border police pretty soon after getting off.

          It’s not clear to me if Bryan actually tried to cross the customs checkpoint or if Swedish police recognized his name on a passenger manifest and arrested him once he got off the plane.

          I just assumed he was going to stay in the airport without crossing customs and not have any problems as a result.

          Anyway, they were about to deport him (again!) but this time he’s demanding asylum so they’re going to send him to a refugee camp. He’s whining about being sent to a “prison” with Muslims.

          As I recall, Bryan was trying to apply for asylum in a Muslim country (Iran) and even said somewhat nice things about Iran. He also spent like a couple weeks in that asylum camp in Austria a few years back. Suddenly he can’t stand Muslims. Boo hoo!

          It’s not clear if Bryan is going to continue the asylum process or accept deportation.

          • What really IS this Dude Doing Again, anyways?? sounds Way Too confusing, to me, wowwee…..again: not saying that Crimes don’t/not happen but: this guy or dude, is All Over the place…….it’s like watching some entertainment show, except: although it’s entertaining, it’s also confusing, and kind of screwed up too…….also: not being dismissive here, or trying to be dismissive of Crimes or nothing like that but: It’s entertaining stuff, at least he can make others laugh or have other people have a good laugh about him, while he’s travelling around, trying to figure it all out…..Lol it’s like a TV show…….The Adventures Of Bryan Tew or Tewe or whatever…….SAME TIME, SAME PLACE……Batman theme song starts playing……..

          • I think passengers arriving in Schengen Area countries from non-Schengen Area countries such as the United States or the United Kingdom have to go through customs even if they’re only switching flights because even the secure side of the airport is part of the Schengen Area considering that there are many inter-Schengen country flights (including the one Bryan intended to take to Estonia).

        • It’s been a whole day since Bryan’s most recent Facebook post.

          I wonder if Bryan said or did something at the refugee center, perhaps during intake, that caused them to immediately send him back to the airport and deport his sorry ass back to New York?

          • Since it’s been two days of radio silence now, there’s also a small chance that Bryan has been placed in a mental hold, or “compulsory psychiatric care” as it’s called in Sweden.

            Sweden has put out an English-language pamphlet about “compulsory psychiatric care”:


            Basically, it’s a 24-hour assessment period but the patient can then be placed in involuntary treatment for up to four weeks if deemed necessary (they need a court order to hold a patient more than four weeks).

          • Bryan posted this morning. He claims he’s been shipped out to some kind of detention center. Since he chose asylum over deportation, this is what he’s getting. Bryan seems to think that demanding asylum is some sort of trump card that overrides the authority of the immigration officers to let him go on his merry way. That’s often the case here in the US but that doesn’t seem to be how it is working out for him in Sweden.

            I guess he has limited access to his belongings and if that’s the case, he’ll probably relent and beg to be deported. He’s too terminally online to just sit in a detention camp for weeks on end with no / limited access to make videos and blog posts.



  2. once again I say, in general, just my opinion is all is: (Bryan Tew/Tewe whatever Name He’s now using good Grief lol) (Just like You Tube Attention Seeker, Jan C. Brennan does Too Lol) (she meaning Jan C. Brennan, also goes by: Hugz/Hugs From Heaven, (more like HELL lol) and even Jan Newheart/Newhart (new fart and new farts too Lol hahahahaha) I think, in my opinion only, that Bryan Tew/Tewe/whatever, IS Still Employed, by His Government, The United States Government CROOKS and CRIMINALS, and CONTROL FREAKS, Total Control Freaks, yep. and I think, in my opinion only, that Those Government/United States Government Honcho Employers of His, Tells Him/Directs Him, to GO OUT There, onto whatever place or places, in This Life, even if it was old school TV (the brain and mind warping BOX!!!) (the boobtoob…..) and DO This STUFF, Of Rolling Around, and Rolling Down, into car and vehicle seats, and off of benches in airports and other places Too, Yes, HE Bryan Tew/Tewe/whatever, has Yet Another Current You Tube Video, just Today, of Rolling Around, Whining about T-Torture!!! not saying that Crimes Don’t happen BUT: I think, that Bryan Tew/Tewe/whatever, Again: Is Still Employed, By The USA (rah Rah RAH) Government, to Go Put ON a Really GOOD Show, Of Looking (KRAZY)……..because I mean: It Just Seems TOO SCRIPTED, Way Too Scripted. (again: Crimes do happen……) Bryan Tew/Tewe/whatever, SEEMS like an ACTOR though……

  3. Bryan gets run out of another church. Doesn’t mention which one, only that it’s not Times Square Church (he was trespassed from / told not to return there some months ago now).

    Bryan says his ears can’t stand to be around the church loudspeakers, so he prefers to hang outside in the lobby. He does so, but gets approached by church staff or security who presumably don’t like the idea of a disheveled person like Bryan looming behind the backs of church goers. It’s not clear what he was actually told but he ends up leaving and makes his video.

    I know Bryan also has a habit of going to church and taking creep shots of churchgoers, randomly accusing them of being gangstalkers. I don’t know if that happened here (he didn’t post anything like that – yet).

    I feel like Bryan’s issue could possibly be resolved by talking to the staff first (explaining his hearing issues), dressing normally for church, not acting like a creep / perv in church, and maybe even just wearing ear plugs to church and going inside with everyone else (again, explaining to staff what the problem is).

    There’s also the issue that churches are “soft targets” for mass shooters and it’s something that a lot of church heads think about. So someone acting funny in the lobby while service is going on would definitely set off the spidey senses of whoever has the role of church security. Especially if he’s in one of the more well-to-do suburbs and not in the urban core of New York.

    • I think, as I’ve said before To You, Mister Stefan Adams: a really GOOD actor, (weather this gangster stuff is going on or not, in society) (actually, this whole society and world, Is one big gangster stalker society, because well, just LOOK Around YOURSELF These days, Everyone And Everybody, Is Out to One Up Everyone And Everybody Else, anymore, more and more…..) (nature of the beast or beasts, hey???) but yeah, I think He’s putting On a really Good act (choke, Choke, wheeze, Wheeze) (HELP Me Obi Wan Kenobi, I’m being Bothered, by The Light beams, AGAIN gah!!!) (maybe the first few times, one is like: Ok, so there’s Advanced Technology, with the maybe possible ability, to cause some harm to people, BUT: how many Damn Videos, saying the SAME thing, over and Over again, (and His videos about Stuff like This, could be from: 2020, or 2010, or 2000, and so on back, or: who even actually Knows when??) (All of His videos about this issue, all seem the SAME!!!) again: Not so much (mental) (or whatever else) than a really possibly Good Actor, probably Hired?? by the Big Wig Honchos, He says or said He used to work for?? HE Still is Working For those Big Wig Honchos, even now currently, and: The Big Honchos, Have TRAINED Him VERY Well!! like a Jedi?? lol also: He also Acts like an entitled southern boy?? He’s FOUND His Stage Production Lot in life, hey??? as You’ve said yourself, Mister Stefan Adams……Where exactly IS He From, originally, Mister Stefan Adams?? He sounds like He might be from Alabama?? or Georgia?? or even the Carolinas?? also: I’m NOT trying to dismiss crimes or anything like that, Mister Stefan Adams, I’m just saying: That Lots Of His Videos, Seem Very Scripted, like He’s being paid?? to Act this stuff out??

  4. After over a year of radio silence, Vulcan Wolverine has posted his first video since August 2023.

    I didn’t think that Kyle had died or anything like that and he wasn’t in jail in Baton Rouge as far as I could tell from online jail rosters but I had hoped that his long absence from posting anything on the Internet meant that he’d gotten mental help. That’s not what happened. Instead, he fled to Tuktoyaktuk, an Inuit village right on the Arctic Ocean in the Northwest Territories, a village which is as far north as you can drive in Canada on the North American road network. He doesn’t give a clear account of what happened to him up there but he mentions bunkers and getting stranded on the Dempster Highway. The whole situation he’s attempting to describe reminds me a lot of the 2007 movie Into the Wild except Kyle decided to return to the United States.

    The video’s at a Shell station with a convenience store located in some small town in Oregon where Kyle thinks there’s some significance to people coming and going around even though it’s not the sort of place where most people spend more than a few minutes. I’m not sure what his living situation is now. If I remember correctly, his parents were paying for the apartment he had in Baton Rouge but now he just seems to be sleeping in his car.

    (He also talks about sleeping in a car in Banff, Alberta and then waking up and there were a lot of people getting off the bus. Banff is the main tourist town in the Canadian Rockies, people get on and off buses there all of the time because they’re, you know, tourists.)

    • One thing Kyle keeps on mentioning in the video is wanting to hire a lawyer and he seems to be implying that he doesn’t want to talk about something that happened to him without talking to a lawyer first.

      If I take that and him mentioning a bunker into account, the quite probably over-sensationalized scenario I’m imagining is that he might have responded to a posting from a fellow T.I. seeking other people like him to build a small community of T.I.s far from civilization in northern Canada only for Kyle to arrive and find the T.I. in charge is a total apocalyptic lunatic who kept Kyle locked up in his survivalist bunker for a year without any Internet to keep in touch with the outside world. Plausible, or have I just watched too many “lunatic with a bunker” movies like 10 Cloverfield Lane and Wolf Creek?

      • I was actually wondering where Kyle had been for the past several months. Well there’s the answer.

        Out of all the TIs I’ve encountered online, Kyle is one of the few that never really made me think he’s actually a bad person.

  5. Bryan orders a brand new iPhone 16 Pro Max and an Apple Watch Ultra 2. Does he know that the latest iPhone is AI enabled? Okay I digress.

    His phone (plus other gadgets, possibly other phones as well, and some personal / financial documentation) was left behind in various suitcases that he lost in Europe.

    As discussed, at least one of his suitcases was found by Lufthansa in Frankfurt (IIRC) and they offered to help reunite his suitcase with him, but Bryan was not interested because he is afraid they’re going to put more women’s underwear in his suitcase and referenced the “purple panties incident”.

    As you know (I’ve commented many times) Bryan received luggage with a pair of purple panties that said “FABULOUS” in his suitcase some years ago and he’s been traumatized by that experience ever since. I can no longer locate the video clip, but there’s a clip of Bryan referring to those panties as “gay underwear”.

    So he refuses to receive his found luggage with hundreds, possibly thousands of dollar worth of electronics and priceless documents inside because of the possibility that it may come back to him with “gay underwear” inside of it.

    Assuming the underwear didn’t belong to Bryan himself (or one of his alter egos – there was a time that Bryan heavily implied that he had alternate personalities!), were I Bryan, I’d be THRILLED to be reunited with my lost luggage containing valuables.

    I’d just throw the unknown underwear away, wash any of my clothes (after inspecting them for any weird stains / residues of concern), and wipe down any of my electronic gadgets with alcohol wipes.

    What I wouldn’t do is go on a years-long internet tirade about being deathly afraid of “gay underwear” making several videos about it and continuing to reference the experience a decade/plus later.

    • ME TOO, Mister Stefan Adams, because: I’m obsessive compulsive, with sometimes severe social anxiety, the world and social life, and social situations, can do that to some people sometimes, I guess,…..but yeah, and yes!!! I’d NEVER have let those cases out of my grasp, to start with, Mister Stefan Adams!!!! I’d of gone all Rain Man in the Airport moment, along with Adrian Monk type of a moment too, because: I Don’t/Not like to have my stuff, go missing, NOPE. and as for the underwear thing?? eh, whatever……so some underwear got placed into the suitcase and suitcases, by whomever, I’d be MORE concerned, with the item or items, being laced with poison or poisons, that could HARM me, like on Detective Shows On TV, I watch Detective Shows lots, than about being gay or not gay, big deal, just about everyone and everybody, vice versa, is pretty much gay or A: HE/SHE or SHE/HE IT/THEM/THEY/WE/OUR/MINE vice versa, or whatever Lol also again separately: He Seems to be putting On a Show, like a Show Production, weather he’s being picked on by THEM or whoever, or (not) and at first, like the first few videos of His: You’re like: OK, this is Interesting Stuff, about Bigger Position Authorities, possibly doing Crimes And Crime Against us Citizens, but: after awhile of watching the SAME stuff of Him, Sliding down into car or vehicle seats, and crawling up into a corner or corners of some Airport or Airports SCREAMING And HOLLERING Into The TERMINAL or TERMINALS hallways: Torture!! TORTURE!!!!, It becomes less (believable), Good Grief Dude, get some Balls Already, as lots of other You Tube users, have said about Him. by the way: He’s getting Larger now, Mister Stefan Adams, really sad, like the scene in the Nutty Professor, with Eddie Murphy?? He’s Gonna BLOW!!! I wonder if anyone or anybody, from a different recording view, got Bryan Tew, on their cameras, rolling around, in the airport or airports, Hollering about being Tortured??? this world,…..this society,…..anymore……..oh my…….

  6. Bryan Tew is in the Istanbul airport presumably since yesterday. No mention of the Turkish authorities detaining him. Unclear if his passport was returned upon arrival.

    Bryan is having some trouble with the airport WiFi. He takes a picture of a MacBook Air with the WiFi login screen and a game of Civilization VI in the background.

    I thought Bryan had no luggage with him and only the clothes on his back, his phone, and maybe some credit cards, so I’m not sure where this laptop came from. He either has a smaller backpack / satchel, bought a new laptop, or is borrowing one from someone in the airport.

    (Bryan has borrowed electronic devices from other travelers before. Dunno if I ever mentioned, but I came across, it’s been several years now, a post on Facebook from someone complaining that they let Bryan borrow their phone at an airport and he used it to spam Facebook /w his retarded videos and got them in trouble online)

    • Unless it’s an absolute emergency, I don’t understand why anyone would let a stranger use their phone. And, at an airport, if it was an absolute emergency, you just look for the nearest security guy, you don’t ask to use someone else’s phone.

    • Bryan is at a hostel in Istanbul. I take that to mean the authorities don’t have a problem with Bryan – for now. He had some kind of physical altercation that wasn’t recorded. I’m going to guess it’s the usual being a pest in a dorm room where he’s being loud and annoying. At least it looks like he had a chance to take a shower, I’m sure he was getting rank.

      Anyway, I had a hearty chuckle after watching this clip. Bryan says he is getting winded just climbing the stairs and had to take a break. That’s not a reason in of itself to make fun of Bryan, but he starts ranting about his situation and his doctors that are blaming “lack of exercise” for failing a cardiac stress test earlier (before the trip).

      Bryan absolutely insists exercise isn’t his problem even though he’s visibly obese. Like COME ON man, you’re middle aged and doing very little to take care of yourself. You have a huge gut and even have breasts that would make some women blush! Of course your lack of exercise (compounded with your lack of dietary restraint) contributes to your lack of energy and inability to do things like climb stairs without getting winded.

        • I’ve seen him with that spelling on TikTok. I think he has the belief that They(tm) are shadowbanning him and intentionally reducing his reach so he continuously creates these new accounts every so often to try to start fresh.

      • Bryan is in an ER in Istanbul. I kinda feel like Bryan is doing these coughing fits for show or exaggerating them at least. I fully expect Bryan to stiff the hospital on the bill. I also expect that he will be told he doesn’t have a medical emergency, does not have congestive heart failure, but has a lot of risk factors for heart disease / similar that he needs to address (like his weight, lack of exercise, etc..)

        • like I said to You a few times, Mister Stefan Adams: I think he’s playing BOTH sides of the Fence, he seems Very Official like, and might very well be employed/still employed with the United States Government?? lots of people on You Tube, have said, about Other People, possibly going through Real life shitty situations, such as Really getting picked on, those You Tube users say: He Might very well indeed, be playing a stage role, type of a role, weather or not, He’s being attacked, or not, vice versa, Seems VERY STAGED, To me, Mister Stefan Adams……like on Gilligan’s Island?? type of acting STUFF Lol Oh LOVEY, DARLING wheeze, Wheeze, wheeze, WHEEZE, ka thunk, Ka Thunk, Ka thunk, KA THUNK, Ka Bang like on stairs, or something Lol I JUST CAN’T TAKE IT, ANYMORE, LOVEY Lol Three (eeeee) Hour) (rrrrr) Tour (rrrrr)…………….TINY SHIP WAS or GOT TOSSED………..

          • Well I’m gonna have to disagree on Bryan looking “official”. He’s a bum in bad health.

            I also don’t know what sort of government job Bryan would have making an ass of himself all around the world and moping around airports for weeks on end.

            CIA agents gathering intelligence usually try not to draw attention to themselves like Bryan does. I don’t think there’s a lot of intelligence to gather on the floor of airports.

            (Bryan used to have some kind of job or jobs working for companies that did contract work for the government. He did some work for FEMA through his employer. He also claims to have been a security guard at some point. Don’t think he was a secret agent though.)

            I agree that this is in large part acting. “Hello this is Bryan Tew, COUGH COUGH WHEEZE they’re attacking me!”

        • Bryan is out of the hospital. No more details about the hospital visit but going to assume it went more or less the way I said it would.

          Wants to get to Russia, but also talks about getting a bus ride to Greece. I don’t really get what’s up with Greece.

          (A friend of mine joked that Bryan seems to be overly interested in the “gay countries”, first Turkey and their thing with bath houses and now Greece and well I don’t have to explain Greece do I?)

          • Is Bryan following the herd down to Greece (on holiday)?

            Maybe Bryan just likes being paranoid (on sunny beaches)?

          • The most recent three stops on Bryan Tew’s Airport Bench World Tour:

            Thessaloniki, Greece
            Zurich, Switzerland
            Paris, France (CDG)

            He’s complaining that that he’s being “blocked” from getting in touch with the Russian Embassy in France but I’d imagine that’s because he tried calling early morning on a Sunday, which seems to be Bryan’s favorite time of week to call, not get anyone on the phone, and then complain about nobody answering.

          • I also wouldn’t be surprised if his number is blocked. When he shows clips of his call logs, a Russian or Iranian embassy is often listed like 20 times. I’m sure the Russians consider him to be a crank and not a legit “whistleblower” with valuable intelligence.

            Bryan is in some kind of medical clinic at the airport. He supposedly was waiting for a flight to Estonia when he had or decided to have (i’m leaning towards that) one of his medical episodes:

            This is also a good reason for countries to not want Tew bumming around. Someone has to pay for all of these nuisance trips to the ER or clinic and it sure won’t be Bryan.

          • Bryan says in a Facebook post that he wants to come back to New York to receive surgery(ies). I seem to remember him saying something similar to that not very long ago so I kinda have a hard time taking him seriously (I think it was the first time he returned from being overseas – going to Finland and eventually finding his way back to the US, only to start this nonsense over).

            Regardless of whether or not he’s serious about that, that would be the smartest thing to do.

            Bryan is still making new videos lying about the circumstances that caused his Cigna International Health Insurance policy to be revoked.

          • Bryan Tew is back in New York City. He made a post early this morning from the ER of the New York Presbyterian Hospital.

            Problem is Bryan isn’t having a medical emergency. He will likely get discharged in stable condition with instructions to contact his PCP to develop a treatment plan for his chronic conditions. Then he’ll say that the doctors refused to treat him and mention his imaginary self-diagnosis of congestive heart failure.

          • His chief complaint right now seems to be pain from his existing injuries (though I’m sure he will have mentioned the other things like his heart and etc.).

            ER doctors are generally reluctant to dispense pain meds unless someone has obvious traumatic injuries (i.e. someone comes in with a broken arm or whatever) due to the potential for abuse. ER docs, management, and the DEA / law enforcement doesn’t want the ER to turn into a vending machine for opiate junkies needing their next fix. So I’d be surprised if they give Bryan anything more than a prescription for ibuprofen and instructions to call his PCP / pain management doctor.

        • using HIS Own words, is all, Mister Stefan Adams, and Other You Tube users saying: He’s putting on an Act, (weather (attacked) or NOT (attacked) Calling Bryan Tew Out, that’s what I meant, is all, Mister Stefan Adams. His own words saying that He worked for so And so, At (government) (jobs or job) but some of the Other You Tube users, who have Exposed Bryan Tew, and/or Exposing Bryan Tew, as someone and somebody, who just hops around, from place to place, Some of those HOTEL Rooms He Stays AT, Look VERY NICE, And VERY EXPENSIVE, for one who says they are on the run……I mean: if some dumb chick like me was on the run, from the BIG HONCHOS, I wouldn’t/not be staying At FANCY places, where they could possibly find me, generally speaking, I’d go all Jason Bourne hide away scene/scenes, or that Incredible Hulk movie/film scene, What’s His Name?? that played a retard/socially mental guy, along side Richard Gere, as his lawyer or attorney, vice versa…….back alley way or ways LOL starts horribly singing: Man On The Run, song……..

  7. After being deported from Germany (I think it’s fair to say he was deported, or at least strongly encouraged to leave) he was in Istanbul for a day or two. He just arrived in Stockholm, Sweden to an unfriendly welcome from Swedish immigration / police:

    I have not listened yet, I just picked a random spot in the recording and heard Bryan tell the cops he plans on taking the non-existent ferry to Russia, which seems like a retarded thing to admit given the current geopolitical situation.

    I don’t understand why Bryan is choosing some of the most Russia-hostile countries to try to reach Russia. It’s almost like Bryan doesn’t actually want to go to Russia and is just doing this for the show and drama it creates.

    If Bryan wanted to be in Moscow tonight, he could! He has $70,000 sitting in his Coinbase account. He could just get a flight to Hungary and then on to Moscow and be over with this nonsense.

    Maybe next week Bryan will show up in Warsaw, Poland and tell the cops there he is trying to defect to Russia via their country and see how warmly he is going to be welcomed.

    • Bryan is showing on his Facebook (the 92 one, not the 9 one)0 that he has successfully booked a room at a hostel in Stockholm for the 20th.

      However, there’s one teensy-tiny minor issue with this booking, it’s for the 20th of October and it’s only the 20th of September right now (okay, it’s already the 21st of September in Sweden).

      • If he showed that to the border officers that could be part of his problem!

        I’m going to say he was deported. He just showed off this demand letter from Turkish Airlines to pay 733 Euros to cover the costs of his return flight. That’s about 819 US Dollars.

        Oh well. Too bad. It’s not like he can’t afford it!

        Now imagine if all this time and money was spent on getting straightened out medically at the VA (or clinic of his choosing – he could get ACA insurance and have a wider choice of doctors). Instead Bryan engages in this pointless nonsense of border hopping for weeks on end.

        • I know this is a variation of what you already said but I don’t understand why it seems that Bryan hasn’t done a modicum of research on how to actually get into Russia in the year 2024 since he shows up in Scandinavian countries to try to get ferries that haven’t sailed to St. Petersburg since 2022 (or maybe 2021 if we take into account that Putin’s second invasion of Ukraine was in winter so those ferries may not have been sailing anyway) but he’s right in the exact same airport in Istanbul from which Turkish Airlines flies several direct flights to Moscow daily (and I know this because I confirmed it myself on the Turkish Airlines website).

          Just spend five minutes on Google and you’ll have all the information you need on how to get into Russia right now, Bryan.


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