All of Bryan’s videos have been < 15 minutes due to a restriction that everyone encounters on YouTube. You are required to go through a phone verification to unlock this restriction. It seems that Bryan has unlocked his account and is now posting rants that go on for as long as he wants.
This video clocks in at 37 minutes. He talks about how nobody believes the story of TIs because all of the stories are too crazy due to the CIA/DIA supposedly planting crazies into the TI movement to discredit them. So when someone talks about aliens being involved, that’s just too crazy for Bryan to accept. But when Bryan talks about the CIA/DIA making him horny and gay, that’s totally believable.
He also rants about Occam’s Razor, i.e. the notion that the simplest explanation is likely the correct one. The simplest explanation really truly is that Bryan Tew is mentally ill and schizophrenic (schizoaffective according to the psychiatrist that evaluated him for the State of Ohio), not that the CIA/DIA really has secret mind control rays and thousands of contractors dedicated to harassing him, all able to keep a secret about it.
Bryan, like a lot of crazy people, are simply unwilling to even consider that their mind is failing them. To accept that one’s mind is broken to the point that they can’t distinguish reality from imagination would be admitting that the life you are living is a lie – a step too far.
He lashes out at the public for being ignorant, uneducated, and brainwashed to disbelieve TIs such as himself. Those crazy TIs who believe in aliens are part of the reason why according to Bryan.
We the public are just too damn brainwashed to understand that the CIA can use radio waves to give you an erection and make you hear voices in your head. Or sends people out to steal your lunch from a seedy hostel.
Now if you want to talk to Bryan about the logistical impossibility of there being the sheer number people paid to do the things he claims *and* keep a secret, good luck. If you want to point out the limits to the laws of physics making his claims impossible, don’t bet on him being receptive.
Bryan hates skeptics and accuses all disbelievers of being government agents.