Candy Grandpre’s “hypersensitive ear condition” Magically Disappears in NOLA

Candy Grandpre’s stay in Pensacola only lasted a few weeks. She freaked out at her neighbors for wearing the wrong colors and playing music. Her “hypersensitive ear condition” was one of the reasons she gave for having to leave.

Now suddenly today in New Orleans, where she is living on the streets, she wakes up from her nap to some live jazz music that she characterized as being “nice”. She had NO complaints about the music and did not refer to the musicians as being “perps” or anything like that.

79 thoughts on “Candy Grandpre’s “hypersensitive ear condition” Magically Disappears in NOLA”

  1. Candy sees a United Cab driver with one hand out the window enjoying the breeze at time code 10:30.

    “There was a website a couple of days ago that confirmed that if you got your arm hanging out of the window that you’re a sex trafficker and you’re a criminal.”

    I don’t know which website she looked at but just from that statement I know prima facie that it’s a garbage website full of wrong information that was written either by schizophrenics or by people trying to troll schizophrenics into believing ridiculous nonsense.

    It’s like Candy’s incapable of understanding that sometimes, if you’re driving in a straight line for a considerable distance and don’t need both hands on the steering wheel (because modern cars have power steering anyway), the outdoor breeze feels good on your left hand (or right hand if you’re driving a RHD car).

  2. Candy has a new driver’s license (again) but she talks about something negative happening at the DMV.

    It’s mostly the usual supposed “devil hand sign” (which I’m guessing is just any time anyone’s two inside fingers are slightly more bent than the two outside fingers whether the person is doing it consciously or not) and because she’s wearing blue (because you’re not allowed to wear any colour now in Candy’s presence) but she says she got flagged for something that happened when she was 11, which she in no way elaborates on.

    I’m surprised she’s not been flagged for getting, what, three or four different state driver’s licenses since the start of the year. (Did she get one in Ohio? Was that the office she got thrown out of for not wearing a mask and/or spraying her alcohol spray inside?)

  3. Are Aaliyah shirts a new trigger for Candy? She’s mentioned people wearing Aaliyah shirts several times lately.

    It doesn’t seem at all unusual to me that some people in a majority black city would be wearing Aaliyah shirts, not that Aaliyah’s appeal was limited to just a black audience. Does Candy think that nobody else was ever a fan of a famous pop star like Aaliyah?

    • Yeah, she used to be a big fan, then Aaliyah was killed on her birthday, then she got religion and dropped all secular music. So anyone wearing an Aaliyah shirt is mocking her former favorite music star. Candy says she is not obsessed, but she can tell you all the dirty on who did what to who, whose child is Aaliyah’s, who turned Aaliyah, how Aaliyah was blood sacrificed,…..It is on a really ridiculous level. And Candy denies she is obsessed, but no one who is not black and around Candy’s age, when Aaliyah was still alive at least, cannot wear her image, nor listen to her music around Candy because they are obvious perps.
      I forget where I was but there was an Aaliyah shirt and I almost bought it myself, just to take a picture of me wearing it to trigger her.
      But that would not be nice, so I didn’t.

  4. Yes, she would. And just watching her videos she cannot budget, keep herself clean, keep her surroundings clean, hold a job, get along with people, be a good neighbor, and make good life choices. So no one should finance such a venture either. She even mentioned that the latest Pensacola adventure has happened to her several times before.
    Since the common denominator, Candy, has not and will not change giving her money for anything is a waste.
    She asks how many days does she have to starve before it’s okay for her to panhandle. Considering she has never starved in her entire life and have gained weight as a homeless person. So starvation is the least of her worries.

  5. Candy is demanding that she be given a soundproof home. She insists she is perfectly capable of taking care of herself, despite constantly urinating and defecating on herself and many other medical issues she doesn’t get taken care of.

    She also thinks she is qualified for any job just because of her Bachelor’s degree.

    • Hypothetically (because it’s never going to happen), even if somebody were to give Candy a house, wouldn’t she likely have to end up having to pay thousands in taxes on that gift (plus the usual annual property taxes)?

  6. What I laughed at is her comments about them not using the sirens and not considering it an emergency.
    They must have done a fake trip using the siren only when within earshot of some other targeted individual who is triggered by sirens.
    And meeting them in a parking lot is enough to not get out the gurney. She’s ambulatory, so didn’t need the help. And her vague and ignorant way of giving her symptoms means she’s not going to need much but a ride to the hospital.
    I told her to go, hoping she would show her true problem, and she would get Baker’ed. But she knows she would sound crazy. Maybe next time.

  7. Candy’s sister and even some of Candy’s pity-party audience have been pleading with Candy to go see a doctor.

    The last several days Candy has been having problems with her legs swelling and Candy had another “organ squeezing” attack last night.

    It sounds like Candy took the advice and called 911, or maybe one was called for her. I dunno. But Candy is complaining that the ambulance came at 10:33. Because you know the entire world is supposed to come to a standstill anytime the minute or second hand of a clock is on “33”.

    I digress. I am happy she’s getting some medical attention, but it would be better for her to get into one of those medical clinics for the indigent. The ER is only obligated to get her stabilized and release her and may not be the right environment to address chronic health issues.

    Her sister thinks it may be kidney or diabetes related. I have no idea, I just know she has a lot of unaddressed issues that need to be professionally handled.

    • Here she is in the hospital.

      Notice how Candy gets much quieter any time she mentions “Directed Energy Weapons” as she knows talking about Directed Energy Weapons makes her sound crazy, although she doesn’t likewise lower her voice when complaining about the ambulance showing up at 10:33 a.m. or some doctor, nurse, or other hospital worker wearing red shoes.

      Candy talks about people “wanting” her to have diabetes. I don’t “want” Candy to have diabetes but if she’s showing some of the common signs of diabetes like swollen ankles, it’s a fairly obvious conclusion that she should at least get screened for it.

  8. Kevin Christian complaining about his sack being zapped. He’s making vague threats about having an “incident” in which names will be named and stories will be told afterwards.

  9. Anyone remember Jack Horkheimer: Star Hustler, which aired on PBS stations often just before the nightly sign-off?

    Now I can’t stop imagining a modern spin-off

    Candy Grandpre: Drone Hustler.

    Same format and music but every light in the sky is a drone.

  10. Oh, stuff and bother. I can predict her behavior. (right now I have a cold, so have lots of extra time on my hands.) Looks like she has been kicked out of another shelter, where she wanted to be able to receive mail, necessary to get a drivers license and a job.
    Not that she would ever get or keep a job, which she hasn’t done yet in the past four years. She has a degree, she should be making more money than a dishwashing or janitorial job? She needs to start at the bottom and move up, not just plunk her ass in a manager’s chair because she is so smart. And has a degree. She has had problems in every job she has been hired into.
    And I wonder what she could have possibly done to get told to leave so very quickly. She says it’s gangstalking, but she says that about everything. Was it like Cincinnati, and the rules say you turn in your phone and bags at the door? Did she forget she wore the same clothes, unwashed until just a few days ago, and told about how she peed into them several times and call someone “dirty?” Did she claim a personal space too big to accommodate everyone else? Did she start spraying alcohol over everything? Or was it a combination of these things or all of them? I vote all of them.
    Oh, well. Tomorrow she gets her SSDI, so she can get a motel room and have food delivered for several days and not be bothered by the lack of support, although she has already planned to have to be supplied with more money until December 3rd. Because obligations. And she’ll probably get an expensive phone, because she has the money right now. I have a large, smart, Samsung phone, through TracPhone for $49 and a plan that is $19.99 a month, everything unlimited. She pays more than that.
    And in a moment which shows how poorly she thinks, she said she would be looking for dresses, even though she was already saying it was going to be “too cold” soon. Dresses. Lots of wind, blowing up that skirt, making it too cold for her, a disabled female, to be on the street. And whine about the narcissistic tourists spending THEIR money the way they want to

    • It’s almost, no, exactly like Candy can’t grasp that most of those shelter rules are there so that the homeless people in the shelters, many of whom have addictions, schizophrenia, or both, don’t attack each other in the shelter.


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