Candy Grandpre’s “hypersensitive ear condition” Magically Disappears in NOLA

Candy Grandpre’s stay in Pensacola only lasted a few weeks. She freaked out at her neighbors for wearing the wrong colors and playing music. Her “hypersensitive ear condition” was one of the reasons she gave for having to leave.

Now suddenly today in New Orleans, where she is living on the streets, she wakes up from her nap to some live jazz music that she characterized as being “nice”. She had NO complaints about the music and did not refer to the musicians as being “perps” or anything like that.

79 thoughts on “Candy Grandpre’s “hypersensitive ear condition” Magically Disappears in NOLA”

  1. Candy is complaining about being doxxed by posting a TikTok slideshow of posts that (allegedly) doxxes her motel location.

    As someone who has been to NOLA a few times I vaguely recognize many of the locations she is walking around at and I’m sure everyone else does too. If Candy wants privacy she needs to turn the camera off.

    (I normally don’t like sharing doxxes but Candy posted this and can delete it if she chooses, so the power is in her hands to remove this)

    • Yeah, she deleted that. Or someone did. It says now it is unavailable.
      I don’t TikTok, except for some of the videos that are also shown of Facebook.
      Cut and run. I’m suprised that the Nice music video was still there this morning. I thought she would have gotten a bit smarter.
      but not even an explanation of her miracle cure.

      • The TikTok is still visible for me. Lately Candy has been giving me the silent treatment, but I know she still reads my posts because I caught her screen capping the comments on my YouTube community posts. She’s trying really hard to get me to forget her.

        She’s only mentioned my name once I think in the past month when she randomly discovered a post I made about her a few months ago (I called her a sex worker in response to her calling me a “sex trafficker”, but that was a while ago and she just discovered it apparently).

        • Candy has uploaded about 20 or so backlogged videos (a couple weeks of “gangstalking perp walks” from earlier this month). Maybe that’s her way of trying to push down inconvenient videos from everyone’s feeds.

          She’s also got the pity party dialed up to 11 today:

          This video of Candy at the library trying to stealthily film the Gretna Police but failing made me chuckle:

          • Candy thinks the Gretna Police has the ability to read her mind. Also I found it really amusing that Candy is casting a very obese shadow in this video.

            She is spraying alcohol endlessly as she waddles down the street like a penguin for some reason. Like just spraying it into the air for some reason. Alcohol is a surface cleaner, I don’t think it does anything useful when sprayed into the air, especially outside.

  2. This just warms my heart. I’ve researched what she says about everything, and have never believed she was disabled by anything other than her challenges and mental health issues. Just like the psych evals have shown since her initial diagnosis.
    I think when she gets a diagnosis of something that might get her special treatment, she just takes it and milks it for all it is worth. And she is attempting to fight back, not by explaining her sudden healing of her disabling ear condition, but by attempting to trash me with all the lies but that I am both a cultist and a Satanist.
    Sorry Candy, that doesn’t work for me. I asked my husband if he thought I was “perverted.” He said no, he always thought I was fun. We are exclusive lifetime partners, too. So, he would know, not you.
    I also have been inpatient in a mental health facility, of my own will, and been diagnosed with depression. I had the accompanying anxiety with that, but it is not a separate thing. That’s it. My depression was triggered by chronic pain. I take a pill every night, which also helps me sleep, which was one of the symptoms of my depression. If you got your depression treated, you sleep would likely improve as well.

    But you don’t like doctors, who might have a clue that what you complain about really is all in your head. Kind of like this video does. A couple of days ago, you made a video complaining about some “illegals” about six traffic lanes away from you having their music too loud, and yelled at them, profanely. Then you walk up to and walk beside a live jazz band, trumpet in your face practically, and yell at them to go somewhere else? Dissolved into a tortured puddle of pain in your abdomen? Was traumatized to the point you couldn’t function?
    No, you said “Nice music.”
    You’ve always said that is why you can’t work in a regular place, because of the noise. Maybe they just need to hire a live freaking JAZZ BAND as an accommodation for you?
    Or are you officially healed. Because after this video, no one is going to believe your ear and hearing disability again. You have shown yourself to be a lying, controlling, narcissistic sack of excrement. Like I always suspected about you. And I’m still giving you points for being truly mentally ill and challenged.

  3. I think Candy doesn’t like the kind of music with deep bass that goes “thump-thump-thump” but she can handle jazz because it’s mostly mids and trebles and even the bass in jazz isn’t that deep.

    I don’t think it was worth giving up her section 8 housing in favor of daily begging to have enough money to stay in a motel room just because she didn’t like the music that Whitney was playing but I can at least sympathize in terms of me not being into music where the bass overpowers everything else either.

    • But she didn’t like a Mexican music just the day before. No bass there. That might be tied to her prejudice, as she called them “illegals.”
      So it is music she likes from people she likes. Which kind of her whole social thing. She suspects white people, black people, “illegals”aka people with dark skin who are not black, Asians, any religious person, anyone who doesn’t believe her, people who blow her off while panhandling, everyone else.
      She thinks most Christian music is ungodly, and outside of the jazz, I’ve never seen her like any music. Music in stores and restaurants she doesn’t like, nor does she like hearing TV through walls. She thinks people around her, birds, and bug try to drown her out on videos.
      When you think birds are so loud they are fsomehow either fake or trained to follow her and make noise when she speaks, you don’t have a hearing problem, you have a control problem.
      Like people playing Aallyah. She loved that music, but only if she is playing it. If she hears it anywhere else, she is triggered. No one can even have an Aalyah t-shirt on without her being triggered.
      She is just a grown large brat. If she likes something, no one else can. People using an ATM trigger her, mocking her poverty. People driving in cars that are not loud, not ,black-to-white, blue, having all the lights working and matching, with untainted windows up, hands at 10&2, giving her space and time to cross a street and she will look for something to bitch about. There is always something with her. Which is about control.
      I think she just forgot loud noises trigger her, because it is music tied to her hometown, so it gives her the feels. Had someone played jazz that volume three doors down in Pensacola, she would still have banged on the door to turn that effing music down. And probably be saying they were mocking her by playing hometown music.

  4. She has gone manic. Who posts about 40 videos without any real content besides the usual, pointing out something she doesn’t like, and calling people names she feels she can detect in the distance and a second or two of time a car passes her? Someone who is manic. And Narcissistic.
    She expects someone can just start supporting her fully, enough of those “halfway” donations. She called my $10 donation almost four years ago “cheap ass.” She said the same about the German guy who contacted her. She sees people have things she doesn’t and wants them to give to her so she can have what she wants, a paid vacation, with meals included and some pocket money. Nothing delusional about that, huh?
    Nothing narcissistic about that, is there. I had two pages typed up, but am cutting it short because she doesn’t seem to understand what she reads. Like saying I said she had multiple personalities. Nope. I said she has multiple personality disorders. Multiple personalities is “dissociative identity disorder.” I think she is a who has about everything you can have. She admits to having OCD, she can probably add ODD, Narcissistic Personality disorder, Borderline PD, Histrionic PD, and a bunch of others. She also said I thought I was so smart. I am smarter than her, I know that. Her IQ was adjudged to be below 80 by a clinician who commented on one of her early videos. That fits if you ever read the differentials about it all. My IQ was last tested at just about twice that. I chose to marry and have a family because that is what I have always wanted, but I know a lot about a lot of things. And enough Abnormal Psychology to know she has problems. Lots and lots of problems.
    Like saying I am perverted. I’ve seen lists of her interests and she has more sexual proclivities than I have ever had. She did not start out as being homo-phobic. Just saying. She says it doesn’t count because it was before she found Jesus.
    Why she thinks Jesus is happy with her making up foul stories about people and openly telling them are going to burn in hell is beyond me. That’s not Christian, Candy. Far from it. Here’s a list about laying around and not working, expecting someone else to support you:
    My favorites are 2 Thessalonians 3: 10-11: The soul of the sluggard desireth, and hath nothing: but the soul of the diligent shall be made fat. For we hear that there are some which walk among you disorderly, working not at all, but are busybodies.” Just about sums it up.
    And Candy, the last time you mentioned something to pinpoint your weight, you said that your size 3X sweatpants were tight. That is size 22-24. My new sweatpants fit fine. They are a size L, no X in sight. And I am taller than you, too. So don’t pull the “she called me fat, and she’s fat too” card.

  5. It’s funny how Candy doesn’t like being filmed when the camera’s turned on her.

    Turnabout is fair play, I say.

    • That young woman handled it well, didn’t she? I told Candy she needs to watch that video because that is what she looks like to them. Her sister calls her a walking contradiction, I’ve told her she has duplicity. Narcissistic Personality Disorder has ‘double standards’ as a symptom. Which fits her nicely.
      She shows it again with two videos today. In one video, she admits she smells really bad, because she has been wearing the same clothes for two weeks, and she has peed herself at least twice. So she reeks, and must be awful to be near. Then another video, she says a whole bus was laughing at her because she was having a fit that not only was the bus seat dirty, someone with dirty clothes sat too close to her. While she smells like an old diaper.
      If anything is dirty, it’s the seat she sits in AFTER she sits in it, not before. But does she think to sanitize the seat after she has funked it up? No…..her pi$$ does not stink, and if she does she has reasons. Yeah, her reason is she has diminished capacity, shown be her childish packing. An adult would have packed at least underwear, first.

  6. And now Candy believes she is special, because she is woke to the NWO, so she is a threat. Uh, no Candy. You are not a threat to anyone but the people who don’t want their life documented with your running commentary that is never believable, people who have to sit within your sight so you can stare and scowl at them, people who get close enough to smell you, and the people who fall for your pity-whoring and have given you money so you can continue to be on the streets begging while sleeping in a motel and eating restaurant food, including dessert. But never new underwear.
    [By the way, “pity whoring” does not mean anything sexual. It means you supply pity, so people feel good about helping someone who “needs.” Just like a regular prostitute, you give them the feels.]
    The whole concept of a NWO has been around for several hundred years. No one has taken over the world yet. They never have and never will. The Illuminati have been talked about for a very, very long time. It doesn’t make them real. If they were real, they would have done something by now. And think about this: YOU LOOKED THEM UP ON THE WORLD WIDE WEB. Were you censored for talking about them ever? Only when you lie. Have the websites where you did your research been under attack, or removed for revealing secrets? No. How can a group so powerful they are going to take over the world not keep secrets off the internet? Like most conspiracies, it’s just dumb when you think it through. So think it through. Learn to research. You currently research what you want to find. Stop that. That’s called “cognitive dissonance.” It is the mark of an unintelligent person. Yeah, your degree didn’t call for much research work, did it?
    If you search for the Illuminati, look for historical facts. By people who actually know the history, not just what they ‘heard’ on the internet. The first mention was back in the 16th century. The main person to start an “official” beginning was in 1776, in Bavaria. So they have been unable to do much of anything for at least 200 years. No one even believes the same thing about them. Are they Catholic? Are they Freemasons? What? Maybe they are Alien Shape-Shifting Reptilians? There is as much internet “proof” of that as there is the NWO or the Illuminati. It’s a lot more interesting.
    Most times there is a source of fraudulent information at the beginning of these conspiracies. Or some form of anonymous source. The fraud part is best illustrated by the thing that is still believed to be real, “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.” It is believed to be the source for much Anti-Semitism. But it ‘s not. It’s a fraudulent paraphrase of something French, written not about the Jews, but about Napoleon III. It is worthless, except to show people not to believe without research.
    The American equivalent was the “Georgia Guidestones.” Said to be the plans of the NWO, it’s author, and the person who paid for it all are both anonymous. Why believe something when you don’t know who wrote it or what research or knowledge they might have? But people do, because they saw it on the internet. You’ve even said something about them. There is no source, so there can be no actual facts.
    You have been diagnosed more than once with paranoid delusions. You are not special. You don’t know something special. You have paranoid delusions. That is your life, and you do nothing about it, in fact, what you do is only feeding your monster, by “researching” conspiracy theories and believing what you read because you are not intelligent to know enough to research something before you believe it.
    And you are not an “OCD patient” like you say in your Tweet. You are someone who has OCD, and has chosen to be untreated. You are only a patient if you are under some sort of medical care. See what you don’t know?

  7. Candy causes an incident at the motel filming three men, whom she makes racist remarks towards at the front office when they’re disputing her delusional version of events.

    I’m not sure if she got banned from the motel.

    Candy also rudely films a random mother with kids in the car who rolls down the window and asks “What?” to which Candy replies, “You know what you doing, you know what you doing.” (Wait a minute, I know that quote. “Take off every Zig. You know what you doing. Move Zig! For great justice.”)

  8. When last seen, at least tonight, Candy had a 5% battery charge, no bus ride, was in the downtown area after an almost fruitless night bothering people, and had just witnessed some sort of beat down. She thinks it was “no reason,” but neither one of the guys involved seemed too shook. She was scared enough she didn’t call it “street theatre,” but probably after some thought, it will be declared as such.
    It sounds as if it were a bad weekend for her. She seems to have lost a “supporter,” alas one who only has given her small, aka “cheap ass” donation, who is tried to tell Candy that her videos are worrisome because she is being over-triggered and it looks like she is crazy. This person also told her that someone with a college degree needs to show a little “common sense.” I know that is triggering for Candy, because her foster mom and just about everyone else she has ever interacted with has told her she lacks any “common sense,” and never seems to use it. So it is a lifelong trend; I admit to telling her that myself, but she doesn’t listen to me. I think the only thing that could bring her down even more is if she is assaulted herself. Despite being on the streets for four years, she seems to lack the common sense of a street person. Too much time spent in motels and restaurants have not given her the smarts to know where to go and live as a street person. Candy’s rules say that she will not even try to go where…..well, Paul Simon is running through my head right now:
    “Running scared
    Laying low, seeking out the poorer quarters
    Where the ragged people go
    Looking for the places only they would know.”
    She does not seem to realize that if she went in for treatment, she would be bathed, given new clean clothes, fed, have a place to sleep and toilet, and find something productive to do, like be a bit social. But why am I kidding; she would go even more insane and end up drugged in isolation until she can control herself. Which would be the best thing for her, because she is out of control with her moods, her reasoning, her eating, and everything else.
    There is a reason for the Baker Act, and simliar types of policies, and Louisiana is a state that has one. I have always been surprised that Candy was not relinquished to the state instead of being kept under the same roof until she aged out and then even as an adult. She says that her foster mother hated her, but I think that since she kept her and allowed her to come back, that is not true. She might have been a bitch, but she got Candy grown up and through college alive and she allowed her to live with her even after she had aged out, and tried to keep track of her even after that. She had to care.
    One thing that Candy seems to be opposed to is that living in a shelter, a mental care facility, group home all take “her” money. Well, duh. There is that lack of common sense again. Of course they take her money, because it is what places use to house, clothe, feed, and everything else. If she was truly independant, living in her own little house out in the country with no neighbors, doing whatever the heck she wanted all day, she would be paying for rent, all utilities, food, clothing, household expenses, transportation costs, incidentals of all types….living is expensive. She can’t have all that given to her what would amount to “Free.” In my time following her, I don’t remember anytime where she was truly relying only on her SSDI, because she was always ready to have the pity party and get donations, because reasons like her birthday, she needed stuff and people gave it to her. If you are incarcerated for at least 30 days, your benefits are suspended until you are released and will start again at the beginning of the next month. It does not look like you get back pay for the time incarcerated. And if you are arrested for a crime, and are found to be guilty but mentally ill, not guilty because of mental health issues, or not competent to stand trial, because you are then being confined to an institution at public offense. Essentially, if the government/public is paying for your complete care, they are not going to double dip and give you SSA benefits, too.
    As much as I feel sorry for Candy and the predicament she is in, I do not feel pity because I see that the choices she has made for herself, by herself, that she still defends as right have put her where she is now. No one has done anythng to her, no one is doing anything to her, she has had difficulties since she was born that cannot be helped and mental illness diagnosised that she refuses to treat. Either one would have seen her in a “state school” were she as old as me. Both combined means she needs direction to make good decisions and a safe place and way to spend her life. She does not have either of those now.
    And she is afraid, alone, moneyless, jobless, friendless, familyless, and has been walking around in the same clothes for two weeks, including at least two episodes of urinating on herself. That is not how a NORMAL 40 year old should be living. That she doesn’t understand this is why she needs it all so desperately.

  9. Candy is on a new pity-me-funding spree. She made a video about how she has been storing in a storage unit, and now carrying in her backpack, her diploma and her degree. And saying that people are always saying that the degree is worth nothing. And that even before she got it, she was told it was worthless. It is silly, because those two alone take up no space, and weigh next to nothing, so for someone to complain about it from a practical side, who did not think to pack underwear, is just her histrionic personality disorder showing it’s ugly head. But some sap will likely send her enough to have a bed another night, and encourage her to keep them, as a sign of her accomplishment. God save us from saps who buy her stories. And she has used a motel enough to maybe use her points. Something is so wrong with that. I know she needs to economize, but being homeless and still having motel points? She just wants a paid vacation.
    She complained I am always trying to compare myself to her. I have to laugh, because I was told the exact same thing, back when I was first starting college. I wanted to be a Home-Ec teacher, and by the time I would have graduated, the Home-Ec side of school would have been phased out completely. The big difference between us is I get my depression treated. She should.
    She has yet to explain how the sweet sound of NOLA jazz was able to give her relief from her hyperacusis, and is apparently still bothered by loud noises. Nor why she should be totally supported, living in motels, eating at restaurants, and having pocket money, because other Tis on the web have jobs, houses, and cars, so they have enough money to send her more than they are doing. I honestly think she sees it as a way to keep out of hell, since those who do not send her money are usually told that is where they are going to be send at death.
    Candy. You have showed in the past four years that you are only good at finding a way to wear yourself out by doing nothing but making videos flat on your back. Oh, and make stupid observations about every single car you see going past you, many times, obviously wrong, but you can point with such vigor doing it. Why should someone who works hard, saves their money, and pays their bills send you anything? I am lost on that. And you keep mentioning how people who only send you a small amount, you know, maybe just $10, but not enough for a motel room and three meals a day from a restaurant, and then extra money for essentials. That CLOTHES and especially UNDERWEAR are not considered essential also puzzles me; to be frank, those pants can probably stand up in a corner all by themselves by now, and if you threw those undies at a wall they would stick. That is beyond gross. Yet you keep reporting it.
    You have not once that I can remember in the time I have been following you been able to make it to the next SSDI check with money left over to save. You always spend as much as you have as fast as you get it. Why should someone who knows the value of work and saving give to you, who neither works nor slaves? What possible thing are you giving someone, outside of the feels from helping a person who doesn’t have things. That is why I call you a pity-whore. You, like a whore, makes people feel good, and they give you money for that feeling. It is not a compliment. You literally have videos where you claim you are exhausted from doing nothing but laying in bed making videos. Is that how you think someone who is smart enough to have graduated with honors and gotten a degree acts? That’s all on you. You have chosen this current lifestyle. You have chosen to not be treated for something that makes a major difference in your life. You have made that decision. Every time you have to spend your night on the street and beg for money to eat, you are living the consequences of your own actions, inaction, and poor life’s choices. The only one who doesn’t understand that is you and those who share the same paranoid, persecutory delusions. When you don’t work, you don’t eat. You don’t work, yet have gained weight. Something is wrong there.

    • “Look at me! I went to college! I have a bachelor’s degree! I’m so smart!”

      She won’t stop talking about that degree. It’s such a weird flex when she doesn’t even know what narcissism is and repeatedly uses that word to describe things it doesn’t apply to.

  10. Bryan Tew update..

    He seems to be upbeat because his Iranian lawyer has informed him that his lawsuit was accepted by an Iranian court. He is under the mistaken delusion that these lawsuits will enable him to collect millions of dollars from the US Government and associated defense contractors.

    Uh Bryan, the Iranian courts have zero jurisdiction. We have NO FORMAL DIPLOMATIC RELATIONSHIP WITH IRAN. Unless we have a legal treaty signed agreeing to international judicial process, summonses issued by Iranian courts are not even worth the paper they are printed on.


    AMERICAN GOVERNMENT FORMALLY EXPOSED IN INTERNATIONAL COURTS FOR TORTURE & VIOLENCE AGAINST INNOCENT PEOPLE. Let the Chinese Law Firm & Iranian Law Firm go after every American & Foreign Corporation, American & Foreign National and American & Foreign Government, Entity, Agency & Institution that was involved in my Torture and Violent Injuries and let any monetary award be distributed to their victims, innocent men women and children in USA & around the world.

    ? original sound – bryanktew

    • Considering how Bryan hates everybody who is not Christian, that he would approach Iran, a Muslim country where you cannot be either Christian or gay…..not a good plan but one that seems like a move he make.
      TIs never seem to think things through. They are narcisstic enough that they feel they are right about everything, facts be damned.

    • I’m not sure what happened or where this leaves his various lawsuits in foreign courts against the American government but Bryan now says that he’s not going to pay any attorneys after November 1st.

  11. According to Candy’s new “PSA”, she wants a way to be able to backtrace anyone saying anything less-than-complimentary about her dumb videos. Does she want to contact the cyber police and the state police? Consequences will never be the same!

    (I know she’s mainly referring to the “Darnell Williams” guy, who says a lot of things I do not endorse.)

    It reminds me of Troll Trace from season 20 of South Park.

  12. Candy gets the bum’s rush at the NOLA airport (I think it is, either that or the Amtrak station). The police officer doesn’t even force her to leave the building, just the work area.

    I’m surprised that the cop doesn’t arrest her after she sprays an unknown substance inside the terminal.

  13. Candy is always upset. ”S
    She has a whole bank of chair she can move to if she is uncomfortable, but instead films a stranger and makes statements about him that she has no business saying, as all she knows about him was that he is sitting close to her. Because Candy doesn’t need to do anything to be pissed off. She thrives on it.
    And then she attacks her sister. Her sister is going through her own personal crisis now and Candy is too much of a narcissist to give her some empathy. Empathy is not something a narcissist can feel so I am not surprised.
    It is obvious, thankfully, Candy has never been a mother. Brandy did what was the best thing for her children, because she couldn’t take care of them herself and didn’t really know when or if she would ever be able to parent again. Candy just sees it as abandonment. I see it as a brave, extremely difficut, but necessary thing. Brandy loves her children, and loved them enough to know they needed a better life than what she was able to supply.
    Candy just sees the act and not the pain and judges it unjustly. She would never be able to be a parent herself. A child can’t raise a child.
    But Candy is a toxic narcissist, unable to feel anything but hungry. “Oh, I’m so hungry,” then a while later, “I feel so nauseated.” Eating the diet she does will do that to a person. And of course she made sure to get a dessert. Further proof she is greedy.

  14. Candy keeps admitting that she soils herself. It’s the gangstalkers’ fault. They have a magical “make Candy pee pee and doo doo on herself” beam.

    • This is getting…..I don’t know what.
      In the screenshot above, she claims that the incident of pissing herself was her first after returning to homelessness. No, it’s about the third. She is trying to look better. If she had new person seeing that it would be a “poor Candy, why are they doing this to her” and a donation. But if you have followed her for the last month, people will see it is something she does on a fairly regular basis, because she has too many problems to count, and being mythically “gangstalked” is not one of them.
      She also has peed herself during the day, TWICE, today. And almost a third time. She has come to find out that even using incontinence pads is not enough to stop it, so now she has peed soaked pants, underwear, socks and even shoes. Why didn’t she just stay close to a bathroom? Well, other people use them or some bathrooms don’t make her feel comfortable. So being wet with urine is more comfortable than using a bathroom with someone in it (I am guessing the public washrooms she has access to are multiple toilets) or just using the closest bathroom. Yeah, Candy, that is what you are saying. You would rather pee yourself than use the closest bathroom, because it’s not to your standards. Right…
      And don’t pull the OCD crap to explain this, because your OCD doesn’t seem to cover how you feel about being clean yourself. Or you would have packed clothes. You have been walking around in the same clothes for three weeks, and those clothes have been pee-soaked several times. Which is gross. You say you know you smell and have been smelly for most of the time you have been in NOLA. You are used to your own smell, but those around you are not. You likely smell from several feet away. Strongly. Nauseatingly. Would I want a pee-smelling person to approach me on the street and ask for money for food? No, because you are obese, and you smell so bad I wouldn’t want you around me.
      You might get more donations if you asked for donations for fresh clothes. You have received several hundred dollars in donations by now, based on the number of times you were in a motel room that you did not pay for. You also spend about $12 a meal, sometimes more, sometimes less. And not once did you skip a meal to get new, clean clothes. That is all your choice and on you. You make bizarre choices, which highlights how you are NOT able to make good choices for yourself. Like packing a bag too full to include a change of clothes. How did you expect to secure clothing when you ran away from Florida? Just magically they would appear? Did you think that you would be getting enough donations to remain in a motel and you would have enough to get clothes? Did you think someone would just say, “Oh, you poor thing. Come with me and I’ll get you some new clothes? WHAT?
      I think you were trying be manipulative. Saying you have peed on yourself and have no change of clothes probably looks pitiful to those new to you. Then those people see you do it regularly, they find out you have no clothes because you packed no clothes, and that you have had the opportunity and the money to get new clothes several times, and yet chose to EAT three restaurant meals a day and smell like an unwashed urine soaked person than get new clothes. YOU CHOSE THIS FOR YOURSELF.
      You also have a tweet that you haven’t said anything about your sister, and act all butthurt that she made a video, slapping back. You mention her almost every single day. And what you say is wrong and repulsive. You are always saying “if you don’t like me, don’t watch my videos.” Well, you don’t like your sister, so stop mentioning her. I know you won’t though because you are mentally ill and feel the need to dwell on things you don’t like, and act the victim. I know this, because in a month last year, I did not mention you online anywhere, in any platform, and you mentioned me around 30 times in the same period. YOU BECOME OBSESSED BY YOUR SELF-PERPETUATING VICTIMHOOD. And you use it to try to get pity bucks from people who do not know you. Then they get to know you and they start suggesting you do something about your hate and your situation, and you block them, so they never give you pity bucks again. So you have to keep repeating the same stuff over and over, trying to play the victim of everyone about everything.
      Get help. You are making choices that show you cannot make correct decisions about anything. You are a brat, a petulant child. And not only challenged, but also mentally ill. You even say the Brandy must be having delusions. WHAT? You think someone else can have delusions, but to say YOU have them is wrong, even though those were diagnosed by doctors and clinicians? Are you practicing psychology? Isn’t that Satanic? Aren’t all things “psych” FAKE?
      And yet, you use the terms every single day. So the “psych world” is only bad if it involves you, making it fake and Satanic, but you are fine with the “psych world” if it is applied to anyone else.
      Double standard, again. You do this a lot. It is a sign or Narcissistic Personality Disorder. And you doing things to others but having a fit when those same things are done to you means you are likely of the Grandiose Narcissism spectrum. You think you can do no wrong and everything bad that happens is outside of your control, so consequences should not happen to you. You pee yourself several times and it’s not your fault? This only works if you are in big girl potty training Candy. And you say you are a grown ass 40 year old woman. With a college degree.
      Please start acting like it.

  15. Here’s some Halloween Candy, video entitled “We’re just mentally ill drug addicts who just don’t want to follow #homeless shelter rules?” (or Section 8 housing rules cough cough).

    For the record, I don’t think that title applies to Candy because I don’t think she’s a drug addict. Everything else is correct, just not the drug addict part.

    • ~3:15 “I already told y’all why I can’t go to the shelters. They say it’s advisable for targets to stay away from shelters. Shelters are cults.”

      Maybe she should stop listening to “They”. “They” seem to be other mentally ill self-proclaimed T.I.s with Anosognosia and, as such, most of their advice is terrible and wrong and only encourages vulnerable people to avoid getting the actual help they need.

  16. Tonight, the planet Jupiter will be at it’s biggest and brightest, at about 1030 to the moon.
    Is the drone going to be seen or will she just stay holed up in the motel room, where she is seen, on her back in bed. Again. I think she will see and point at Jupiter, because learning is not in her nature. She would rather make videos showcasing her lack of insight.
    Yesterday she made a worrying video, showing her legs are swollen, red, and she said hot to the touch. That is cellulitis, and needs treatment with antibiotics, especially since her lifestyle means she has a lack of a place for bathing every day. And her lack of, I honestly don’t know what, means she has urine soaked clothes that she has been wearing and sweating in for three weeks. Which means she has bacteria on her clothes, therefore on her skin. That she admits she smells like piss and “Fritos” is a sign of a bacterial (and probable yeast) infection. If her skin were to get an open injury, that is a great way to get a really bad infection. But she is a fool when it comes to hygiene and medical issues, so I imagine she will take a bath in mud and salt water to cure her problem. It will do nothing. Cellulitis can be hard to treat in someone who is seeing a doctor on a regular basis and who is taking care of themselves and taking antibiotics. My mother-in-law had it almost continually, her longest period of activity was getting out of bed. She needed compression hose, special creams, and oral antibiotics, and needed to keep her feet elevated; my husband ended up removing the legs of the bed frame because using a wedge scared her. Will she go? Likely not. And if she did go, will she accept treatment? No. She’s been there before. How anyone can go to the hospital and then refuse to be treated is beyond me, but I believe in modern medicine and keep away from drink mud, fat, and salt.
    She also has a video out trying to explain about how people think that homeless should use shelters. It is just her paranoia. Her whining in the past has been about how there are too many rules and you have to pay to spend time there. Because it is obviously less expensive than motels and restaurants, but she is the one with paranoid delusions. When everyone else is paying to put you in motels and getting food to eat, why try a shelter? It will be crowded, you don’t have a private room, you have to shower with others, you can’t choose from a lot of restaurants, and they have rules.
    I did learn a new word today, anosognosia. It is the “lack of insight” that people with mental illness have when it comes to being compliant to care. It is why she doesn’t want treatment; she sees herself as fine, because she doesn’t really “see” herself. I’ve said before that she could walk through a “House of Mirrors” and never see herself. It’s that tendency. Knowing she does zero research on real topics of knowledge, I suggest she go to the ER, and tell people she has that. She just might do it. It would probably send the ER staff running, unless they teach it, which they should. Just as she has no insights to her general arguments about anything, she especially has no insight to her own behavior and how she is perceived by others. And the people with the same behavior are so afraid that not believing her own tale means someone will not believe them. So they all just overlook things like the differences in their whole stories and theories of TIship, and continue to self-diagnose, believe, and support a whole bunch of craziness.
    I have been waiting to see how long it would take for someone in the TI community to wonder is the Maine shooter, Richard Card, was a TI. I saw it last night, so four days. That’s twice as long as I thought it would take. I must be slipping.
    Here’s an interesting link. There is a whole website about the problem Candy has. Who knew it even has a name?,or%20do%20not%20seek%20treatment.

    • I have been waiting to see how long it would take for someone in the TI community to wonder is the Maine shooter, Richard Card, was a TI. I saw it last night, so four days. That’s twice as long as I thought it would take. I must be slipping.

      I suspect that “VulcanWolverine” probably would have done a video about Richard Card by now but Kyle hasn’t posted anything on Youtube since July or on Bitchute since August, and he’s not responding to comments on his most recent Youtube video asking if he’s alright so I gotta wonder if Kyle has been “Baker Acted”. (He’s not dead or in jail so far as I can tell from Google or the East and West Baton Rouge Parish inmate pages.)

      I saw people in Kevin Christian’s comments speculate that Richard Card was a T.I. pretty much as soon as the shooter’s name was out there.

  17. Candy’s wondering how Darnell Williams can keep on figuring out where she’s staying at.

    I have no association with Darnell Williams so I can’t say for sure exactly how he does it but it’s possible to figure out hotels, especially hotel chains, just from the headboards on the bed and, clicking around various hotels on Google Maps, and then comparing it to in-room photos taken by customers and management.

  18. Candy is hitting a 12 on the 1-10 audacity scale.
    She says that perps want people to think that the homeless don’t want to follow rules in shelters, and that is why they do not go there.
    Which is exactly what she has claimed for four years. When she is told to do things according to the rules, she gets whiny and refuses, and creates a scene and gets kicked out.

    She says that the reason homeless people, especially the targeted ones, don’t have permanent housing is because of “bad neighbors.” Not only did the housing authority tell her she was the bad neighbor, she relates stories about how other rentals let her get out of her lease for not fitting in. She even has stated that she has called the police several times in a few days to report her neighbors back when she had housing in NOLA. Candy expects people to live by her fake disability rules, with no proof that what she states is a disability. And now she is saying it is the pounding bass, which means she has read the posts here, but has never yet, and now would be the best opportunity for her to do so, how feeling your internal organs hurt is related to a hearing problem. It’s two different things, Candy and you don’t have a doctor’s documentation that you have that as a disability, nor what kind of accommidations are needed to allow you to live a more normal life. When you get SSDI for mental issues, you are flat out lying. And stop saying people are too able bodied to have a disabled plate or placard. You can’t see all physical disabilities, nor is YOU disability a physical one. You are too fat, but obesity is not a disability for which you have documentation.
    She says that “gang-stalkers” are criminals and will be locked up in prison. And makes videos showing her violate just about every law about aggressive panhandling. Every single one. Sometimes all in one video. She is documenting her crimes, while calling for people who are just claiming their right to free speech about a video posted as “public.”
    She says everyone stalks her, but she doesn’t stalk anyone. But she comes here, reads the comments made, doesn’t post a comment herself, and then mentions things she read here (see above.)
    The last thing was something she said during a livestream. I laughed out loud, as much as I can at least without waking the husband or the dogs, because she doesn’t see the irony in this. She is short and does not seem to have a large build, and she has stated before that she was around 280 pounds. That’s a lot. It’s why she has health problems, like having pain in her gut when she bends over, huffing and puffing when she walks, sore knees and feet…they human body can take only so much. And she has the chins to show that she is maintaining her weight, probably because if she misses a meal, she makes up for it with the next meal, like having a meal replacement smoothie as a beverage to a meal. And maintaining that weight takes a lot of calories, which she hates it when I mention this, somewhere around 5200 calories. That’s a lot. But this was something she said that needed illustration, because she doesn’t seem to understand irony.
    She is homeless and jobless and her only income is SSDI of just over $900. And has accounts with several motel chains, sometimes to have enough for either a discount or free room. It’s they only economic and thrifty things she does, but still…Everyone else would call it a “paid vacation.” But people who don’t give her some of their money are “narcissistic.” Right….

    • Yeah. Eating is her therapy / anti-depressant. It’s true, eating food, especially sweet or fatty foods makes you feel good, at least very temporarily. She’s even admitted it. With her, she gets her therapy several times a day.

  19. Candy does another video on the river front and she calls what I believe is Jupiter a “drone”. Despite telling us how smart she and showing her Bachelor’s degree as proof, she has zero interest in learning about astronomy instead of thinking she’s being stalked by drones in the sky.

    Also, a couple days ago Candy’s twin sister put out a video pleading with Candy to go see a doctor about her health issues. I’m not a doctor but I have to agree just from observing and listening to her complaints. I don’t think she will go until she collapses and she’s wheeled into an ER from an ambulance.

    • Yeah, she says it was 6:50 p.m. EDT and, assuming she’s looking east from around the same location as before, towards Whitney (heh) and Gretna, Jupiter would have been just above the horizon as seen in the video.

    • it’s time for another instalment of the Candy Grandpre Astronomy Challenge.

      Assuming she’s correct with the time of 7:02p.m. CDT, he one closer to the horizon is Jupiter, the one higher in the sky to the right is Saturn. I’m not too sure about the third one seen just above the bridge, it could be either of the very bright stars Alnair or Fomalhaut. Or it could just be an aircraft warning light on top of an antenna for all I know considering that she didn’t give us a quick enough glimpse.

      • But, let’s just say, just for the sake of argument, that third one over the bridge was some kind of aircraft, considering that Candy’s in the downtown area of a large city, it would be visible to hundreds of thousands of people on both sides of the river if they were looking at the sky so it’s astronomically unlikely that it’s hanging in the air over Gretna or Whitney just so that Candy could see it as opposed to the many other mundane reasons a plane or helicopter might be in the air.


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