Candy Grandpre Returns to Pensacola / Tew Updates

After spending the last several months in low income / Section 8 housing in Bloomington, TX (an unincorporated town just outside of Victoria, TX), claiming that she needed to flee from the gangstalking and unjust bans from various establishments in Pensacola, FL, she has decided to return to Pensacola.

In Pensacola she did not have any housing apart from temporary stays in motel rooms from donations she received from her pity party audience. The rest of the time was on the street. Regardless of what I think about her personally and her behavior, I’m happy that she found a place to stay.

I would say that while Bloomington is obviously a very boring town compared to Pensacola, it was great that she had a roof over her head and the decreased amount of social interaction was to her benefit as it meant less episodes where she got into trouble with other people. (There were incidents in Bloomington caused by her paranoia, but they appear to have been fewer and far between as compared with Pensacola).

She is back in Pensacola in what appears to be a low-income housing community. Again, it’s great that she has found a place, but it’s not going well. The density of people appears to be higher, which means she’ll run into other people more often and hear their music and conversations more, to her detriment and annoyance.

As far as Bryan Tew goes, there isn’t a whole lot to talk about. His Toyota is supposedly infested with bed bugs. Any new juicy Tew Tidbits will go into the comments.

104 thoughts on “Candy Grandpre Returns to Pensacola / Tew Updates”

  1. Candy (crossing a busy road about 30 yards away from a crosswalk): “The police won’t even slow down”.

    I think the police won’t slow down because she’s crossing a busy road not at an intersection or other posted crosswalk. She’s crossing the road at a point where a car suddenly braking could be a safety hazard. And she had already crossed the road and reached the sidewalk by the time the police car passed her in the left lane, the lane away from the sidewalk, so there was no risk of hitting her. The only reason the police car would have slowed down would be to give her a ticket for jaywalking.

  2. A topless Bryan Tew is at a motel for three days while his Toyota remains parked and unoccupied so it can be treated for bed bugs with some product he purchased online.

    He says “they” put the bed bugs there as part of the mind control process.

    I sympathize with Bryan, bed bugs are no joke and I wouldn’t wish them on anyone.

    He pleads ignorance on the matter. I can only speculate where they came from. I know he wears what appears to be a lot of donated clothes (i.e. clothing for homeless vets), possibly those were contaminated, or his belongings became contaminated from his stays at the shelters in New Jersey.

    I hope he understands that bed bugs are rather resilient and could survive in anything he brought inside the motel room, causing a re-infestation in his car once he goes back.

  3. (Starting at 2:40) “So, the gangstalkers already know where I live at. Both online and in person, they already know where I live at.”

    I have no intention of doxing her exact location but she already showed exactly where she lives right down to the nearest intersection on Saturday, so whose fault is that that people can figure out something she made no real effort to obscure?

    As for the “in person” “gangstalkers”, they’re what non-crazy people refer to as “neighbors” and they generally tend to be nearby because they live there too.

  4. The worst part if Candy’s life now is lack of internet access. She could walk to a library everyday and use their’s, or she can try and find a restaurant that will let her just sit there using their bandwidth while scowling at everyone and complaining her free water is not filled to overflowing.
    Both have already caused her to wear out her welcome the last time she lived in Pensacola.
    She has said she had everything for a permanent place, brought down from NOLA, where she had her own place. But now she needs all the help she can get, including housewares. There is a thrift store nearby. She should start there. A frying pan, a saute pan and a smaller saucepan should not be that much. She should learn to economize, making only what she can eat for a day or two. That way she is not wasting food and getting tired of it.
    Shebetter cancel her social services from Texas, before they reload. Texas will notice when someone is using their funds in Florida. She can still use the funds on her card, if any, now. But letting them reload is fraud.
    The person in Bloomington said the reason she just up and left was because she was told she no longer could live there. People rejoiced she is gone. She was quite more confrontational than her videos show, charging at people who were giving her a hard time. They were sick of her inappropriate behavior, which is what she was known to have everywhere she went. Apparently Candy is not nice, polite, or neighborly. Ever. She was rude.
    Surprise, surprise.

  5. And now she is begging again. And will be expected to go to some sort of class/workshop, probably about budgeting, where people will tell her how to spend her money better. I hope she learns that bison, elk, and lamb are expensive and without a better income, not something those who only get SSDI can really afford.
    Candy, no one has ever said your writing is not work or that you were not allowed to write.
    What I have said, and I am assuming you are pointedly making the comments at me, is that you are not making a living at writing, and should not expect to make a living just by writing. You are allowed to do whatever you want. But can you actually earn enough by writing to make a reasonable, steady income? I don’t think so, and so far the answer has been a resounding “No.” I can cook all day and have everything turn out perfectly, or knit a sweater, or write a book review, or do any of the many things I do every single day, and it is work, but it is not a job, nor does it pay me anything. You seem to think that just producing something is enough, and it is not. You have to produce something people both want and like enough to pay for. I could paint all day, every day and that would make me an artist, but would it really be my job? No, because I have no audience who wants my work. The same thing with your books. If people wanted them, or really enjoyed them, they would sell. And they would get reviewed, positively.
    Your cookbooks look like you cannot cook; you put hints at the beginning for cooking rice and beans, and then do not cook them correctly later in the book. Cookbooks are there for people to use and reproduce the recipes. Messing up something like that means your recipes in the book cannot be trusted.
    Your “natural” health hints and themes are hard to swallow when you are obese, unhealthy, and have not healed anything. You still have warts, you still have an infected, broken tooth, you are still cliniclly depressed, so what have you healed? Why should anyone trust what you say about health?
    Your short stories have many things that are not standard and make your stories hard to read. Like using numbers instead of spelling it out, and using the “&” instead of “and.” It is just two keystrokes. But those two strokes are the difference between right and wrong. It’s not a matter of “style,” either. There are standards in writing for a reason. You also do not develop characters, have a formulaic plot, struggle with continuity, have problems with maintaining a cogent timeline, and normalizing things that shouldn’t be normalized, like using belt to discipline children or not getting an injured dog medical treatment.
    In my opinion, you are not a writer with enough skills to make a living by writing. Continuing to claim it is your job? Silly and unrealistic. You cannot rely on your income by writing anything. That is NOT a job. That is a hobby that gives you pocket change every now and then.
    But any money you do make from writing needs to be reported as income. And any money you make from “donations” or “gifts,” are considered income by some housing authorities, even if they are not regular payments or reliable. And if you are found to not report your entire income? You can be kicked out of assisted housing for ten years. That is a really big deal. You should at least check into it with someone who understands the “rules” of assisted housing. Thank you for cancelling everything in Texas. Now finish your business with the SSA, because they will not have closed your case because you moved.

  6. Candy’s complaining that the housing complex has too many rules in their code of conduct (e.g. have a bed and not just a mattress). I suspect those rules are there precisely so that living conditions at the estate don’t degenerate into a slum.

    If there’s not currently a rule against filming neighbors without their consent and posting the video on the Internet, I suspect there will be very soon.

    It’s also kind of rich for Candy to complain about the housing complex having too many rules when Candy herself has a whole bunch of rules she expects others to abide by (i.e. “Don’t wear red.”, “Don’t drive a red car.”, “Don’t drive a car with burnt out headlights or weird headlights” (whatever she means by “weird”), “Don’t drive with one arm out of the window.”, “Don’t make anything I think is a devil hand gesture.”, etc…).

  7. Does Candy think those fishing poles look like “directed energy weapons”?

    I pity the poor guy asking if she’s okay just to get crazy accusations about directed energy weapons snarled at him by Candy.

    • Candy says people “illegally” found her new TikTok. I didn’t know the search feature of TikTok was illegal to use.

      For the record, I haven’t been looking for her latest TikTok account and I don’t know the URL to it. Since I know she likes to blame me for whenever her TikTok gets an TOS violation.

      • I hadn’t looked for it either but, since you mentioned it, I found it and I didn’t even need to use the TikTok search, it was just two clicks from a Google search for “Candy Grandpre TikTok” (via someone else’s TikTok stream).

        Not that I watched anything there, nor have I reported anything. I’m not even planning on returning to it considering I hate TikTok and don’t like being nagged to create an account.

        • I tried Google and it is easy to find. She thinks people are less intelligent than her about such things. A kid could find her. i did find “Candy Grandpre says UM” which is it’s own award. I have been blocked from her “X” account, too, but her videos are usually TMI and stupidity to want to see her anywhere else. And the things that I would like to see, people telling her the truth about herself, she deletes because she is the queen of the freaking universe, if only in her mind.
          Her neighbor is going to be serenading her every chance she gets, because what kind of person thinks you need to change your life to accomodate what they think is right? I don’t like the smell of a lot of different foods cooking, like ham and lamb, but do I ask my neighbors to not ever cook those when I am home? No. Just like her, my choice is a “me” problem, not a “you” problem. But someone reporting her for sticking the camera out her door, or peeking through the window, or taking video of them when they are just walking to their car, that is a problem that is a “Her” problem.

      • I love when she complains about people finding her accounts different places. But then complains when people “unfollow” her. Aren’t subs and likes and shares what she wants? She believes she is the main character of her own world. And when people don’t do what she says, she implodes. Can’t have it both way, Girl.
        Do you want people to see/view/read your online stuff or not? think about this. You look mental when you go off on people who watch your videos, yet now you need money. Do you really think you are special enough for strangers who paid to set you up in a “roof over your head” to pay you to set up another home mere months after your first debacle? And knowing that you are already starting to wonder if you can stay or not? You NEED new people, Girl, because your old donors see through your ways. People who “know” you online are tired of paying for you to sit on your obese ass and do nothing but disrespect your neighbors and random people you see based on their color choice of the day. You do not deserve anymore charity, Candy. Your welcome has been worn out and you just got there. Sucks to be your neighbors.
        And stop condemning people to hell. You will say people are always judging you, yet you damn people to hell. That’s judgmental. You are a walking example of duplicity. I know you don’t know that word, but I suggest you look it up. It is what you do, how you are.

  8. Okay, this again. What is this, third time this year?
    Candy, you are a very good at being a bad example. The way you expect your neighbors to “respect” you for being “disabled” and older than them is laughable. Do you think she cares about your ears? She doesn’t because there is no reason for her to do anything you ask. She lived there first, and if noise was a problem, it would have been taken care of already. Instead you pull the “disabled” card? Your hyperacusis is not a disability. It can be treated without surgery or pills. It just takes effort and initiative, two things that you lack. No one has to put up with your demands, especially when your demands are not really diagnosed as a disability by a doctor. You are just a narcissist. That makes you a problem neighbor. Problem neighbors are not a good thing. You want people to like you, don’t you? Or give you respect? Why? What do you do with yourself? Being a bother to everyone is not a job. It’s not even a hobby.
    Next, you continue with the “fake” handicapped plates, yet are going to get another handicapped bus pass? What is your physical handicap? You don’t have one. Plantar fasciitis is not a handicap, nor is having sore feet from walk or standing too long. Or there would be no barbers, cashiers, store clerks, tellers or anyone else who spends their life on a job that requires standing for a shift. You don’t think your feet hurt more than anyone else’s, do you? They don’t. I get plantar fasciitis, but know what I have to do before walking long so it doesn’t bother me. It’s easy to fix. But there is that “effort and initiative” thing that you think doesn’t apply to you. Getting a handicapped license plate requires a sworn doctor’s statement that you really need it. Do you need that for a bus pass? I know you don’t. So the only FAKE disabled person I see in your videos is you. Everyone else has a doctor-verified reason for theirs, you do not. And having an SUV while disabled makes a lot of sense. I have a car, and it is difficult to get into and out of, and to see around all the other, taller vehicles. Disabled people get them for those two reasons. So STFU. I’m sure they will know your name at the Transit office and like to hear about your “fake” pass. Think about that.
    Also, did you pay your foster mom for living in her house, feeding you, supplying you with utilities, and taking you places? Because you lived with her (twice?) after you had aged out. If you didn’t pay her room, board, help with your share of the utilities, and all the other things she did for you, that was what “your” money was used for. No adult questions if they can just live free. There are bills to pay, food to buy, time spent……why are you exempt from living expenses, and why should your former foster mother have paid your way for you? You complain that there is no way for you to live the life you want on your income. So “your” $10,000 probably did not cover all your expenses while you were living there. You got off cheap. That is why she got you disability pay. She knew you wouldn’t be able to handle life on your own, making your own money, doing your own job. And when you were no longer with her, you ended up homeless, wondering where your next meal was coming from. You missed the part about being a sex worker and drugs, so kudos to you for that, but still, she was right. And now you are back, doing nothing of value, having no job, no skills, no money, wondering where your next meals are coming from. And being a bad, demanding, strange neighbor, so I expect the homeless part will return as well. You have not been successful as an adult, Candy. You need guidance. You need help. First with your depression, then with your other mental health issues. As long as you remain untreated, the streets are your future. Again. Don’t you want a better life? Have you even tried to read a book? You know, that’s what libraries are for, free distribution of reading material. Have you tried volunteering somewhere? Doing something of value? Maybe going to a beginning writer’s workshop. Get more opinions that mine. Get help. I will keep saying that until you do.

  9. Candy complains about ambulance sirens in the middle of the night. Has Candy tried ear plugs?

    She also accuses the ambulances of gaslighting her; she says “the sirens got quieter and quieter after I started recording”. She doesn’t understand how sounds work apparently since that’s what happens when a noise-emitting object is traveling away from you.

  10. Candy continues with her demands for what is obviously a “her problem,” with neighbors who understand that when a person has a “ME problem,” it is not their problem to fix anything. She still thinks she is making a point by having people use headphones and crank up the volume, when it only makes her look more neurotic and crazy. And narcissistic, antisocial, bossy, demanding, immature, slow, and as having inappropriate behaviors, like spying and making videos of people without their knowledge and approval. When words get around she is videoing people coming and going, noting time, clothing worn, vehicle (sometime with the license plate), and other people they are meeting with, there will be a problem. She is being invasive, and some of the people might just not want all of that noted. And broadcast to the world, via YouTube.
    And the things about sirens? Next time she is “gonna die,” and calls for an ambulance I hope they do not use the siren and obey all the traffic laws on their way to both pick her up and take her to the hospital. Or if there is a fire, no sirens to get there, or no sirens when she calls the police because someone assaults her for videoing them going about their day. I’ve been in an ambulance twice, once as an emergency and once for transport between hospitals. The sirens make a very big difference.
    She only has a control problem. Hyperacusis is not considered a disability, it is a hearing condition, tied to anxiety, not hearing. Surprise, surprise. And that wearing noise cancelling or loud noise to cover sounds that bother them is as counterproductive as it is counterintuitive. She just wants to be in control of everything and everyone, and if she is not the main character, she implodes. Candy must be a victim of everyone at all times. People living their lives don’t mean a thing, Candy is not pleased, so it must be her way or she whines and complains and calls everyone else narcississtic. Given the housing she is currently living at, whining and complaining will get her noticed and not in a good way. Her neighbor knows what is going on, and will not do anything to change. Because she doesn’t have to, because her noise is not a problem. Candy is the problem. Candy better learn that quickly.
    It also is a pet peeve of mine that she says “X:XXam in the morning.” That is redundant. And annoying, to me at least. I even know the Latin for why it is redundant. I must be overeducated, just as she is undereducated. And she is the one with a degree?

  11. Oh, bother. I should have looked at possible videos after dinner before sending the past post. And now that I have a proper clicky-clack keyboard, I can type back at about 60 wpm. I’m a speed demon. Now loudly. I highly recommend them.
    Candy, you have invisible disabilities, but they are not physical. That is a big difference. There is nothing about you physically that has anything to do with being disabled. Even your strokes. Strokes might make changes in your brain that causes you physical symptoms, but just saying you have had a stroke doesn’t mean a thing. It is just another way you try to play victim, looking for special treatment. But you don’t have any physical disabilities, or you would have clearly delineated what you cannot do. You don’t do that, you just say you had strokes. So? Some people have had strokes and recovered completely. Since you cannot name what your physical limitations are, that is what happened with you. And your surgeries were for your ears and sinuses, so those aren’t disabilities either. And guess what? You talk openly that the reason you get the SSDI was because someone at sometime diagnosed you as having severe mental disorders, in addition to your challenges. Have you had any other doctor at any time change that? No. And you have kept the money, so you must think you are schizophrenic, too. Or you wouldn’t have any money at all. So you are dishonest, either to yourself or to the SSA. Take your choice, both have nothing to do with a physical disability.

    I have a handicap parking placard. I prefer the placard over the license plate, so it can be moved to another vehicle if we don’t take my car. You cannot look at me and see I have physical problems, at least at first. My cancer is not a disability, but what it did to my body gives me disabilities. Cancer wrecked my bones, causing my hip bone to break. It also attacked my spine, causing changes that mean I cannot move very well, especially bending over. If I drop something, I have to ask for someone to pick it up for me, because I don’t bend anymore. It also has affected my walking, likely because my new hip is pushing farther into the bone, making one leg shorter than the other. I use a cane, because I can’t walk a straight line, and sometime cannot rise from a chair easily. When cancer attacks your bones, it is attacking your bone marrow, which is where your red blood cells are made. And the medicines I take affect my other blood cells, like my white blood cells. Every type of cell I have in my blood has a low count. That means I tire easily, when combined with my asthma it means my blood doesn’t always carry enough oxygen, and I am prone to getting infections of all sorts, easily and likely worse than “normal.” I look absolutely normal, if pale. But the only openly viewed sign of my disease is my hairline has receded. Not a disability.
    That is the difference between you and a disabled person. Your weight might be considered a disability, but until a doctor declares that, you are still just too fat. All your other disabilities are in your head, literally and figuratively. See the last comment I made about your “hyperacusis,” which is not considered a disability, both because no doctor has declared it as one, and by the ADA people. It’s a YOU problem, and it can be treated, because it is known to be tied to anxiety. Noise bothers you because you let it bother you, not because it is too loud. That is you trying to be a victim, trying to have things your way. No one in the world has to pattern their life or behavior because you don’t want to be treated for your anxiety. YOU need to change, Candy, not the world.
    And your last video also leads me to ask this: How does loud noise directly affect you physically? Does it mean you can’t walk a distance, or stand for a period of time? Does it make you unable to do anything? NO. It makes you whine and complain. Tough shit. When you refuse to be properly treated for medical issues, you need to accept the consequences. You being unable to bear loud noises is a consequence of your inaction in getting your “problems” treated. Just as you have to live with a broken, infected tooth and warts on your hands. You way doesn’t work. Take the consequences of not treating yourself like a grown adult. You “invisible disabilities” don’t mean a thing physically. You getting a disabled rate bus pass is bogus, because you are not affected by any of your disabilities physically. You are being dishonest. Again, the only fake handicapped person in your videos is you.

    • Oh, and you don’t get to pull the “doesn’t know me” “stranger abuse” crap either. You tell your whole life, from your childhood violent streaks to your current bowel movements. You have no secrets, Candy. No one needs to know you in person, because your stuff is all published as public. You telling your life and problems, all of it, even the TMI stuff adults don’t usually share online with a world full of strangers. Guess you need to either remove yourself from the internet, stop sharing things publically, or get over yourself.

  12. I decided to see what’s happening in Kevinland. Nothing much going on, he hasn’t even posted to his second channel in 10 days but he did a community post on his main channel about “gang stalkers” breaking his Apple AirPods Pro a few days ago and I found this response unintentionally amusing.

    “They destroyed my $300 Quwave…. I’m so pissed”

    How does one destroy a Quwave? What does a Quwave even do besides provide a temporary placebo effect for the wearer against imagined “electronic attacks”?

    • Qwaves also trigger “medical anxiety,” the new preferred phrase for hypochondria. If you tell someone they are a hypochondriac, they will usually deny and become offended, but u you say they have medical anxiety, they are good with that, and accept treatment. Of course it also applies to people in my shoes, who actually have to worry that any new pang is cancer, because they might be right.
      I know this because unlike TIs, I read books.

  13. I just read her latest short story. I am appalled….and then I remembered it was written by someone who has never been at a workplace long enough to realize what is and is not considered proper behavior in the workplace. It might seem mild, but had the genders been reversed would be creepy wrong. The story also shows she has the “wishful thinking,” something children usually lose as they mature. Oh, wait…..yeah, I see it now.
    She has also apparently never been in a usual relationship of the opposite sex.
    It is something wrong on so many levels. I was going to critique it, but it would work out too long for a story that takes just a few minutes to read.
    She uses wishful thinking a lot. It is tied to many personality disorders, including narcissism. And it is tied to being emotionally challenged. That she thinks someone can go from perceiving a person seen only at work to be not attractive to someone “genetically” and even calls the person “ugly,” to accepting a proposal of marriage and “locking lips” in the space of half a work day is not a good read. It is delusional.
    I have said in my reviews of her short story books that she is formuaic. She continues this, using the last paragraph to tie up what could be years of story. She also shows she had never had to budget a household, because the woman quits her job to be a housewife. That is something almost impossible to do, especially based on the only income being received from a “secretary” at a law firm. Luckily no kids are mentioned.
    Candy routinely uses words she does not really understand. In this story, it is “genetically.” Recently and in the past she has used the word “eugenics,” claiming the “gang-stalking program” is based on eugenics. Uh, no it’s not. If eugenics were the issue, she would have been uh, removed from the gene pool, as a child when she was first diagnosed with her disabilities. If eugenics were being used now, she wouldn’t be here to write her inane stories. It is something all TIs who feel that their lives are in danger kind of don’t understand. If these programs were there to remove you from society, they would have done it a long time ago. They believe these people are so important and so powerful, yet they still both exist and post anything they want on the world wide web, with little to no censorship. And they are all still alive. It only shows how stupid these people are. And narccissitic. And childish. They don’t think things through.
    Which brings up something in Candy’s introduction to the story. She didn’t have think about the story, she just started writing and that is what came out. Free association is something that really shows what she thinks about things. Freud would be proud. That Candy thinks making money is tied to the number of short stories she is able to produce and not the quality of what is written, shows the wishful thinking again. She needs a new job.

  14. Bryan believes a super computer is calling him for mind control purposes. It appears to be a debt collector. The big arrow is from him not me.

    • Bryan has for a long time claimed that the US Government has blocked his ability to receive medical exams.

      Now he claims the US Government wants him to get the exams. It seems no matter what happens it’s all a conspiracy against him.

      • Nothing is ever right with these people.
        Bryan cries about not getting medical care, and he cries about having medical care.
        Candy wants to live in Pensacola, Candy doesn’t like the unit in Pensacola.
        With Bryan, I think he has a very strong hunch that nothing of import will be found. And then that little morsel will be in his permanent medical record. That would be the death of the majority of his Schick.
        Candy? She is just being herself, a selfish, whiny, paranoid, delusional child in a grown-ass with a big ass woman’s body.
        Now her butt is making her short dresses hitch up in the back, and when someone says something (hey, you ass and undies are hanging out the back of your dress, you might wanna pull that down, ’cause ain’t no one wants to see that) they are being a narcissistic abuser. Shenwill never be happy..

      • So, Bryan Tew is not safe anywhere?
        Already knew that.
        He is conflicted, as his religious almost Puritanical views would make sexual thoughts about sex with a man who believes he is a woman would be a sexual sin². Maybe even sin³.
        If they ever Baker Act him, they’ll be able to amass enough casework to publish. Bryan will be famous, if only as Patient BK, or similar effort for anonymity.

  15. I am going to transcribe this, because I use a Samsung tablet which has crap screenshot capacity. I have also not asked for permission to use this, but if you don’t know where it came from, you can’t bother her….I’m speaking to the people lurking…..that means you, Candy.
    This is from someone I met on Facebook in the group “Concerned Citizens of Bloomington Texas.” I joined and openly stated that I follow someone that had just moved into their town. I had seen a picture posted there, of the back of Candy walking along the road, which is not her most attractive angle. Someone on the page asked about my interest in Candy. She was known and not liked even a little bit by anyone. The first message I got back from this person sounded really familiar. We were definitely talking about the same Candy:
    “She already yelled at my family while holding her phone and was belligerently yelling the things that she was saying, it tool almost a month to find out somebody down the road said her name and showed my aunt her You Tube Account.
    To say she’s bizarre is an understatement, She is the most foul mouthed and disgusting parasite and we in the area are sick of her!”
    I told her that the people of Pensacola thought the same about her, and how she had been banned from businesses.
    “Well if it’s any wat she’s treating my aunt nephews and neighbors I feel bad for you. She has actually charged at people.
    There are people who see her coming and go the other way.
    And there are a couple who played it out in their heads what the want to do to her. “
    So as much as Candy hated the people of Bloomington, they hated her right back. Like I said, she was known and not liked by just about everybody. Then she got the call to move. Or at least that is what she said on her videos, that she got the call that a place was available, if she left right away. She was glad to leave and return to Florida. They told her don’t worry about cleaning up and she went on and on about three times that she was going to be leaving stuff that people can use, using the phrase “pay it forward,” about her junk. All nicey, nicey. Right? No. She HAD TO LEAVE. She was getting kicked out of the cabins. Here’s that nugget:
    “Just saying that she was evicted she was told she would have to leave.
    I don’t hink she knew that the owner’s husband was the one driving the red truck that she filmed and would yell at as he drove by.
    And the man that went into the cabin to check the AC unit said it smelled like a cat litter box.
    And the decided for several reasons and the safety of the guests they were told at the office to tell her she had to go.
    After she left, they pulled the mattress out and tossed it. And repainted. She had soaked the place in alcohol and had urinated on the mattress. That is what maintenance reported.
    If you follow her and know her address could you please share it?
    They are wanting to forward her a bill for damages.”
    So Candy, who has sworn, in the time I’ve been following her, that she has OCD and if she had her own place it would always be neat and clean is delusional. Just like the extended stay in Pensacola, which Trisha(? I think that was her name) said was a filthy pig sty. Now she has her own place. Unfortunately the person who gifted her money and told her to splurge, but Candy whined was not enough to splurge with, will likely not know this. And will continue to give her money, for poor old her, so deprived and victimized and all. So she can wallow in her own filth, like she has proven is how she lives at least twice.
    No, she was running because she didn’t have anywhere else to go. That a unit became available at the same time is just a sad, unlucky coincidence. But I really would love to see the look on her face when faced with a bill for damages to the unit, including a new mattress and paint job. I’m glad for the people in Texas that she didn’t have to live on their streets. But, all in all, it sucks to be her. Just wait until they find out she has unreported income. HUD, and I think that is the organization that is funding her housing assistance, requires a reporting of all income, the same issue she found out both at taxes and when under the scrutiny of the SSA. So your little splurge is income, Candy. Are you going to report it yourself, or will they just have to find out you aren’t reporting your entire income? Again…

    • I totally believe all of that about her pissing herself (she admits to not having control over her bodily excretions, blames the DEWs) and causing damage. I just think it’s pointless to try to bill her for the damages. She won’t pay. She’ll say she was wronged and doesn’t morally have any responsibility.

      Could possibly sue her and get a judgement to garnish any income she gets but unless the damage is in the thousands of dollars it’s probably not worth it.

      It’s amusing to hear that she charges at people (like an angry bull? lol.) That sounds sort of like Bryan. Bryan’s injuries are in part due to him getting his ass kicked from harassing and confronting people. What’s protecting Candy is that she’s a woman. Though I could see Candy getting her ass kicked in the new place where it is presumably full of single moms who don’t have qualms about hitting another woman who mouths off or charges at them.

      • Yeah, she gonna piss off a baby momma, who thinks she is watching baby daddy. I’ve seen videos. Yikes. I’ve seen videos.
        I hope they continue to go after the money and at least take her to small claims. Then it will be on recond, and will follow Candy should she want another place. And be on her credit report. Double whammie. Considering this is a repeat performance, that room in the Budget Inn was likely as bad or worse, people should know just who they are renting to.

    • And the man that went into the cabin to check the AC unit said it smelled like a cat litter box.

      Sorry, that made me think of this Febreze “Noseblind” commercial from a few years ago with the cat couch (other than how Candy doesn’t even own a cat).

  16. Candy, you are once again showing that you both come here to stalk and control what is said here and do not understand what is said about you.
    I have never said that you glorify or condone anything in your short stories, I’ve said you NORMALIZE things, like child abuse, animal abuse and neglect and domestic violence. Normalize means you talk about those things as if they were normal. It is NOT NORMAL to allow a neighbor or anyone else to discipline children, especially with a belt. It is NOT NORMAL to not get a dog, badly burned, treatment for the injuries received. In fact, not getting a pet proper health care is considered a crime. And in an early story about a party, a man takes a woman into a bathroom and assaults her, and the rest of the party goers do not help and do not call the police. That is NOT NORMAL, it is morally repugnant. All are treated as NORMAL in your stories, therefore you NORMALIZE those things.
    So before you start saying I have lied with my reviews of your books, or that I am somehow jealous, you might just want to look up words you are not familiar with like “jealous.” No one is jealous of you or anything about you, including me. I could write and publish a book at Amazon as well. I choose to not publish anything until I have proofread it. Then proofread it again. Then sit on it for a while, reread, and edit, reword, correct, make more clear, and fine tune it to as close to perfect as I can get. That is what an author does, Candy. They don’t just type something out and publish. I also have a house with no mortgage, two cars, medical care, a faithful loving husband of 43 years, two loving dogs, everything else I need, a lot of what I just wanted…..explain again how I am jealous? But then again you believe, or at least have the delusion about, that I am somehow paid to follow you. Show me the money. Show facts and evidence that ANYONE is paid. And you keep saying people “sex traffick” you. Show the facts and evidence of that as well. I don’t think you even know what that means, because nothing even close to that is ever actually done to you, or you would talk about it at least. Merely seeing you or taking your picture or video of you doesn’t mean you are sex-trafficked anymore than what you do to people sex trafficking, and no one is claiming you are trafficking them, do they? Because using a cellphone around you just means that they are using a cellphone and you happen to be in the same general area, nothing else. Or are you sex trafficking your neighbors? Because you make comments about them, take their video without their permission, and watch them come and go from their homes. Yeah, they could come after you for those reasons, and when they find out about it, will they say you have sex-trafficked them? No, because they know what sex-trafficking is.
    I think it is funny you went to the local wards to complain. You don’t know how the Church works. All anyone who receives a letter from you has to do is look at the writing. It will be obvious that you are not mental well and intellectually normal. Ooooo…..I watch your videos and have opinions about what I see. I watch you on PUBLIC posts you make on YouTube. How is that a crime? How is that harassment? If you don’t like what I say about your videos and books, don’t come here and don’t read your reviews.
    Problem solved. Although I do hope someone asks about it, because I would love that letter, to post, about how you are trying to control what I can and cannot do, watch, or write about on the internet. I abhor censorship, I am an adult with internet access, and I don’t need YOU to tell me what to do.
    And I would love to review it. That would be most excellent.

  17. And this cannot go without comment.
    Candy, you buy your own groceries. If you have ice cream and two slices of cake at dinner, that is why you are obese. It is not anything to do with drugs you no longer take, DEWS, stress, or anything else. You are obese because you eat too much of the wrong types of foods and you do not get any exercise, so you are just sitting around gaining weight. That you gained weight while homeless on the streets, concerned almost daily that you were starving, was ironic and sad. It’s not that you need high caloric content foods for energy, nor is it because it is how you self medicate depression. You buy what you want to eat, eat what you want to eat, when you want to eat it. That you continue to lie to yourself that your weight is anything more than that is comedic genius. Two slices of cake with ice cream? Really? Who made you buy and then eat two slices of cake? NO ONE. YOU WANT IT, YOU BUY IT, YOU EAT IT.
    I am the same way, but I am trying to lose weight, so I consciously watch the amount of food I eat and what types of food I eat, but still don’t deprive myself of things. I am making banana bread later, and a coconut cream pie. And still lose weight, because I try.

  18. Candy, no one likes you because you are a narcissistic, whiny, paranoid, delusional, childish, untalented, ignorant, psychotic, sociopathic, lazy, lying, bossy, nosy, loser who sucks the joy of life out of the air around them. That’s why. No one has to be a satanist or sell their soul to hate you, it is something that comes naturally from watching your videos of you stalking people, swearing at them, being nasty in the terms of your hygiene, lives in practical squalor, laying around who contributing nothing to society but bad feelings. You make people hate the homeless, Candy. That’s not good. But you don’t deserve special attention; the only thing special about you was your early education.
    And you think you are without flaw and nothing is every your fault. Your weight is because of pills you took over 20 years ago? No, it’s because you buy food that makes you fat and you eat too much of it, too often. And the only exercise you get is hauling your butt off your mattress to go to the bathroom, so you don’t pee on a mattress you own. But you did on at least one mattress you didn’t own. Your OCD loses it’s luster when you are so nasty with your hygiene and such a slob wherever you live. For the time I’ve followed you, your claim to have a perfectly clean house if only you had a roof of your own over your head has been shown to be a lie. You are a bother to everyone. You wear out your welcome everywhere.
    I try very hard to remember that you are both challenged and mentally ill, two things you have heard since you were a child, but you make it difficult. Then I realized that I don’t have to like you because of your faults. Not everyone thinks your faults are “real.” I do. You are not a 40 year old woman, you are a child in a 40 year old body. And you always will be a child. That is something you cannot help. But your mental health, including your depression, needs treatment if you expect to ever have anything close to “happy.” At least learn to accept yourself, but do so with honesty, because your challenges will not change, and never can change. But your health should change, both physical and mental. Get help.

  19. Once again, Candy has made a video and not said anything new. She would save a lot of time, effort, and bandwidth if she realized she has the same thoughts and the same stories, and even the same background, as she is back to making videos laying on her back on a bed, just like she did years ago. Of course she couldn’t be fundraising from old videos. But she is not fundraising anymore, right? Wrong! It’s still passive aggressive, but it’s still there. She needs furniture, and she needs someway to get furniture to her apartment. Because it is going to inspected. It needs to be checked that she is maintaining the standards of cleanliness and order that is expected. Which after seeing a load of garbage bags going in, is probably a concern. But, same-o, same-o, she is too tired to do ANYTHING, despite having more totes to unpack and organize. And throw away. I remember she always said she had a storage unit for the things she would need when she does finally get a place and important papers. Not so much housewares showing up, and, while she does have her diploma and her degree, she also has been saving bus schedules. Me thinks I smell a hoarder of sorts.
    Anyway, if she would only just look for the information, like, I don’t know, the internet, she would see that there are furniture banks in NW Florida. And food banks. But if she looks for help from a church, it should not be one close to her, because they will expect her to at least show up a time or two, so they know that she didn’t just use them, like she used that church in Texas for free food, which she then whined about. It is not considered polite, nor Christian to not be grateful for what is given you. But you will, Candy. You always have something bad to say about everything. Even your blessings.

    • She was basically paying $1200 a year to store garbage. Old Bua schedules and a baby mattress she found on the street???? Then she paid someone to pick it up😂😂😂 she also had a nerve to say people tell her she doesn’t look a day over 20 what a joke🤣🤣🤣🤣


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