Bryan “I did nothing wrong” Tew kicked out of yet another hostel

In Bryan Tew’s world, all of his problems are someone else’s fault. The voices in his head aren’t his, they’re the CIA’s. When his ass gets beat, it has nothing do to with the harassment he instigated. 

When he’s loud and obnoxious in his hostel, he didn’t do anything wrong. It’s just the CIA and their useful idiots engaging in a harassment campaign against him.

5 thoughts on “Bryan “I did nothing wrong” Tew kicked out of yet another hostel”

  1. Lol. This guy is definitely on the shit list with the local police. How much of this crap are they going to take before they start roughing him up.

    • I think they know better than to mistreat tourists. I do find it interesting that they’re giving him the white glove treatment though. He’s harassing people with nothing more than a police report being taken each time.

      With all the trouble he’s causing he ought to be deported and barred from reentry.

  2. His latest post: “Making new sign to expose CIA and Ecuadorean atrocities and corruption”

    “Ecuadorean atrocities and corruption” will land him in some real hot water. Stirring up politics and accusations in a third-world country is a bad idea. Not that Tew is a model example of good ideas though.

    I’m getting bored with Tew again. We need a new country for a backdrop. China is no fun. Israel was downright boring with all of his religious pilgrimages. I’m hoping for a US visit. I like some familiar backgrounds and some natural English speaking stalkers for him to confront.


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