This is a repeat of what happened about this time last year when he was in San Diego and tried to get the FBI to arrest him. He confesses to committing disability fraud in the hope that he can resolve the supposed investigation against him that is behind all the “targeting” he experiences every day.
HK police weren’t particularly interested in his outrageous story after running his name through their database and seeing that he is not a wanted man.
Now Bryan wants to return to the USA via JFK airport to meet with the FBI although it’s far from clear if he’ll actually do it or if he’ll chicken out like the last time (he said he was attacked by “directed energy” at the door and had to be taken away by ambulance before he could meet with them).
Bryan, while I do believe you are guilty of exaggerating your physical injuries, I don’t think there is actually an active investigation against you right now.
The only person you need to surrender to is a psychiatrist who can actually help you with your mental troubles. The longer you play games and deny the reality of your situation means you will suffer longer. You need to accept that you lack a healthy mental state and are not capable of soundly judging your own situation.