Bryan Tew leaves VA hospital, assaults a disabled person

Bryan recently admitted himself to the hospital for sudden leg/foot issues. A few days ago he was only complaining about directed energy, making many frivolous 911 calls in the process (some of that is towards the end of this post) all while refusing medical help and refusing to go to a hospital and never mentioning anything about his mobility.

He leaves the hospital in crutches and a foot brace. According to Bryan’s own story, he had an encounter with a supposed “stalker” who was also on crutches and assaulted him. Bryan said it was a CIA conspiracy to send someone on crutches to stalk him so he had the right to attack him.

If you want to only listen to his admission of committing a crime, you can fast forward to 40 seconds and start from there:

Here’s Bryan in a hospital gurney yammering on about his stalkers:

Bryan making crank calls to 911:

72 thoughts on “Bryan Tew leaves VA hospital, assaults a disabled person”

  1. Damn! He admits to assaulting someone else! His violence is escalating. All the more reason to get him off the street ASAP. People are stalking him in 7-Eleven because that’s where he goes to get coffee. No other reason for anyone to be buying coffee, in the morning, at 7-Eleven, at around the same time. Sure Occum’s razor makes it seem that other people will buy coffee at 7-Eleven on their way to work, but No! They are all stalking him.
    He’s going to hurt someone badly. And it will be not entirely his fault, because his presence and action keep getting pooh pooh’d away by the local law enforcement.

  2. Good lord, what a little bitch. He needs a conservator to take over his affairs and get him admitted to long term care.

  3. Apparently, his attorney in Ecuador is avoiding him now. He really seems to be coming unglued. He must be the most lonely person, pushing away all others to continue this self-induced charade, the only person to talk to is himself, into a camera.

  4. Well he’s one step closer to getting himself committed:


    The Dr. who Tew is trying to meet has a bio Tew posted in the comments section. “… received his undergraduate degree in Biology and Psychology from Cornell University.”

  5. Putting the guy’s face and name on youtube is not exactly pleading for help. It’s just an attention getter. Though he does file frivolous lawsuit after frivolous lawsuit. And I guess he’s going to file one on this guy too for not magically knowing Bryan is fake pleading for help on youtube. Jeez……

  6. Yeah, it isn’t clear if Tew actually contacted this guy, or if Tew thinks the supercomputer will take care of it for him.

  7. He seems to be confused if it’s people – stalkers or the supercomputer anymore because I haven’t heard much griping going on about that supermachine in a while.

  8. I would bet money that he will secretly record the appointment and call medical cointel, or whatever he says, because he will be sitting down with an intern or NP reviewing his medical history, and basic standard testing and not the guy he pictures. And will run away. Seeing he is not using his boot unless he’s recording himself, and using just one crutch and on the wrong side… It will not go well. His past experience with PT was non-compliance. And his back is not as severe as he claims, and way back at the beginning of his injury, part of his back pain was already identified as degenerative, not a result of injury. As have spinal inquiries since. He is worried about going under the knife. He is a long way from even hinting at a surgical procedure. He also suffers from somatization. Let’s face, he is a pussy. And he has shown he would rather lay on the floor of a store for hours instead of trying to help himself. That takes a complete absence of self-help. Medical specialty offices don’t like that.
    And yes, I know about lower back pain. My spine in my lower lumbar and sacrum is an almost fused mass of cancer, pinching my spinal cord enough I was close to paralysis. My hip hurt more, so that’s what I was focused on. That bone finally failed and broke while walking. I am very familiar with back pain. He’s got no real major issues.

    • Just a video or two ago he was saying repetition was one form of torture. So he’s squirming in pain, ears in pain, listening to loud repetitive, but Christian music.
      He can’t even keep his storyline straight.

      • That song makes it seem like aspiring Christian songwriters can get away with only writing two lines and x4’ing and then refrain’ing those two lines for the entire song.

  9. From Tew’s Facebook today:
    “Motivational impulses of lust and anxiety. Forced orgasms to reinforce the Neuroprogramming.”

    That translates to “I couldn’t stop touching myself while consuming pornography”. Does he do that inside his car where other people might see him?

    This is a pattern for him. In Costa Rica he got called out by the hotel owner for doing in near women/children:

  10. Praying a cop, investigating the car parked in the same spot for days, lights him up whilst playing with himself. It would be public indecency and they’d take I’m in.

  11. Hotel review and response to it is absolute gold, wow. Would’ve never expected that
    Should be called out for his homophobia at most.

  12. I’m curious as to what he’s going to do with his car after he leaves for Ecuador, where his attorney is ignoring him. When you are planning to leave the country you don’t buy a car you can’t take with you.

    He’s not going anywhere. He just wants to make it look like he is. And thwarted at every turn so he can cry foul and blame it on the invisible man when all he intends to do is zero. What a waste.

    The forced orgasm thing is interesting. Amazing how people can distort what nature made the human body take care of on its own if yer not gettin any.

    Bryan – they’re called nocturnal emissions.

    Unless of course, he’s giving nature a helping hand, and I hope he never treats us to a video of THAT.

  13. One thing that will work against him and shows he just hasn’t thought the whole thing through is going to be the language barrier. He has never said anything about it, but wouldn’t a sane, reasonable person at least try and learn the language of the country he wants to live in? He’s not even a good guest, imagine him trying to get along with day-to-day life.
    And typical Tew fashion, ignore someone saying don’t video here. Twice.

  14. Wow. There are at least 5 officers on the scene. Last video is Tew sitting in his vehicle waiting for the psychological evaluation. Tew seems to be in eacape mode instead of surrendering or pleading for help. Seems they caught up to him at a time when he will be more evasive and probably tell them less than he would have just a week ago. He has his passport and tickets and is about to leave the country, for what might be a long time. That would be a shame if he manages to go back to Ecuador. This recent video is the kind we’ve all been waiting for!

  15. He’s using a bathroom that is a widely known hookup spot for clandestine homosexual activity in Presidio Park. This is not where he usually parks, which is across the street from the Hacienda Hotel, where a bathroom is available to him right in the lobby. I don’t work there but I use it sometimes on my walk home from work. Got a long, steep hill ahead of me so always good to empty the proverbial tank first. No one has ever questioned me. His regular parking location is also near MANY public restrooms opened each morning throughout Old Town State Park. Also near public restaurants open as early at 7am right across the street.

    There was NO reason for him to be way up in Presidio Park to use a restroom, if all he had to do was relieve his bladder or bowels. If he needed a different sort of relief, that’s what ya go up to Presidio Park restrooms for.

    Don’t understand why a supposed Christian heterosexual male who reads this forum and is well aware of the reputation of Presidio Park would be doing in those restrooms when there are dozens with a ‘clean’ reputation available to him right next to his parking spot.

    He’s his own worst enemy, I tell ya.

    • Yep, this pretty much 100% confirms it. I had no idea where this was from the video but just hearing Tew say he got beaten up in a bathroom pretty much told me what he was up to.

      Put this together with his posts about “forced orgasms”, “unwanted sexual activity”, and the CIA supercomputer making him lustful pretty much says he’s engaging in a lot of this type of activity.

      He hates himself but can’t bring himself to stop doing it.

      Bryan, just accept yourself for who you are. I don’t judge you for your sexual preferences, I judge you for your self-loathing and denial of it. It makes you pathetic. Nobody believes your act anymore.

  16. At least second ‘encounter’ with same individual. Probably didn’t pay the guy so he got called a ‘bitch.’ Not a reason to follow or call police. He wanted more attention, and he’s gotten it.

    There are a lot of San Diego Craigslist prostitute hookups that take place in Old Town and up on the hill. Some encounters up there are spontaneous, some are planned.


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