Candy Grandpre Writes Dumb Ebook, Melts Down Over Honest Reviews, Slanders Reviewers

Candy has another ebook out. It is supposed to be a cookbook based on the cover of the book, but many (most?) of the recipes are non-food related. One is a recipe for a “detox” bath and another is a “cure” for menstrual cramps, which I’m sure any person hankering for a tasty meal wants to hear about.

In the book is a diatribe about gangstalking, directed energy weapons, and a preemptive warning that people who might leave her bad reviews are actually sex and organ traffickers that you should ignore.

If you were hoping for wonderful food recipes from a Louisiana native, well, you’re going to be disappointed.

Another bizarre thing about this ebook is the heavy use of URLs. The reader is expected to read those links. The problem with this, apart from being tacky, is that eBook readers generally disable copy-and-paste, so good luck copying those links to a web browser. You might be able to click on them if you’re lucky. This would be rather annoying if you printed out pages hoping to have a hard copy of recipes only to see a URL on your paper printout.

And yes, true to the warning in her book, she does melt down about people who leave bad reviews. She made a video accusing one reviewer, Star Bricker, of being a “sex trafficker” without any evidence whatsoever. She said Star’s review was “fake”, despite Star’s review being a verified purchase!

There is another bad review and yeah, Candy Ass melts down over that too.

102 thoughts on “Candy Grandpre Writes Dumb Ebook, Melts Down Over Honest Reviews, Slanders Reviewers”

  1. Oh, dear. I am old enough to have been a home-ec major, and wanted to be a home-ec teacher until I found out I would have been obsolete about a year before graduating. Because I write well and love to cook, a counselor suggested combining the two and become a food writer. Instead I went with the thing I have always wanted to be, a wife and mother. So I still cook, and I have always read cookbooks, cover to cover before using a recipe from that book. Even Julia Child’s. You learn a lot about cooking and food history. You also learn about food combinations, what works and what doesn’t.
    I have also developed my own recipes. The family favorites are both pies, a Fresh Pineapple Pie and a Fresh Strawberry Cream pie. I also make the best lasagna, fresh pasta sheets, roasted butternut squash and vegetables, duxelles, and ground turkey breast, with Gruyere and Emmenthaler cheese. Or stuffed Buttercup Squash with pork and mushrooms. Really, I have experience. Before a recipe is completed, it needs several tries, tweeking seasonings or adding a missing flavor profile. I don’t share your creations until they meet my standards, and I don’t share a recipe until you know it is able to be made “right,” by anyone….if they follow the recipe.
    What Candy has thrown together is not a cookbook. Some of it is not even food. Included are things she calls “cures,” which is dicey with the FDA. If she has mentioned food in a short story, she includes it as a “recipe,” even things she has not made herself. Making instant oatmeal in a microwave is not really a recipe, it is a tip. Stirring coconut oil into everything does not make it healthier, pink salt is still just salt and contains sodium like all salt does, no matter the color. Her lack of anatomical knowledge shows, as does her trust in anything touted as “natural.” You cannot “detox” by bath or supplement, because that is the function of your kidneys and liver. Eating/drinking mud does nothing for menstrual cramps, because there are no links between cramps and your digestive system. Her diet is awful, as can be seen by her weight. The crap she made in New Orleans last year was unappetizing, both look and ingredient combination. And her saying “I’m from New Orleans, cooking is in my blood,” is just stupid.
    Hey, she admits to putting freaking TUNA into LOBSTER BISQUE! That right there should keep her out of any kitchen. Someone who doesn’t understand the ratio of uncooked rice to water, or thinks not soaking or boiling beans to make them edible doesn’t belong in a kitchen. And definitely does not have what it takes to write a cookbook. Especially one that relies on so many links.
    Candy, you are not a good story teller, nor a good short story writer. But both of those are steps ahead of the quality of your “cookbook.” It is obvious you have never just read a cookbook, nor spent time in a kitchen, making anything. Go get cookbook, read it, understand that those recipes work because they have been used for years, even decades.

    • I listened to her video about making banana bread and how she was trying to give away extra loaves to neighbors. I was thinking how reluctant I would be to eat anything she touched or prepared b/c of her nonexistent hygiene.

  2. Oh, and I make banana bread and brownies from scratch, from memory. From recipes that I have tweeted to make them better than the recipes I found. And they are always praised as the best people have eaten and are asked for. And I have to make two Strawberry Cream Pies, so people can take some home. And make them for every family get-together. They are that good. And all natural, real food. No packages of anything used.

  3. Candy accuses Star Bricker of being a sex trafficker without evidence for leaving a bad review on her lame ebook.

    • What the fuck kind of cookbook is this? I read the sample pages (which are just random pages excerpted form the book that you can view without purchasing) and it’s a bunch of her rambling about gangstalkers and there were two “recipes” for things that weren’t even food items.

      One was a “detox” bath and the other was a “cure” for menstrual cramps.

      (I’m sure there is more content but that is all I could view with the free preview)

      And what is up with the URLs? Who puts URLs in a book? Do eBook readers even let you copy and paste text? Usually they don’t let you copy and paste for copyright reasons but I suppose they might allow URLs to be clicked.

    • I’m sure it’s “fine” but that “organic” soap does not look like anything I’d want to put on my skin.

      I think I’ll stick with my SoftSoap and my Head and Shoulders shampoo because I don’t find synthetic chemicals “scary”.

  4. A few differently-colored vehicles parked in front of a Cricket Wireless store where Candy had a job interview is obviously the reason why Candy didn’t get hired. /sarcasm

    Why is it that no T.I.s ever seem to be able to say which color is an acceptable color to have on your car?

  5. Throwing social media temper tantrums and using obscene gestures in reference to companies you’ve unsuccessfully applied to certainly is not a good look to have for future prospective employers who do a social media background check.

  6. Yeah, we’ve been busy this past few days and this did not help. Looks like I’m going to have to address a few issues tomorrow. And I didn’t even start with the recipes.
    First, you can’t make a sweet potato pie without using some kind of a binder, usually eggs. You can use an egg substitute, but that is not present, either. Apologizing that the recipes are not necessarily finished or good will get you no good reviews. She now has someone on Twitter telling her to go to the law. Because I said her cookbook sucked? Really?
    I addressed issues with the book and not at Candy as a person. Everything I said about the book I stand by.
    Oh, and this got a mention and a link on Twitter! So expect a lot of lunacy and hate. From people who have obviously not read her book. At least I did that. Cover to cover, because I read all my cookbooks that way.
    And one thing I didn’t mention in my review I wish I had was her use of “natural cures.” She has had an infected tooth for what…two years? She’s had warts on her hands forever. She still complains when she gets cramps. Just exactly WHERE IS THE CURE? She’s not cured a thing. She’s allowed things easily and quickly cure with a doctor’s visit to go on and on. That’s not helpful Candy, and using the word “cure” is not truthful.
    And then she says I am dying of cancer and insinuates natural cures would have….cured me? Stopped the cancer before it started? It would cure me the way her tooth assess is cured, NOT AT ALL. At diagnosis, I was told without any treatment, I’d have six months to one year. With treatment, my future was still unsure, and I would get to ampoint when the medications, the MODERN CHEMICAL MEDICATIONS, would stop working, but there were women on the same protocol for five years and longer. My diagnosis was in 2016, almost seven years ago. The meds are still working. My side effects are minimal. My mammogram shows no cancer. My last two whole body PET scans, done in December of the past two years show no evidence of active disease and even some healing. That means completely, long-term remission. And I’m going stronger every day. I spend less time in my bed than she does, and I have a really bad back and the x-rays to prove it. I am not dying of cancer, I am living WITH cancer, and living well.
    Suck it, Candy.
    Brownies That People Will Want to Eat…
    Heat oven to 350°: lightly spray a 13×9 inch pan.
    In a medium saucepan, over medium heat melt:
    2 sticks unsalted butter
    3 Oz. Unsweetened baking chocolate
    When melted , remove from heat and stir in the next ingredients, beating well after each:
    1 ¾ cup sugar
    3 eggs
    2t. Vanilla
    1t. Salt
    2½ t baking powder
    1/3 cup unsweetened cocoa
    1¼ cup flour
    Any add-ins, I do walnuts and chocolate chips
    Spread in prepared pan and bake for 20-30 minutes, depending on your oven.
    Here’s a handy hint: when you smell the brownies baking, they are done in about five more minutes.
    These will give you a nice blend of fudgy and cakes with a nice chewy edge. And the hallmark of all good brownies, a paper thin, shiny layer on top.
    If you use margarine, they will not be the same, so don’t come whining to me. I’ve not tried “veggie butter” because veggies don’t have tits and therefore cannot produce cream. And they are BROWNIES, a treat, not something healthy.
    And use only a single pan, so is easy to clean up.

    • Oh yeah, any time that Candy (or anyone else for that matter) talks about “natural” cures that are unsubstantiated by science-based medicine, it reminds me exactly of the character “Miss Information” from the season 4 South Park episode “Cherokee Hair Tampons”.

  7. What does Candy mean when something is “fake”? She uses that a lot. This time she says this website is “fake”.

    What sexual perversions do we brag about here? Like when has any of us mentioned our sexual activity here? I’ve mentioned the perverted behaviors of some TIs, sure, but I’ve never “bragged” about any sexual activity of my own because uhh it’s none of your business.

    Talking about you or other TIs is not a crime, no matter how badly you’d like to make criticism of you a crime.

    • According to her sister, Candy has always related “fake” to being bad, wrong, something Candy doesn’t like. So when Candy says it, it doesn’t always mean artificial, like the rest of the literate population knows. It means she doesn’t like it. So this blog is “fake” because she doesn’t like it. But working on a street, sidewalk or parking lot so she has to walk around to get to her interview is fake, because she is such a narcissist that all work around her is done for no other reason than she is going to be inconvenienced. Or to make too much noise.
      When you have paranoid delusions you can use any word you want to mean anything you want, even when they don’t make sense. Like calling people, namely US, “sex traffickers.”

  8. Don’t really know where this belongs so I’ll just put it here. Bryan Tew says Candy is a “real” TI and that Kevin Christian is a “perp”. No reasons given.

    I clipped this from a Facebook video upload.

    Kevin, if you’re reading this, please provide us with a response to being dissed by Bryan.

    • Oh, well that changes my mind. Yeppers. Bryan Tew would know and is a reliable source for truth.

    • Part 2:

      Part 3 (talking to the police):

      Part 4 (the music’s not loud enough for the cop to take any action):

      Part 5 (wherein Candy complains that the police officer jammed her phone somehow):

      There are a couple of more parts but you get the idea.

      I wouldn’t completely defend the guy playing the music, he does seem to be quite the piece of work himself, but, once again, Candy’s needlessly escalating things just like she escalated things in the parking lot back in Pensacola.

  9. I have never wanted to scour Facebook more than I do right now. She is not going to last long in Texas. She is too much crazy to be in such a small town. People will talk and weirdness is like having a blinking Neon light of “Batcrap Crazy” suspended over your head. That cop clearly knew what was going on.
    And then there is this from a blog: I know a LEGAL Mexican when I see one, & I know an ILLEGAL Mexican when I see one!
    Not a good thing to even think in Texas right now. Or anywhere else. Of course she thinks being fat should be a protected group. Oy.

  10. Candy Ass puts out the word about this website. It’s a fake website though.

    Not sure what the “secret stuff behind the scenes” is.

    Talking about your videos, blog posts, etc. is NOT A CRIME. It’s free speech. I dunno how many times I need to say that.

    • I replied to Candy in the Community tab of YouTube and commented that Candy is lying about her claims that we’re sex traffickers and brag about sexual activities on here.

      I also welcomed anyone to come visit and participate without fear of censorship and that they could see for themselves that there was no bragging about supposed sex crimes or other sexual activities on here.

      Candy had a small meltdown on Twitter about it, saying I was gaslighting her. I replied on Twitter that all she had to do was just show where we did any of the aforementioned things on here.

      I expect that she’ll ignore/block me and/or be triggered into another meltdown but not actually show the evidence of those things like I challenged her to do.

      • I do think that in Candy’s simple and child-like mind, Candy sincerely believes we actually are sex traffickers.

        It’s like how some of the extreme culture-war conservatives have been conditioned into thinking that liberals are child molesters, perverts, and etc. Or to a lesser extent, like how many on the far-left think anyone to the right of them are literal Nazis, and etc.

        (Although the claims that we “brag” about sex stuff on here is silly, we’ve never done that. That itself is made up. Maybe she is so delusional that she thinks she read something like that on here, but it never happened.)

        • Yes, her many challenges means she rarely understands humor (or what she thinks is actually funny others will not, like some of her stories), NEVER understands sarcasm (like thinking I believe I am a ‘unicorn proctologist and a ‘gang stalker extraordinaire’) and exaggerates everything said by anyone, especially things she sees as negative. She also is living with cognitive dissonance, and will believe ANYTHING said by someone that fits her perception, whether it makes sense or not. Like when she was supporting that woman who said she has been pregnant for several years, being unable to give birth by DEWs. Yeah, anyone with normal functioning knows that is impossible and the woman making those claims was likely mentally ill and street drug using, Candy believed her. Part of it is Candy tends to believe everyone because if she doesn’t believe them, they might doubt her.
          She also says I have said things I did not, all the time. Like my age and birthday. I’m 62, have known the number and date of my own birth for most of that time. Or that I have lied about jobs, church, marriage, sexual orientation, my disease, my lifestyle, my income source, and my “crimes.” She hates me, so she has applied everything she sees as “bad” to me, despite evidence to the contrary.
          Her delusions I have learned to live with and laugh at. Her paranoid delusions are all encompassing, something she does not realize shows within minutes of meeting her or merely Googling her. It is sad she doesn’t realize she could have everything she wants (except children, given her age and health) if she was treated, even if that meant a group home. All those paranoid delusions would likely vanish or at least be controlled and she could have friends.
          But not on her own.

  11. She is so narcissistic anything she does not like should be illegal. Like driving with your elbow on the window sill. It’s why it is padded, there are pictures of people doing it from the time windows first could be rolled down, there are no laws against it anywhere….but she doesn’t like it, so people who do it are gang-stalking perps, paid to enjoy a nice drive.
    I was laughing when the cop hit the nail on the proverbial head, that HER ears are sensitive, not everybody’s and what she is calling “too loud” is normal sound to the rest of the planet. That she expects people to live in a world around her “quirks” and “disabilities” is her gigantic case of narcissism.
    She also thinks people are doing things “funny” without realizing the other person is acting perfectly normal. Case in point, someone with a child in the car chooses to wait in their car with the air conditioner on while their clothes are washing and drying. While in their car, they are using their phone. So the alternate thing would have triggered her, too . Suppose the child was tired and grumpy, so Mom took them into the laundromat, where he took to running around screaming, the Mom would be yelling or ignoring, Mom would still be on their phone, holding it up to her face to see (the laundromat didn’t look well-lit) and Candy would have been making videos about how Mom needed to discipline their rowdy kid, why did she take him anyway, why was she taking video and pictures of HER, and calling her a “gang-stalking sex-trafficker.”
    Because if Candy isn’t getting her way, everyone in the vicinity is going to hell.
    Candy, you get paid disability pay because you have been diagnosed with schizophrenia and personality disorders which make it unlikely you could care for yourself and keep a job long-term. When you tell people you are disabled because of your hearing, you are lying. Hyperacusis is treatable, and is not considered a disability per Social Security. You will never have it better than you do right now without proper treatment and therapy. That is not SATANIC, not evil, not some plot against you (< that shows you are paranoid), it is the truth. When I was in-patient for treatment of my depression, I saw one person get strong-armed, and it was because he was acting out and got physical with the people trying to help him. You have mentioned that you got physical, that you have been “homicidal and suicidal,” and other things that speak volumes about why you have the life you do. You CHOOSE to be untreated. It’s not working out well. Treatment is better if you truly want to get better. Your behavior means it might get forced on you.

  12. The Twitter account “Menace to Bloomington texas” made some funny replies to Candy and posted this photo. I don’t know if it’s of Candy. If it is Candy, I’m not sure if it is Bloomington. I’m too lazy to try to geolocate the surroundings.

    I do see front license plates, which Texas does have.

    Apologies in advance if this photo causes vomiting or severe cringing.

  13. Well, poo. Hit the wrong button and might have sent another unfinished post. If so, please delete that first one.
    This picture is worrisome. Because Candy exaggerates anything about everyone to the negative and exaggerates things about herself to the positive, I do not for a moment t she weighs “only” 277 pounds. Those hanging lumps at her knees are beyond just being fat.
    She also has said that the dresses she bought fit her. This one does not. Her organs “squishing” are likely too tight clothes and too much visceral fat. And her feet “vibrating” is likely nerve or vascular damage, caused by her weight and inactivity.
    Now that she has a Medicare card (maybe Medicaid, too) she should get a full physical, even though she will not believe anything said, will not be compliant with anything ordered, and exaggerate how she will be treated badly when everyone involved tells her she needs help.
    What is also worrisome is the clay she takes internally is used as a sealant in industry, and is a whopping dose of sodium, something she already likely overused. Not that drinking clay is good for anything, and this particular one swells and can cause intestinal blockage. I’ve had that before (mine was cause by radiation when treating my lumbar spine) and it is no fun. It is painful, nothing goes through you, so you fill up with gas and whatever you have been eating or drinking. When it gets really bad, you vomit the contents from the blockage back to the stomach. It is an emergency, and sometimes requires surgery.
    If this is how she is showing up at job interviews she is not helping herself. She looks sloppy and unkempt. I know from previous pictures her bras do not support her, a problem I have from any bra from Walmart, too. So, yikes.

    • She’s eating the clay? Dang. I thought she was just using it for her skin or something. I excerpted some notes about ingesting clay from WebMD below. Not good, like you said.

      re: her weight, yeah she’s morbidly obese. She just showed off her grocery haul from the Dollar General. Two tubs of Blue Bell ice cream. She has to be diabetic looking like that.

      Doctors don’t recommend eating clay. It could cause a blockage in your intestines. And it can affect how you absorb nutrients and electrolytes. Plus, clay or soil can have high levels of harmful germs and heavy metals like lead, arsenic, and mercury. The FDA has warned against using at least two brands of bentonite clay supplement found to contain lead.

      Eating clay can be a sign of pica — when people or animals eat things that aren’t food. It could mean you’re not getting enough minerals, or you might have a mental disorder

  14. But she can’t find any fresh vegetables and fruits….what else was there for her to buy? She shops and eats like a child. A fat child. Even clay. But it is because of us online stalkers that give her major depression that she eats as much of the crap she does.
    She is a master at dichotomy. She says one thing, and does another. She complains people call her nasty and dirty, but what do they expect when they give her depression and is homeless? Oh, wait, she has not been with a home of her own for a month, and still she didn’t shower for days. Normally that would not be a problem, but she has talked about her toileting and menstrual issues, and she still didn’t shower. Or brush her teeth, or floss. Too much effort to floss your teeth using floss sticks? How hard is it to do something for a minute or less? I mean, damn……
    One thing that might get her kicked out of her current cabin is even thinking about using a kiddie pool inside her cabin, to take detox baths. Probably the kitchen appliances are iffy. Anything that heats up like a toaster oven could cause an overload. One place we lived in a toaster blew the circuit breaker. Luckily it was the wrong wattage.

    • Well, I mean, I’d probably go days between brushing my teeth myself if I convinced myself that clay recommended by some “natural” product-shilling charlatans on the Internet is somehow better than a toothpaste certified by the American Dental Association (comprised of tens of thousands of dentists with science-based medical training).

      If nothing else, at least toothpaste doesn’t taste like clay.

  15. O,as, this is a test, it is only a test. But everything I am about to tell you is true.
    I am living a real life tragedy, and I’m trying to be both brave, positive and supportive, but it is really wearing me down. I kind of want to see how a certain someone uses it to weaponize my hurt. I know she will, because she is a narcissist who thinks the entire online world is evil, especially me.
    I have stage four, metastatic breast cancer and although I am remission now, it will return sometime, and will likely kill me. I have been treated now for seven years, which means my cancer is chronic, not terminal. The only limitations I have is fatigue and the damage to my bones, which cause me pain if moving too much, especially my back. I do not spend my time in bed, trolling the internet making someone’s life miserable. I am far to busy.
    But now I have a new role to play. I will be a cancer patient’s support team. My husband was diagnosed with prostate cancer, at stage two. Which means he is curable, but will need treatment, likely daily radiation for 9 weeks and oral medication. I’ve been through radiation, on a palliative scale, which is meant only to slow things up not cure them. It is lesser strength, over a much shorter time. I wiped me out, made me nauseated, and generally was not a good time. It was something I might have to do again, but my experience was hard enough I would need to really think and pray hard about how and if it would affect my quality of life.
    So I know what is coming for us the rest of the year. Added to that will be the financial things. Not only will we have bills, my husband has insurance and they might see him as a further risk of high bills, and drop him. Which might mean crap insurance because that is all we can afford, or a premium raised too high to easily pay for. I was fortunate in that when I was diagnosed we couldn’t afford to insure me even via Obama care Marketplace, and my husband’s job had a slow period, so he was working only part time, so I qualified for a special program on Medicaid. So I have no bills. And starting in July, I will be getting SS retirement benefits, so will have some “extra” money, that was going to be set aside to prepay funeral expenses and clear up any debt before anything else. So those things might not be accomplished by the time my cancer reappears.
    So I am stressed. I am worried. We as a couple have cancer. And it is going to be hard.
    And any contributions of someone who doesn’t like me…well, I am feeling I need to get her over any pettiness before I can even look for support online.
    So here is my chance. Once I know how she will try to hurt me, I’ll feel better about sharing. And I know she will, because she always does. And hey, she thinks I needed to be murdered strong enough she mentioned it in a video. If you can do that, you will do anything.

  16. Candy has several recent posts / videos up about how people have doxxed her and are trying to get her kicked out of her current housing situation in Bloomington, TX.

    I’ve already said what I am about to say but I’m going to repeat it because there’s new visitors here and maybe Candy will see it.

    I do not desire to see Candy homeless and I am not actively involved in trying to call up the property manager of where she is living at or contacting any other local businesses or authorities about her as I do not see a reason to. If anyone is doing that, it’s not me or anyone I have told to do so.

    Generally the only circumstance where I would feel compelled to call somebody regarding a TI is if I see a dangerous situation or feel someone’s rights are being violated or there is some sort of major breach of ethics/morals (like committing fraud).

    Like if a death threat was uttered in a video or post. Full disclosure: I have called the authorities on Bryan Tew in the past because he has on a few occasions made statements that could be taken as threats to kill people.

    I am not involved with whoever “Darnell Williams” is. Never corresponded with him and wouldn’t know how to contact him since I have no idea who he is. I keep hearing my name in association with him by Candy.

    My biggest beef with Candy right now is with her slander campaign against myself, Star Bricker, and anyone who has anything even slightly critical to say about Candy.

    Candy’s go-to slander accusation is to accuse anyone critical of her of being a sex trafficker and/or a sex criminal of some sort. It’s almost funny at this point because it’s becoming predictable.

    My other beef with Candy is how she is shitty to people. It’s a common TI theme. They think the entire world is out to get them so they act shitty towards everyone. Watch Candy’s videos where she’s mean to random people on the street or she’s being an asshole towards waitstaff. Seeing that kind of abuse towards people also burns me up.

    My suggestion to Candy is that she stops doxxing herself. She gives away too many details that enables people who actually want to see her suffer can cause her problems.

    I would also suggest she stops being paranoid about everything and everyone, which is what is making her an asshole towards the world, but I realize the only way that will change is with psychological therapy, which like most TI’s, she rejects.

    So I predict Candy’s behavior in that regard won’t change and she will continue recording herself being a pest and then generating the outrage that she claims is making her victimized.

    That brings me to my last point: commentary/feedback about the things you do in public is not a crime. I keep saying this, Candy keeps insisting it’s a felony. It’s not. There isn’t a court in the world that will rule in your favor.

    • Amen. She when she does not like someone, she pulls out all the stops, labeling them incorrectly. I have been called by her online:
      Part of a cult
      A liar
      A Pedo
      A lesbian
      A fraud
      A member of a “Hate Candy” cult,club or whatever
      A criminal
      A bully
      That I harass her
      That I am obsessed by her
      That I am JEALOUS of her
      That I am dying of cancer (right now)
      That I lay around in bed
      That I spend hours a day looking for ways to make her life miserable. Well, more miserable than it already is.
      That I am stupid
      That I am gullible
      That I am delusional.
      And my personal favorite, a physical threat to her, despite HER making a video addressing me by legal name and giving my location saying I need to be murdered.
      I laugh about most of these. I’ve got a tough hide and am notoriously hard to offend. There are many times I find what she does or says offensive, because like me, she makes up whole stories in her head about people and calls them all kinds of things. She always says people using something besides their “real” name are cowards. No. We understand privacy issues. I know my past, my present and have a good idea of my future and have little reason to hide myself, but other people might have reason to not want to be called names like any of the slurs she makes or any of the claims she makes without evidence. Because she makes a lot of claims and NEVER has facts to back her up.
      Like calling someone a Pedo.
      Candy, you might not have noticed that people in Texas, especially those in pick-up trucks, are armed. Yet you yell at them for no other petty reason than they have a light out on their car or they are driving with their windows down and their arm on the PADDED FOR COMFORT windowsill.
      I challenge you to produce records showing charges and convictions of any of the people you are slandering. It’s public records, so should be easy to find.
      Or go up to someone physically and call them PEDO to their face. Are you a coward? You are a big coward. If someone doesn’t support you 100%, you block them so they can’t address your slander. (I would suggest you do NOT do this, BTW. Texan also don’t take crap from people and drink a lot of beer. Especially those with gun racks in their fancy pickups.)
      IOW, put up or shut up, about me and everyone else. You have actual proof a Healthcare professional says you are mentally ill. That you choose to not believe it does not matter, as you are not a medical professional. Should anyone every have a legal issue with you these records will be used in evidence, not your own opinion.
      Also, your degree was a feel-good gimme, because you are special needs. No normal student would have passed and gotten a degree in the Spanish language not fluent . It means NOTHING to anyone but you, anytime, in any circumstance. If I was interviewing you I would ask about this disparity. It would be noted by me as a negative response. You can STFU about that as well.

  17. Candy Grandpre’s getting “noise harrassment” from Union Pacific.

    If I look at a map, there’s a three track railroad level crossing plus a freight depot plus a rail junction nearby so there are plenty of reasons why freight trains (or passenger trains, if there are also passenger trains using those tracks, which I’m not sure about) would blow their horns multiple times.

    Bonus, at the end of the video, there’s one of those “drones” that TIs see that seemingly have endless power or fuel to hover in mid-air indefinitely either to just be noticed or to zap them with energy weapons that are somehow small enough to fit on a drone and is totally not just a star or planet that they’re misidentifying as a drone.

  18. Hahaha haha! Yeah, if she ever thinks to look at a map, she would learn a lot about the places she decides to live at. I happened to look at the videos from Bloominton, Texas and they have enough trains from different line, different models, hauling different cars, including Amtrak, that they are a “transporting” location. We have one of those north of me. Far north, about 10 miles.
    If she had look at a map, or even Google d the cabins she is in and looked around, she would have asked for a cabin not beside the road this is about half a mile from an Interstate exchange. I don’t know if she has no common sense to look on a map or if she is map dyslexic. Likely both.
    I have told Candy about sky/star maps for years. These people need to learn Occum’s razor. If it is on a star map, it is not a drone. And you have to have more actual proof than their ignorance.
    Also, no drone flies that long. Standard batteries for high end models mean a maximum of about half an hour. There are solar zones that can last a very long time, usually military grade, but the chances that someone is using one to annoy her meaningless existence is infinitesimal.

  19. Severely obese mud-eater Candy Grandpre is worried that her blood is no longer “pure” because she was required to wear a mask during the pandemic, due to supposed graphene oxide impregnating the mask.

    I’m aware of the conspiracy theories involving graphene-based nanobots supposedly being in vaccines but this is the first time I’ve heard of it supposedly being in mask material. I believe the vast majority of masks during the pandemic were produced in China so that would mean China is on the conspiracy too and hasn’t said anything.

    If I were Candy I’d be more worried about the triglyceride levels in her blood, not this nonsense.

    • For someone who loves to throw around “fake” for everything she disagrees with, Candy sure loves to consume fake information from crazy people on the Internet.

      I’ve heard her talk about the “human meat in McDonald’s” conspiracy before but this is the first time I’ve heard her mention how Heinz Ketchup supposedly contains children’s blood (spoiler: it doesn’t).

      Perhaps she’s talking about the Halloween Heinz “Tomato Blood” ketchup labels that Heinz did a couple of years back? No, it’s just spooky Halloween fun for kids, it’s not actually blood.

      • She believes the dumbest things. That $50 worth of soap is a good deal, but not using it often enough to not have fruit flies. That drinking mud is a good idea, and spending $30 to get a big bag of it….plus shipping a really heavy box, because I don’t think she can afford Amazon Prime membership. Human meat is in fast food hamburgers, now children’s blood in ketchup? But aren’t all the Satanic, Masonic gangstalkers drinking the blood in their closets? If it fits the brainwashing she has given herself being “woke,” she’ll believe it. And if it doesn’t quite fit, she’ll pad it out with her imagination. She be crazy and stupid.
        If she trie to be a member of the community she is in, she would find that they are friendly and helpful, spreading word if someone needs food or a ride somewhere. But she believes everyone but her is evil, gangstalking her, is racist, and is nasty. I wouldn’t want her to “love bomb” people to get what she wants, then diss them online when she is done with them. She does this all the time. She is awful.

    • I wondered about “pureblood” too. With what she puts in her body and the amount of time she has discussed her appalling lack of anatomy, basic health, and personal hygiene, I’d venture she removed herself from being a “pureblood” a long time ago.
      What I have been wondering about is what amber-colored liquid she has sitting on the window sill of her cabin. She was talking about some kind of salt drink sitting in the sun, but unless it is apple juice, which she has not discussed in one of her haul videos, then my ventures on Facebook makes me wonder if she is doing urine therapy. Seriously. It looks like urine, either from someone who seriously needs better hydration, someone aging urine, or a slob who whines about fruit flies and gnats, yet keeps a cup full of stuff to attract them. If it is a fruit fly trap, she is doing it wrong. You need a small jar or bowl, water, apple cider vinegar and a drop of dish soap, then a piece of plastic wrap stretched over the top with a few holes punched around the rim. And they should be by her sink, where she prepares food, and let’s her dishes sit because she’s too tired to wash them. She hasn’t yet figured out she attracts fruit flies from her habits with food, dishes, and garbage. They don’t need weaponizing or training.


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