Candy Grandpre Bails From Pensacola, Moves to Cincinnati

Candy Grandpre says she has a “gangstalking emergency” and had to leave. She references being banned from so many places (for her bad behavior) and the locals becoming increasingly aware of her antics that she was becoming such a celebrity (in a negative way).

By the way, this video seems to be clipping / stuttering really badly.

I predict she will have the same luck in Cincinnati as she did in Pensacola, because the problem is not the city, the problem is her:

37 thoughts on “Candy Grandpre Bails From Pensacola, Moves to Cincinnati”

  1. Candy was denied a job as a babysitter / nanny because she doesn’t have a car. I don’t really take a position on whether she can effectively do the job without a car but I do not think she has the emotional maturity to take care of someone else’s children responsibly.

    I am vaguely aware of some YouTube comments accusing Candy of doing something inappropriate with children. I have very little knowledge / detail so I’m hesitant to say anything about it, but I’m sure it will get mentioned again if there is anything credible to those allegations.

    • Oh, you just know that, even in the unlikely event that they ignore her massive Internet footprint of video evidence of her untreated mental issues, Candy would have a hard time not filming the kids the moment they do anything that she interprets as a “Masonic Satanist Narcissist etc…” gangstalking signal and then post the video on the Internet.

  2. Watching this video. Don’t know if I’ll get all the way through.

    How does she know that the Latino people at her hotel are “illegal”? That’s kinda racist. She wonders why undocumented people are able to have work, homes, and a family life. Not being a mentally ill troglodyte helps.

    After having doxxed multiple people, she’s complaining about other people attempting to dox which hotel she’s staying at. She says it is a “felony” (it’s not) but curiously has nothing to say about her own examples of doxxing.

    Complains about how everything she touches is sticky and slimy, blaming other people’s poor hygiene. Apparently she forgot that she’s walking around with a soiled rear-end based on her own admission!

    • I don’t really have any desire to try and figure out which hotel Candy is staying at but I like the picture above the bed so it can’t be a total dump.

  3. Candy is ALWAYS in a shitty mood.. Because of things that she caused and causes 100%.
    She has zero problems she even tries to fix by anything other than begging for money. Too cold, can’t sleep, smell like a public toilet, GIVE ME MONEY!
    For those who watched her channel a year ago, saw her being given $365/week, to hear about how “sleep-deprived and depressed she was. No one should lay around in bed long enough to flatten the back of their head. Yet that is what she did.
    Her attitude is such that everything she does is without fault. She can do no wrong. So she needs to never take responsibility for anything that happens to her.
    How can a woman in a motel room continue to wet herself IN A MOTEL ROOM? Yet she talks about it. Once is an accident, every freakin’ day is a HUGE DISGUSTING PROBLEM. Yet why does she do it? “Forced urination?” Oh, please. It is likely related to an unknown health issue, but she is scared (I would say “shitless”, but we know too much about that) that her obvious mental health issues will be addressed.
    Hey, Candy! Everyone who speaks to you knows your mental, intellectually, and emotional health are a very big issue, then when you smell like you wet yourself and have poop pasting your buttcheeks together, they will NOT give you a job. Employers want people they pay to represent them. You are not able to do so in a manner that will get you hired anywhere. You are homeless, cold, dirty, rude, delusional, argumentative, and not the brightest person. You act like a foul-mouthed petulant child. No one wants to deal with a smelly, bratty kid, and they certainly don’t want them dealing with potential customers.
    As some who hired people, you are not ready for a job. Wanting money is not enough. You need to want to work, actually try to deal with other people, and be an adult. Just working in a grocery store, people who came dressed li,e they were going g to church are peop,e who are ready for a job. People who know what the company does, what the job may require, and how they will be able to actually work and be successful. You look at the money and the words “no experience required.” One of your rejections was from a company who works with clients to keep ATMs working well. It involves a lot of electronic/computer knowlege, a good secure background, and people skills. “No experience” and “Will train” both mean “…THE RIGHT PERSON.” Those ads do not mean someone off the street who can’t manage her own hygiene or how she is messing up her phone. That job certainly would not want someone spraying alcohol (or anything else) over sensitive equipment. Remember how you ruined your laptop?
    Until you get the proper medical treatment for all of your problems, you will continue to be right where you are now. If you go to a social services organization, your needs will all be met. Because no one can live for free, you will have to pay, because keeping room and board is expensive, more than donations and administration costs by far. That you think people are cheating you in a shelter yet co tinue to asks for money for room and board? Stupid. Childish. Greedy.
    In my town, we have a United Way organization called Turnstone. I have worked with one of their facilitators, after hiring a woman with Down’s Syndrome. That is likely the only way you would be successful with anything. You might know what to do in a job, but you are a crappy worker.
    Think about this: every future employer is going to watch your videos showing you making videos on company time, bad mouthing every single person you have worked with and for, saying you can’t work with “people,” that breaks should be decided by you, that using your phone while working is okay, that bathroom breaks are long, and that hygiene is a problem for you. No one will hire a PROBLEM.
    You are a problem. A really big one.

  4. Candy is in a bitchy mood today where she’s under the psychotic delusion that every single person on the street at the beginning of the video is a “perp”, and she’s especially being a cunt to some guy who is merely returning to his car after getting take-out from a restaurant.

  5. Candy had a phone interview for a gas station except she says it turned out to be for a Subway sandwich restaurant inside a gas station.

    She answered a few questions but, about halfway through the interview, the interviewer said, “On another note, have a nice day.” and hung up on her.

    I strongly suspect he was Googling her name during the job interview, found her Youtube channel, and could instantly spot all of the red flags of mental illness.

    • Amen. And something I have been telling her for three years. One of my favorite and most successful jobs I had in grocery was store level HR. This was pre-Googling people, but we were allowed to not interview some people if their application was clearly done by someone we would not hire, like they guy whose “resume” was a rap sheet and the instructions to not call his personal references until he had a chance to schmooze the woman first, because she didn’t like him. We were just beginning to use the internet in HR when I had to shift departments. This needs to be said again.
      CANDY: This might make you cry, but oh, well. There are many reasons you will not be hired, and a simple Google search of you, which WILL be done since you have no former employer references, or even any personal references and are in another city, which is bigger and has a big homeless situation. And you will not get hired. Likely your videos will be passed around and laughed at. You have done many thing unbecoming a prospective hire, and today you have gone above and beyond your past gaffes.
      NO ONE will hire someone who is 39 years old and poops her pants and then talks about doing so, and having hemorrhoids, on social media. NO ONE. What are you thinking? The “I’ve wet myself” and talking about peeing just about anywhere you think is “private,” were bad enough, but today was TOO MUCH INFORMATION. Anyone who does look you up online will look at the newest things first. Your newest information is that you crap yourself, can’t toilet well, and have no cap to your mouth and thoughts about what is and is not socially appropriate topics of discussions. You are daily self-sabotaging yourself out of jobs and help with housing, because no one will want to rent with someone, a 39 year old grown ass woman, who shits herself and then broadcasts it to the world.
      Normally I would say, “Are you INSANE?” but already know the answer to that. Your videos do you no good Candy. They show you to be intolerant (recent rants about ‘Indians’ and ‘illegals’ as well as thinking people on the street need to STFU so you can talk,) illogical (moving to a cold city without researching first,) rude, argumentative, and now unable to care for herself on a most basic level.
      Get help. Or remove current presence on the entire web and start again, this time looking, acting, and relating things on an adult level.

      • Yeah, that video is something else.

        Putting on an “HR” hat for the moment (I am not and never was HR, but I’m going to pretend I am for the purposes of this comment)

        • The way she talks about being interviewed sounds extremely unprofessional. She doesn’t know what job she applied for. Makes me wonder about her reading comprehension. Even if she has good reading comprehension, it still suggests (and she kinda admits it anyway) that she just mass-applied to jobs but did zero research on what she was applying for. I wouldn’t want to hire someone who had no clue what job they applied for unless it was for something like manual labor or whatever. If you can’t spend five minutes figuring out that you applied for a job at Subway, it doesn’t look good for you.
        • She is disrespectful talking about the person interviewing her. My take away from that is that she would be insubordinate in the workplace.
        • She is extremely disrespectful to passersby (and there is no justification for it). Telling them to “shut up” and cursing them out. Is she going to have these verbal altercations at work? With other employees or worse, customers?
        • The bit about her poo issues is extremely disgusting. While I understand her plight of being homeless, her lack of discretion is alarming. Does she have a filter at all or does she just casually bring up poo as a topic in front of others (i.e. customers)?
        • The lack of hygiene is extremely alarming for a food service job or any job where she needs to be presentable. I imagine that Candy smells something like a landfill or a sewage treatment plant now.

        Welcome to Subway, please ignore the foul stench emanating from my rear end, what kind of sandwich can I get you? Oh is that your car with the funny headlights? Perp!

        Here’s the thing.. You have a RIGHT to say whatever you want (assuming YouTube or other platforms are willing to host it). But you’re going to get judged for what you say by the people who are looking to hire you when you apply for a job.

        Talking about the poo in your butt and harassing people on the street is NOT A GOOD LOOK to prospective employers.

        • Candy has also applied for another job for which she needs to be fingerprinted (possibly the same job for which she had the drug test).

          If it’s a job that involves that level of security screening, I think the chances are very low that they won’t also Google her name and find her Youtube channel.

  6. Candy gets into some kind of trouble with the Day’s Inn near Cincinnati. I don’t quite have a full understanding but it has something to do with an issue with her online reservation.

    The motel doesn’t have a way to resolve the issue since it is a third party booking so Candy needs to follow up with the booking company but she can’t or won’t.

    She starts insulting the Indian dude behind the counter and tosses in casual racism to the conversation.

    Thx to The Obsoletist for covering Candy in this video. Note that the bit with Candy and the motel starts around 32 minutes (or so) in the video. I can’t make the embed start at a specific timestamp.

  7. Yeah, another Freudian concept she doesn’t quite understand, being ANAL. She thinks it means poop reports from both herself and any other nutter who can’t control their sphincter.

    Candy, you really need to learn to think. Just generally and then about just why YOU put yourself in your current condition. YOU chose to leave Pensacola. YOU chose Cincinnati, without researching the most basic things about it. YOU spent your only sure money in one week, meaning nothing but begging for everything you need for another two weeks, after begging this week’s. YOU are the one that decided you were a “targeted individual.” YOU are the one who has eaten yourself into morbid obesity and YOU are the only person in the world who thinks you are anywhere near starving. YOU let yourself be triggered by everything. YOU insist everyone you meet follow thee “rules” YOU have made about your place in society. YOU think following standard rules and behaviors are not for you, they are just for everyone else, unless you don’t like them, then you disregard those rules, too. YOU demand 100% agreement with your life’s choice. YOU. YOU, YOU, YOU, YOU….ARE THE MOST NARCISSISTIC PERSON I HAVE EVER HAD THE DISPLEASURE TO KNOW.
    Now as for your beliefs that every single person on the planet who does not agree with you 100% is somehow “brainwashed,” not even close. People see the same things you do, yet you are the only only one triggered. Why are you triggered by the most atupid list of things? Because you saw a thing on the internet that posited some people are part of a big conspiratorial program, run by every single faction in the world that people have always been leery of, and you matched your experiences to a list, and said, “Hey! That happens to me, too!” and decided YOU Rea “targeted Individual.” YOU CHOSE TO BELIEVE IT, BASED ON INFORMATION FROM PEOPLE YOU DO NOT KNOW, WHO HAVE NO EXPERIENCE, WHO HAVE NO CREDENTIALS, WHO HAVE NEVER VERIFIED ANYTHING THEY BELIEVE, they just believe.
    Like you.
    YOU are the brainwashed one, not the world.
    Why are you triggered by white-black cars? That was on the list. It was an example, you do not have good reading comprehension, and thought the person who made that list was saying it will be white to black cars, or red shirts, or a broken light on a car. Who made this list? What was their criteria for including what they do? How did they research? How many people were used to verify each item should be included? And best yet, why do people who have used that list, a .pdf posted on an old crappy website with no accreditation or source work, BELIEVE IT? Because they are mentally ill, looking for a way to avoid the consequences of their inaction when it comes to their mental health, and they don’t think about the important things like “Why is that one list?”
    If you had thought to think about it, you would have learned that almost 80% of the cars sold in the US are colors between white and black, which includes grays and silver. EVERYONE sees more of those cars because there are more of those colors. It’s not something to be triggered by, but YOU have been brainwashed to believe it is. Same with red shirts….red is a very common color for people to wear as most people look good in a shade of red. Same goes with black and blue. Those are three of the most worn colors, yet you see something to be triggered by, because it was on a list.
    Who is brainwashed again?
    Head lights have changed, and for people who don’t have your triggering in mind, having one out is something they are probably not even aware of. And if one light does go out, replacing just that one light means you might have an LED and an incandescent. What does it mean outside of that? Nothing, unless you have been brainwashed by that list.
    Oh, and some car lights have lenses that cause the light to be seen only head-on, not from the side, so most of your “funny” lights is just you not seeing the thing correctly. And really….”funny” lights? If you can’t be more exact than that, it shouldn’t even be said. And I remember back when I first saw your videos that I explained to you how having lights on all the time, even during the day, was common place for safety, because you were being triggered by headlights back then. Now you are triggered if lights aren’t on during the day. Your own triggers change to match your experience because you have been brainwashed into thinking any petty fault in a car is ABOUT YOU. Your narcissism again. People see the exact same thing you do every single day and don’t even notice, because they have not been brainwashed into thinking that everything is about them.
    I know you won’t mess with your own “reality, and I doubt if you would understand, but you really should research “gangstalking ” and “targeted individual” and look for actual peer reviewed papers. You are having something a wee step beyond mere “paranoid delusions,” you are having “Persecutory Delusions.” It describes your behaviors and beliefs. Your “truth” is only YOURS. Only people who are mentally ill in the same way will believe you. The rest of the world sees lots if white cars, red shirts, minor faults with the lights of their cars and go on about their lives, because they are mentally well and aren’t swayed by an anonymous list they found on the internet. YOU ARE.
    You are the one who is brain washed, at the very least.
    You need to get help. People are going to notice that what you claim is also true in their lives, and they don’t think what is say can possibly be true. You are an independent grown-ass 39 year old woman. Act like one. No one cares what you look at, video or say. No one gets paid to go about their daily lives, just to trigger you.
    And it is narcissistic and delusional to think they do.
    You made your bed, Candy. Lie in it.

  8. I’m not going to share the direct link here but I was just on Candy’s twitter page (@CreoleTargeted) and she shared a graphic photo of a TI’s dirty underwear. Said TI says the CIA made him poop his pants.

    This seems to be a preoccupation for Candy.

  9. Candy, much like Bryan, has an incident at the Social Security Administration.

    She won’t share the video because it likely does not support her version of events.

    I went to the other (2nd) Social Security office, & the fake #gangstalking security guard created a fake street theater incident to prevent me from getting to handle my business & change my address. Everyone in the waiting room was laughing at me. If you want to see the videos, ask me for the link. (I’m not talking to you online perps. I’m talking to my trusted supportive subscribers!) What makes y’all think it’s so easy to get food stamps at the snap of a finger?

    I’m disabled, but I never asked to be cursed with being forced against my will to be on Social Security, in the 1st place! The former foster mom & fake social worker did that for their own GREED

    • She explains some of what happened in this video:

      Basically, the security guard didn’t want her bringing bear spray or her other spray bottle filled with, as far as he knows, an unknown substance into the office. (Yes, we know from her other videos that she says it’s rubbing alcohol but he doesn’t know that.)

      She complains that they had large bottles of hand sanitizer in the office, not recognizing the difference that those bottles were purchased by the government and are mandated to be there, unlike whatever she’s bringing in. And, if she just kept her bottles inside her bag, there probably wouldn’t be an issue unless it’s the type of office that inspects all bags.


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