What do you get if you combine a chemtrail loon, a TI, a bad temper, and homoeroticism?

All photos and screenshots are legally reproduced here under the Fair Use doctrine.

You get Michael D. Fleming of Huntsville, AL.

Fleming – where to begin? He thinks “chemtrails” are killing millions of people yearly and he is mad as hell about it. The unnamed drone operators supposedly behind the program as well as actual scientists who study climate change and geoengineering (who he thinks are part of the chemtrail program) are guilty and deserving of death to Fleming.

The white lines in the sky are ordinary contrails. There are proposals to “geoengineer” the Earth’s atmosphere to counteract climate change but these proposals are purely academic in nature: there is still much debate about their effectiveness, safety, and so forth. There are no climate geoengineering programs currently taking place.

Nonetheless he is angry as hell about the geoengineering that he thinks is taking place. He names various chemtrails debunkers from Internet forums and calls out Harvard scientist David Keith (who is one of the lead researchers studying geoengineering) and offers $1,000 for likeminded people to go out and fetch these individuals so that he may have his way with them:

As this first image alludes, it’s not just the chemtrails bothering him. He thinks there is a stalking / harassment program targeting him for his anti-geoengineering “activism”. This is where the TI label gets applied to him. I’ll admit that he is not a garden variety TI. He doesn’t hear voices in my head to my knowledge (well, he hasn’t admitted to such). He does claim that he is being attacked with radiation:

The reality is: nobody is stalking him. Fleming’s contributions to society and his “activism” are only noteworthy for its absurdity and comedic value and have gained him no enemies – apart from his death threats which are hopefully being handled by the legal authorities.

I doubt David Keith or various Internet debunkers are sending people in beige vans to surveil him.
These screenshots (above) all come from a recent but now-deleted post. 

Below are some older posts and comments I selected showing his obsession with gay people and gay sex acts:

Yeah, Fleming is really super obsessed with that topic. Why? I don’t know. Maybe he can tell his psychiatrist. 

What else?

Fleming has a collection of “books” published on Amazon, featuring everything from chemtrail conspiracy theories, to crackpot ideas about free energy, to NASA conspiracy theories, to crackpot cures for diabetes, to nonsense about being a TI, and such and so forth.

If you happen to purchase one of his books (I hope you don’t honestly) and decide to leave an honest review, expect a hostile reaction from the author replete with legal threats:

And finally – perhaps the best of all – are Fleming’s parodies of various pop songs with themes about geoengineering. They are hideous and awful but that’s what makes them so god damn funny. Here’s a selection of them. More can be found on the YouTube channel that posted these.




By the way – I have an expectation that this article will appear in Google searches for Michael Fleming. As such I expect Mr. Fleming himself to have a hostile reaction to this posting and threaten me with legal action. I am not worried as I have a competent lawyer on retainer and know well that everything posted here was done so legally. There is no legitimate claim to copyright infringement, defamation, or harassment nor do I require permission to post this.