(Note: some of the embedded media is Facebook videos from Bryan’s Facebook page. If you’re blocked by Bryan, the embeds will not be shown. I recommend opening this post in an ”Incognito” mode window to bypass the block if you are blocked.)
Bryan’s adventures in Panama have come to a halt. He applied for asylum and even attended an interview, but claimed the translator was corrupting his testimony (no evidence provided) and decided to leave several days after the interview.
Bryan ends up taking a flight out of Panama back to New York City where he passes through immigration and returns to American life. For how long is not clear.
Here’s the adventure so far:
Bryan gets into an argument with police officers at JFK Airport. The officers have zero tolerance for Bryan’s bullshit and lies:
After being given the bum’s rush at JFK Airport, he ended up at a city-run veteran’s shelter:
Bryan left the veterans shelter after a day or less, apparently because he thought they were harvesting his DNA through the use of COVID testing, which makes no sense at all. DNA doesn’t change, so if they actually care to catalog his DNA, they need only take it from a single sample, not from countless continued samples taken on an ongoing basis.