Christmas Season 2023 Updates

Just want to have a fresh comment thread since it has been a couple of months.

Bryan’s life has been mostly uneventful, or at least he hasn’t obsessively documented his life as much as he used to.

This week Bryan suddenly appears in an arm sling with no explanation. It’s not clear if he was further injured or if doctors are telling him he needs to wear it until he gets surgery.

Bryan does not elaborate meaningfully but it appears he has surgery scheduled soon. Someone (hospital, VA, insurance, etc.) is paying for him to be put up in a hotel, which I am not opposed to, but Bryan is complaining that the hospital is “two hours away” and he says he cannot safely drive. I guess it is implied that the big bad “They” did this on purpose but it just sounds like bureaucratic incompetence to me.

If I were in that situation I would just ask them to pay for a cab or Uber if I couldn’t afford it myself.

Bryan had some kind of altercation at the New York Presbyterian Hospital on or around 12/11 where he claims he was physically assaulted by a nurse and had security called on him. I doubt this happened the way he tells it.

Candy is currently using the Louis Armstrong New Orleans International Airport as her personal homeless shelter. For the most part, this is being tolerated other than the occasional security officer telling her she’s not allowed to sleep there.

I’m generally in favor of leaving homeless people alone if they’re not actively causing problems. However Candy is definitely causing problems. Candy thinks nobody else is allowed to charge their phones and that anyone who charges their phone in her vicinity is a satanist and a gangstalker. The idea that airports especially during holiday travel season can get busy is lost on her.

Bonus clip: Candy lies about her panhandling activities. She says she is polite and never gets rude to people; it’s always everyone else that is rude to her. This clip is followed up with another clip of Candy being rude and nasty to someone who doesn’t give her any money.

83 thoughts on “Christmas Season 2023 Updates”

  1. Bryan posts an video clip, sans audio, of himself calling the FBI (after mistakenly calling Walmart first), accusing the FBI of causing problems with his communications to his Iranian and Chinese attorneys.

    Bryan has posted a couple of clips of being asked to authorize his login to Google from an unknown device and another clip of him not knowing how to authorize his WhatsApp login from an unknown device.

    In general Bryan’s problems are him not understanding how modern technology works and/or having a poor internet connection, not the FBI.

    • He made a followup video. He says he needs to fly to Iran. If I understand this right, he wants to “confirm” that the attorney wasn’t corrupted by the FBI.

      (Edit: Bryan deleted this vide. I reuploaded it to YouTube)

      • Bryan is having a normal one today. He isn’t explaining WHY he thinks his attorneys are corrupted/compromised.

        The only clue I have is that today in an earlier post he captured this WhatsApp screenshot of a rather vague informational message stating that the business he is corresponding with uses “other companies to manage this message”.

        I did a cursory Google search and it appears this means the company in question is allowing third party services to archive or provide answer/response services (like a chat bot service).

        So yeah it could mean his communications are monitored by a third party, which might not be a good thing if you’re trying to communicate confidentially, but you shouldn’t be using WhatsApp to begin with (at least without the end-to-end encryption features, but WhatsApp isn’t my messenger service of choice for anything sensitive because of it being owned by Meta).

        THEY ARE ROUTING ME INTO THE HANDS of GOVERNMENT PERPETRATORS and INFORMANT PROVOCATEURS and AWAY FROM actual independent LAWYERS, DOCTORS, PASTORS, etc., WHO CAN HELP ME with their BULLSH!T 26 YEAR INVESTIGATION OF ME. This has been going on for over thirteen years that I know of. It is not an investigation. It is a FOX-HUNT used for training research and development in Artificial Super-Intelligence technologies. TELL THE ATTORNEY THAT THEY ARE USING A TWENTY-SIX YEAR LIE that they have me under investigation. It did not take twenty-six years to investigate CARLOS THE JACKAL! This is not an investigation. It is a FOX-HUNT!

        • He will be disappointed when he finds out that the only reason he would be under investigation is because he keeps contacting people in countries which are not the friends of the US. He was investigated enough to get disability, including military disability. As he is not in treatment, shows that they don’t give a crap about his craziness and his wild worldwide adventure, running from things that are not real. It doesn’t need anymore investigation than looking at a sampling of his videos to see he a lot of problems, and no one really is doing anything for him. If you are “normal” it is easy to see he is batcrap crazy. Add in the narcissism, the delusions, the behavior, and all his meaningless travel, and any investigation would have been stopped a long time ago.

  2. On the Candy front, her nights in the airport are over. I was expecting a reply tomorrow or later in the day on Monday, figuring that whoever has “answer customer service emails” would have a M-F 9-5 type of job. Apparently the guy at night told her she shouldn’t sleep there. I think they will be banning her, as they used the word “removed.”
    It should make a good video. Or videos, if she goes all Karen in an airport. Those are a thing. And with holiday travel, there will be more people at all hours.
    Candy is also complaining that she is being “forced urination” again. Great.
    And because a person put some grapheti on a bathroom wall in purple, they are mocking her. And because on the same door, someone wrote “bling,” that means someone is mocking her poverty. It didn’t look anything like her, either. And was the characture was smoking something, it wasn’t about her at all. She is just such a narcissist she will find a way to make everything about her, whether it is or not.
    But tonight, she will be removed from the airport. She will have a bad night. Unless she pays attention and decides to avoid the airport. but I doubt it. Why she thinks that is a good place has always puzzled me. Perhaps they realize that some of the people are homeless, but they don’t cause trouble. But I’ve seen Bryan in airports sleeping and he has always been told to move along. It is possible that Candy has been told this, but has endeared someone to her plight, and as long as she doesn’t get into any trouble, allow her to stay.
    That is my one concern about this. That Candy has been allowed to loiter there for as long as she has, and has pointed out people in the airport at night as homeless, I hope they are given the same consideration . If they aren’t causing a problem, I hope they are allowed to stay. Candy is harassing people. She has claimed the place as her own, to be used by her rules, which it is not. She has a way of making things her, and trying to defend those things as if she has some kind of authority to “own” it. In Pensacola when I was first following her, it was a certain bench in a park on the main square. It was “her spot.” Not only could people not sit there, they could not smoke on any bench within her sight. She had “sleep spots,” “chill spots,” “pee spots…” all HERS. And got nasty to people if they approached too close. She has entered that area of entitlement in the airport.
    It will be interesting. Anyway, here’s the reply. I think that if they watched the other videos of her complaining about everyone, they would see the situation escalating. And with holiday travelers coming in, they won’t need the extra problem she could cause.

    • Oh, I redacted the name. I don’t want Candy mad and looking for the manager. I think if she had a name, she would.

    • I’m glad the airport is finally taking out the trash. Candy won’t learn anything from this and will just say “Star Bricker got me WRONGFULLY BANNED from the airport!!!”

      The forced urination video had me laughing. She’s looking left, right, and then scans the sky trying to find the cause of her “forced urination”. The problem is you and your health issues.

      • She needs to get a complete physical. Peeing every two hours is not a good sign. She always says she is not diabetic, but with her age, weight, diet, and lifestyle, I think they just haven’t done all the proper testing. She needs an A1C. I know this because my husband had prostate problems and I have type-2 diabetes myself. I figure I am 62 with a terminal diagnosis so I don’t care. She should. Or she might have an infection, which considering her unfortunate inaction with cleanliness is a very strong possibility. Or both.
        She has said more than once she almost had a meltdown. A meltdown now, when she is making a pain of herself, not getting any monetary support, and no one in her family has invited her in, with good reason. She has a single place to go at night. That will be taken away from her. A meltdown might happen.
        And someone will video it and it will be on a YouTube Karen at the airport type of compilation videos.
        She needs to understand what normal behavior is, and that she does not have it. She is demanding everywhere she goes. She has worn out her welcome in her own hometown. That is gonna hurt like not having any family.
        And is totally her own stupid fault.

        • It seems she was at the airport last night based on two YouTube Shorts she posted. She has them tagged as 12/20 so presumably these were after midnight.

          • I’d imagine, this time of year, while the night shift security guys probably saw the notice, they’re a bit overwhelmed by Christmas travellers so they may be waiting to catch her in the act having some kind of freakout before they’ll do anything.

  3. Bryan says lawsuits and criminal proceedings have been filed against the government of the United States and that investigators from Iran will be sent out to collect evidence.

    I’m sure this really has US officials super upset considering Iranian courts have no jurisdiction and we give out very few visas to Iranians.

    Surely Bryan knows all of this so this is just drama and vanity only.

  4. Now Candy is just asking for a week at a motel for $400 and money for food for the holidays because holidays.
    Like around Christmas people have spare money to throw away on a stranger who feels entitled to.ive in NOLA because she was born and raised there. She’s a native dammit. To hell with such notions as spending wisely, saving money, and living within your means, not relying on the kindness of strangers because you have no money to live there on your own. She has been tweeting some examples of just giving the homeless a living wage so they can get back on their own feet. And an article about how somewhere gave homeless people $7500, and how the people spent it.
    But if she was truly aware of her own actions, all of that would be gone within a week or two, as shown by her past. She has no bills but a phone, only pissy clothes, received about $930, paid her bill and for some nights in a motel….and the money was all gone in a week, and she still had the same pissy clothes.
    And now, almost a month later, she has less than a dollar to her name and new layers of piss on those clothes. What has she done differently? Absolutely nothing. So throwing money at her to live how she apparently is choosing to live, is not HELPING her, it is allowing her to have a paid vacation in pissy clothes.
    When she lived “with a roof over my head” she did the same thing, this time pissing her clothes and a mattress. The last time in Florida, she did the same thing,, minus the pissy clothes, maybe. All her stories about how she would live? Worse fiction than her short stories, because it is all both real and broadcast online. Even how often she pisses herself.
    Yeah Candy, you have chosen to live in pissy clothes every time you chose to eat at $10 a meal and not using that money to buy yourself some new clothes. That the choice was made by someone who is a 40 year old grown-ass woman who waves around her college degree shows how mentally ill and mentally, emotionally and intellectually challenged you really are. The only time you had a nearly normal life was when someone was keeping track of what you were doing. You need to remember that. Somethings can not be changed but what you are doing is only evidence that you CANNOT and SHOULD NOT live independently.

  5. Candy posts a 33 second long ramble about children being sex trafficked for the elite after seeing a “Missing Children” posterboard at a Walmart.

    She then realizes her video was 33 seconds long and then apologizes in a reply comment.

    Edit: This is a re-post of a Youtube clip she made over three years ago. She didn’t realize it was a 33 second long clip until now apparently.

  6. She is now on the street, and continues to stress that she is an author, and gangstalkers won’t allow her to make a living.
    It is not very Christan, but I hope she does not get help. She needs to realize she has created her own situation. Living in a motel and eating delivered restaurant food is not helping her, it is feeding the monster.
    The thing about her being an author always irks me a bit. IF she wrote well, people would read her stuff and buy a book, if only to help out. Even the people, all TIs” that bought her first book seem not to have continued supporting her. And just because someone writes a story and finds a place to publish, does not make one an author able to support themselves totally from their writing. Two women in knew from church wrote a healthy and economic cookbook, and published it, and had some booksellers advertising and selling (back before books were all online and still printed on paper.) The book was advertised on similar interest websites. They lost money. A lot of money. And the book ended up being included for “Free with any order” in a close-out book seller online (church oriented.) They were authors, they published, contracted with sellers who advertised and it was a lot better than anything Candy has produced.
    Well, except for the “Stretch Your Hamburger” recipe. To five pounds of ground beef, mix in 2 lbs of ground beef heart, two pounds of beef LUNG and one pound of beef liver, more if your family will eat it. They actually served it at a Church Ladies dinner, without telling us before hand what they used. And it tasted as bad as you could expect.
    Candy really needs to work at her writing, and by that I mean the very basics. It has not supported her, her promises of writing more fell through, and what she has done is not getting her any money. So it is not a job.
    And it is no one’s fault but her own that people have gotten tir3d of giving money to someone who walks around asking for money and pissing herself. She has allowed herself to be reduced to that description. And doesn’t seem to care.

  7. I spent some time reading the available parts of the law suits begun, and never finished by Bryan. There should just be a note up in the courts that when you see a lawsuit by “Bryan Tew,” just trash can it and save time, money, and their sanity. They are direct and to the point that his claims and suits are frivous, deluded, and just batshit crazy. It was fun.
    And it is fun seeing Candy in the airport. If, no….WHEN she causes a problem, I hope they officially trespass her. I’m surprised they haven’t already. She will be surprised, and start blubbering. While I feel pity for her, being homeless and family-less for the holidays must suck. But it was her choice to spend money like she is paid weekly and everyone with the things she does not have and wants (that’s “coveting,” BTW, Candy) should be able to supply her with what she needs to live how she wants, where she wants. And has shown for the four years I have followed her that she wants to live in motels and eat from restaurants. When she had her “roof over my head” she did not mange life successfully. When she had an apartment she could afford, she did not manage life successfully. If she cannot control her surroundings, she can’t stand it, she saw she was not going to get her way, so she fled. It’s what she does. She has fled jobs before, too.
    She is also now asking for $15 for dinner. That’s a lot, and I don’t doubt she will spend it all for dinner, maybe even a have dessert to calm her nerves. Some ice cream.
    Like I had ice cream myself. And two soft tacos, made at home. But I didn’t need to ask strangers for money for “food to eat.” Which has always struck me as stupid. What else do you do with food? “Change to spare for food to throw away?” Or “…food for squirrels?” If she can’t fit down a sidewalk with other people, perhaps she should eat less. I told her before she could fill up with a head of iceberg lettuce and a can of tuna. That would not be $15. She should give it a try.
    I had a PET scan, and am still in remission, but fell down last night for no apparent reason and hurt myself. Nothing serious, wrenched my back and hit my good knee, so no x-rays needed. Hurt my pride and sense of independence because I needed help to stand up. Please consider my pain meds a factor in my ramblings. Time for more and bed.
    Have a Merry Christmas. Tomorrow baking for Monday and sorting through presents. My grandkids are old enough we give them Visa gift cards so they can buy online if wanted, and a few other things for them. All in a gift bag, unwrapped, one item at a time. It’s less mess, less time, and more time for visiting.

    • Bryan has a “message” to his attorneys published as public videos on several platforms telling them he’s “too injured” to collect the evidence they need to prosecute his lawsuit and that they will need to do that for him.

      This is kinda in the same theme as many of his videos where Bryan says “I don’t have time to explain…” where Bryan seems to put forth very little effort to actually make himself believable to anyone outside of the TI community. I take this response of Bryan as him admitting he doesn’t have any evidence to back his claims.


      Hyper Game Theory is a deadly game of ‘Eugenics’ based on the mathematical model known as the NON-COOPERATIVE GAMING THEOREM using two things:. DECEPTION & MANIPULATION.  ‘Hyper Game Theory’ is just a moniker to describe that model. By ‘deadly’ I mean they need to walk you to your death: physical death, social death, emotional death and psychological death. There are only two ways to defeat the Hyper Game Theory: 1.  Refuse to play the game to begin with (Ignore Them). 2.  Place the opposing party in a position where they can no longer better their own position against you (Nash Equilibrium) Since you are dealing with a Conscious Supercomputer programmed with Hyper Game Theory algorithms and because the CIA/DIA teams have far more resources (time, money, manpower, etc.) than you do their is really no possiblity to use the NASH EQUILIBRIUM, meaning you cannot – for the most part – place the government in a position where it can no longer better it’s position against you So the only way for Targeted Individuals to defeat the Hyper Game Theory tactics they use against you daily is to refuse to play the game to begin with (IGNORE THEM).  Don’t respond at all, either positively or negatively.  Totally ignore them.  DO NOT EXHIBIT ANY RESPONSE! In order for Trauma Based Mind Control to work they must force you to continually respond to their Street Theater (Situational Scenarios & Conversational Scenarios), meaning they must constantly employ specific tailored script sets against you, such as a group of people taking pictures of each other, arguing with each other, etc These abnormal and aberrational scenarios are crucial to force you into a set of responses to determine coherent patterns of thought. Do not try and constantly adjust and counter the chaos they engineer.  Just ignore them.  Get up from your desk and walk away from the computer, office etc., and come back later – much later, AFTER the conversation or situation (chaos, trauma, etc.)  they just used against you has been pushed out of your short term active memory.  Do and think something else, immediately, to push the Chaos and Trauma from your Active Memory and Thought Process The Hyper Game Theory model of Deception and Manipulation employed against Mind Control victims is endless because there is always a HIGHER OPTIMUM to choose from So, because there is always a higher optimum to choose from there is always a NEXT MOVE to be made by the CIA DIA Hive Mind Teams, Surveillance Teams, Organized Stalkers, etc., and, specifically, the Conscious RNM [Supercomputer] System of Remote Neural Networks that is basing directed energy torture on that model (start torture…stop torture…start…stop…start..stop…etc.).  The process is endless Hence, the game never ends because the system must constantly provoke you into sensory and neural responses to engineer patterns of multiple synaptic responses One response is not enough.  They need multiple responses of the same behavior, etc., to determine coherent patterns of thought (VERIFICATION).  Only then can those synaptic responses be integrated back into RNM data as the Conscious Supercomputer continues to build a cognitive model of your WILL, INTELLECT & EMOTION for training research and development So the Hyper Game process is endless and can be triggered at will by the attackers and many times you will only notice the remote neural attacks are happening if you learn to read Active Memory In order for the Hyper Game Theory to work, meaning for the  CIA DIA Hive Mind Teams to make a next move, they must force the mind control victim to move or respond first.  The objective being to force the victim into an endless series of synaptic responses each day meaning to place the victim INTO and keep the victim INSIDE a PSYCHOTRONIC CONCENTRATION CAMP which is sort of a combination of the two movies ‘The Exorcist’ & ‘The Truman Show’ This is why the victim is surrounded and boxed in constantly, for as soon as the victim is chosen for this techno

      ? original sound – TargetedActivista3

      Attached to this post is a very blurry image Bryan posted of eight Certified Mail receipts of letters he presumably has already sent. It is difficult to read but it appears he is sending letters to the FOIA offices of the CIA, NSA, TSA, US Marshals, Pentagon (unsure of which agency), DIA, and a couple others I can’t make out.

      I wonder what he thinks the TSA would have on him?

      In the past Bryan has sent out FOIAs and received response letters that they have no responding documents on him, a response he didn’t believe, so I’m not sure what he is expecting this time around.

      • Bryan is now trying to get in touch with North Korea, presumably a government office of some sort.

        Hey Bryan, go look at some of the reports about Americans who defected to North Korea. NK doesn’t treat them well. You will be beaten and you will probably be forced to become a part of their propaganda films.

        That is the best case scenario. The worst case scenario is that they torture you and return your body in a permanently comatose state.

        Bryan never had the stones to visit Iran, I don’t think he’ll go to North Korea. But all of the above still needs mentioning.

        • Attorney Update: Bryan is angry at his Iranian lawyer because he apparently won’t reach out to the Iranian Embassy in Madrid that supposedly has “evidence”.

          I think it was in 2020 or maybe 2021 that Bryan met with staff at the Iranian embassy while he was in Spain trying to apply for asylum (to clarify, he was trying to apply for asylum with both the Spanish and Iranian governments).

          Just going off of memory only, I seem to remember Bryan highlighting a remark by one of the embassy employees (I don’t think he talked to the actual ambassador, did he?) who asked Bryan if the American government knew he was coming to the embassy. I seemed to remember Bryan thinking there was more significance to that remark than there likely really was. Bryan seems to think the embassy knows something about his targeting but didn’t want to tell him.

          More likely, the Iranians know full well thay have a poor relationship with America and that if they were to agree to help Bryan, they would want to know if Bryan is some kind of wanted man or is otherwise likely to become the subject of some other kind of international diplomatic scandal that Iran may not feel like having to deal with.

  8. Candy claims she just got hired somewhere but needs $$$ for a uniform. Is this normal? Do jobs usually expect you to front the money for a uniform instead of taking it out of your pay?

    I want to be happy for her (if this is even true) but we all know she’ll fuck it up and the cycle will continue.

    • I can’t say for sure but I suspect that Candy’s being scammed.

      If it’s not a scam, it’s going to be a job with a very high turnover rate (re: people work a day or two before quitting because they hate it so much, so the company’s not going to pay for the uniform).

    • She’s trying to guilt trip people into giving her money for the uniform. Oh and she pissed herself again.

      This is very obvious but she could have had $100 set aside if she forgone a few of her DoorDashed meals in exchange for cheap grocery store meals. Those will add up very quickly to $100.

      Candy has no financial planning abilities.

  9. Well, the job is likely a scam, just that they required her pay for her own background check, which is against the law in Louisiana. The law is fairly new, but someone who requires that would have to know about it. So she was scammed out of over $40 already.
    She said she would be reimbursed if she was not hired. But she was hired, so they don’t have to reimburse her.
    Anyone hiring someone now will Google that person at least. And what would they find? Stuff adults do not talk about, like how she pees herself on a fairly regular basis. And how her legs hurt if she stands or walks too long. And how she has a problem with ageism, and doesn’t think anyone younger than her should be able to train and supervise her, despite not having experience. And that she doesn’t have access to a shower, should she pee herself again. Or access to laundry. And that she is triggered by simply wearing red, being a Mason, or a whole list of other things. She yells accusations at people, as near in time as yesterday.
    All of that would not be a person you would hire for a service job. What are they thinking?
    Likely that she wouldn’t be able to get the clothing requirement in time. But they did hire her, so they don’t have to reimburse her. And if she did get the clothes, she wasn’t going to last long.
    Candy got zero money over this Satanic Pagan holiday, and has said that she would not accept a present if someone offered her something. Thinking someone is automatically a Satanic Pagan because they celebrate Christmas will not get you many presents. Or donations. People who do celebrate Christmas probably don’t have any money to throw away on a stranger anyway.
    And as bad as she probably smelled talking to these people, she has once again peed herself, so she will likely smell worse.
    Candy has been unemployable for a very long time, and the only person who doesn’t understand this is Candy.
    As of this morning, she thinks she will not get the job.

  10. Pro-tip for Candy, if you want to sanitize bus seats, at least do it with a branded Multi-Service Cleaning Wipe (from a brand like Clorox), not some mystery spray.

    The spray is a mystery to the bus driver, the wipes aren’t, and the wipes don’t generally have unintended side effects the way the alcohol spray can if inhaled.

    • I used to find it funny, but now it just makes me made. She is calling the bus driver, who has to deal with all the people on the bus through his entire shift a narcissist, because he will not let the one passenger spray an unknown aerosol in “his” bus. Proof ahe does not understand what narcissist means.
      Candy, the narcissist is the ONE PERSON, you, demanding to allow her to put an unknown aerosol into his bus. Not the one looking out for ALL his other passengers. I’ve told you before I have asthma. Why should you be allowed to trigger an asthma attack? You shouldn’t.
      The world has rules and I have never seen a rule yet that says a single person can pollute the air inside a closed space with an unknown, possibly toxic liquid because that one person is untreated mentally ill. And will whine and swear and call names if not allowed to pollute the air. Grow up and join the rest of the world.

      • I hope Candy at least realizes that this encounter was a warning to not continue spraying an unknown aerosol on the bus and the next time the police officer might not be so friendly.

    • Ah, you beat me to it by a couple of minutes, although your post wasn’t yet up when I started putting together my post. You can delete my post since it doesn’t have any different info than what you posted.

      I was already suspicious that the job she applied to was a scam and that was before she said that it was at an airport. I’d be astonished if any legitimate employer within the airport would hire a bag lady without a permanent address but maybe she’d only be working in the lower security area.

      • Yeah I’m a bit perplexed. Airport makes me think it could be one of the restaurants or news stands. Could be on the non-secure side too. Not too familiar with MSY to really know what’s there. Really hope it wasn’t a restaurant though, any restaurant that would hire Miss Pissy Pants has terrible judgement.

        I could see it being one of the airport-adjacent businesses like a rental car business or car parking place. They could be having her clean out returned rental cars or something.

        Didn’t she have a job like that in Pensacola last year or something? She had a vague complaint about “workplace mobbing” and quit.

    • Candy just uploaded approximately 10 new videos this morning of events last night. None of them are noteworthy enough to bother linking to, just take a look at her channel if you want.

      She doesn’t record the confrontation with authorities, only records her final moments as she waddles out of the airport, complains about how they waited for one of the coldest nights to kick her out, and tries to guess who reported her, followed up with several more videos of her wandering the street and complaining about the headlights or tail lights on vehicles.

      She thinks a janitor at the airport is responsible for reporting her based on her perception of him allegedly staring at her and having a “narcissistic look”. She still doesn’t know what that word means.

      It is evident she hasn’t come to this website in a while as the person who reported her admitted to reporting her already. Though it’s quite possible multiple people have reported her, including the grounds staff.

      • Candy made this monologue about an hour ago. Very defiant and portrays herself as the victim. She wasn’t harassing or creeping on other people, she was “documenting the gangstalking” as she hilariously claims.

        Doesn’t understand why a neutral third party observer looking at her videos would view her clips of her harassing people in the airport lobby and not sympathize with her.

        Apparently she must have talked to someone in management at the airport today who told her there were multiple complaints and that they saw her channel. Manager refused to disclose names of people who complained about her.

  11. “…ON THE STREETS!”
    She was on the streets before, she’ll be on the streets again.
    The way she has been toward the people in the airport, whoever hired her dodged a bullet.
    Candy needs to realize that the reason she gets kicked out of places is because of the content of her videos, not that some passed the videos along.
    After all, doesn’t she want likes and shares?
    I just hope she has a video.

  12. We had our Christmas a bit late, but that is okay. It is a great Christmas. We are still trying to find a name.
    It can not be Candy, as we have already had a Candy several years ago.
    My husband likes “Munchkin.” I like “Lil’ Bit,” “Itty Bitty,” or “Itsy Bits.” She is eight week old.

    • I was pushing for Itsy Bitsy, my husband still liked Munchkin, which I vetoed because I hate that movie, but we both agreed she is a cutie, so settled on Cutie Pie. It is also something we do not call the other dogs, so there will be no confusion.
      She has played outside zooming, climbed the ramp onto the bed, and climbed up the stairs from outside. She Ned a to only figure out the dog doors and she is already trying them after watching the other two. She is smart.
      She is also sharp. Tiny pointed teeth, needles for claws…but she hasn’t drawn blood. Yet.
      If Candy sees this, we have all our bills paid and money in the bank, and have been saving for awhile. She is also a purebred Miniature, we saw her parents and they were both beautiful dogs. She has all proper care for a dog her age. Which means we spent $$$ including a new carrier, some small things….puppies are expensive. I will have love from her always, she is already part of the family, both human and dogs. Which means SHE is money well spent.

  13. Yeah, I admitted it, left the email I sent here, admitted it on a community post, said when I got a reply and what that reply says both places….and she has never mentioned me in all of this.
    I think she doesn’t talk about me because I blow her theories about using an alias and a false icon, two thing I use. I also use only one channel, after using a second backfired making her think she gets orgasms. I deleted that account right away. And I wasn’t really hiding, as the name of the channel was “Candyland Watcher.”
    She continues to insist “exposing” imaginary gangstalkers, or rather, real people she imagines are gangstalkers is not anyone’s reality but her own. Everything they told her she had done is direct from her videos.
    Her aunt turning her away after years of “exposing family abuse” is no surprise. They can find out all kinds of things she has accused them off with a simple search of her blogs.

    Candy, if you see this, you have made your bed, so lay in it. You harass people every time you point your camera at them, especially when you are within their range of hearing you accuse them of all kinds of things. I have watched you do it for four years, and in that time your evidence of ANYTHING you say about anyone is nothing but your paranoid delusions. I believe any mental health clinician over your lack of understanding. You need help, of a very particular kind. You are not living up to your potential. If you fixed your depression first, you will be more clear headed. And inpatient would get you a room, bed, three meals plus snacks, clothing, showers…..all the things you beg for now. It would be better than jails “three hots and a cot.”

  14. Candy Grandpre, who is indeed the one who creates trouble everywhere she goes, accuses some random guy parking his SUV on what I assume is his property of attempted murder even though he’s driving slowly and came nowhere close to hitting her. (The car’s passing at least 4 feet away from the camera.)

    Starts around 7 minutes.

    If it was me, I probably would have waited until Candy had waddled past the car on the next driveway before pulling in, but he left her plenty of room.

  15. For four years she has been claiming people have almost hit her with their car.
    And for four years she has not been anywhere close to being hit by a car.
    Her definition of “close” is way off.
    And her behavior of crossing away from crosswalks, walking slowly for several reasons and stopping in crosswalks while videoing, if a car ever did hit her it will likely be her own stupid fault.
    Like all her other problems.

  16. I’ll answer Candy’s question (and note that I have nothing to do with “Darnell Williams” or any of the other online trolls and I have no desire to dox whichever hotel she’s staying at).

    Some people are turbo autists and can identify hotel chains just by the furniture, even if it’s just the pattern on the headboards.

    Alternately, they can go to Google Maps, look up all the hotels in any given area, narrow it down to the cheaper options, and then go to the Google Maps listing for the hotel and look at a gallery of photos of rooms in the hotel taken by hotel staff and/or hotel guests and, from there, they can see if they can match the headboard.

    TL;DR There’s no sci-fi mind-reading, wall-penetrating, remote viewing technology involved, it’s basically just looking through photos on Google.

    • Yeah. To add to what you’re saying, there is a website (I don’t know the name/URL off hand) where they ask you to contribute photos of your hotel/motel room and the name/location of where you are staying. It goes into a database. It is supposed to be used to help locate trafficking victims in case there is a photo of them in said hotel room.

      I don’t really have any interest in doxxing Candy’s motel stays but on YouTube people from NOLA say her constant videoing of where she is day to day makes it really easy to figure out where she’s staying, which makes sense. “Oh she’s on such-and-such street in <NOLA/Suburb>, the XYZ motel is just a block down the road”.

      Yeah I got a big chuckle out of “gangstalkers drugged me and put tracking chips in my body”.

      Funny, as I was typing this comment, “They’re coming to take me away!” by Napoleon XIV started playing.

  17. She actually makes it very easy any video that shows her walking calling out cars. Walmart? Check. Furniture store? Check. Those two things alone are enough.
    She has the information of the world at her fingertips and she never looks up any real information. She chooses to remain ignorant and scared of stupid $h!t like white cars than look up facts and find out that white is the number one color of vehicles sold in the US.
    Add in black and all the tones between including silver, and 78% of the cars sold make her feel harassed for…??? Why, exactly? How can a color harass you? Or a car with one headlight, like she pointed out a couple of days ago. She actually says (paraphrased) upon seeing a green SUV (not a common color) with only one headlight, she stops mid-sentence, “See? They are harassing me!”
    That is beyond crazy and enters just plain “dumb as a box of rocks.” On purpose.
    The first TI I followed (who strangely, is also an African American writer, although she really is a writer, usually business finance type of things online in magazines like Salon) was weird and nonsensical but she was never outright stupid. But nothing she considers the cause and program behind her stalking matches Candy’s either. At the most basic level, all TI stories differ, which is a problem to everyone but them.
    I should have written it in past tense. “But nothing she considered the cause and progrM behind her stalking matched Candy’s either.” This woman seems to have gotten the treatment she needed to reenter society, went back to school to get an advanced degree, writes quite a bit, and has several internet businesses, mostly free-lance writing and networking. There is nothing I can find online about her time as a TI at all. And she was compelled, like most TIs to post a lot of videos everyday. For stuff like the bathroom vent fan in an extended stay hotel making a different sound than it did previously. And driving down a four-lane highway, at speed, in rush hour traffic, making videos of everyone she passed. It was scary.

  18. Nappy Head Roots posted an update on a new channel just a couple of weeks ago.

    I can see from his court records that he is in the process of receiving court-mandated mental health treatment, with monthly reviews. He seems to be living in some sort of halfway house (not interested in finding out exactly where) at least for the next year or so, according to what he’s saying in the video. I hope they help him with housing after his treatment is over and he’s not going back to living in a van.

    He’s still being triggered by random things, in this video it’s a guy wearing a yellow high-visibility jacket, but given that he’s that he’s not yelling out crazy things towards the guy in the high-vis jacket, I suppose that’s an improvement over what he was like before he got arrested in June 2022.

    I hope his dog is still alive and well. He didn’t mention anything about the dog.

  19. Candy applied for a position with “Pelican New Orleans,” and her application was not advanced.
    I had no idea what kind of business this was so I looked it up.
    It’s the local NBA team, currently 7th in their division.
    She needs to look more carefully at the companies to whom she is applying. In what universe does a concierge of a NBA team not go to games because they are to loud and too “peoply?” How does she see herself promoting and representing the team?
    This disconnect shows her eternal job hunting is never going to come up with something. And shows she needs social help, like working with an adult special needs program.
    But I admit, when I saw that, I laughed loud enough to wake my puppy.

    • There’s a chance that it could in fact be the New Orleans Pelicans but I am thinking it is actually a tour company called “Pelican New Orleans” just because there is a company with that exact name.


      I took one of these tours (I don’t remember the tour company, could have been this one or one of the many others that operate there), we did the boat tour on the intracoastal waterway and got to see the alligators.

      Regardless, any job where she has to interface with the general public, especially in a sales capacity, is a poor fit for her. People will come up to the ticket counter wearing clothing she doesn’t like or playing music that triggers her. She will have a “tourettes” outburst and end up cursing someone out or saying something racist, either of which is a poor reflection on the company.

      Plus her lack of hygiene and incontinence will make her smell like the monkey exhibit at the New Orleans Zoo in the middle of the hot summer.

      • Here’s an alternate listing for the same job that I will link to only because Indeed was trying to force me to log in to read the listing on their site.

        It specifies “Composed demeanor, professional appearance, and positive attitude are priorities for this position”. “Composed demeanor” is pretty much the polar opposite of what Candy demonstrates in her Youtube videos.

        I also can’t imagine them hiring Candy for any job where a lot of walking is involved, but I’m still having fun imagining Candy giving a walking tour.

        “There’s two red cars, one of them with funny headlights. There’s the drone in the sky that gives me forced urination. There’s fake Harrah’s Casino which won’t let me use their bathrooms and if you want to gamble, you’re going to Hell anyway.”


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