Bryan Tew spends $1500 on gadgets and boner-killing drugs instead of actual medical treatment

From the comments of the previous article. A brief recap:

Bryan just purchased a $200 espresso machine (actual price may be higher depending on options and accessories).

(The obvious question is – how does he plan on lugging this machine around from country to country? I mean yeah, sure, he can check it into his luggage, but when you own like 3-4 cell phones, multiple tablet and laptop computers, and other gadgets, it starts to become a big chore to get from point A to point B as a homeless person, especially one that complains that both of his shoulders are damaged in addition to his spine.

And, as is plainly obvious, you can get your caffeine/coffee fix from something as simple as a shared coffee maker in your dorm, a coffee house, or even from instant coffee and hot water. Why this machine?)

Bryan just spent $600 on chemical castration drugs while whining that the Spanish government should have provided this medically unnecessary treatment to him for free. He’s getting tired of having boners that “force” him to masturbate to images of football players:

(and if you think I’m being unfair to Bryan, it’s Bryan who has made posts about homosexual fantasies involving football players and having “forced orgasms” while hanging out in notorious gay hookup spots in San Diego)

and Bryan spent $700 on an Apple Watch that he says is required for him to “function and survive”. Odd, I’m functioning and surviving without one. What a fucking douchebag!

(No offense to Apple Watch owners who aren’t crazy like Bryan, but c’mon, it’s hardly a necessity for a homeless person to have a fancy watch like this)

Then today, Bryan emails his attorneys and whines that he can’t afford medical care in Spain!

That’s right folks, Bryan will spend hundreds of dollars on a fancy coffee machine (here I am getting by with a $20 coffee machine from Walmart), $700 on a retarded watch for hipsters, and $600 on drugs to kill his boner (because he can’t confront his homosexuality honestly and openly).

65 thoughts on “Bryan Tew spends $1500 on gadgets and boner-killing drugs instead of actual medical treatment”

  1. Bryan has started to use PoopChute, I mean BitChute for videos. He’s got a video out about Meegs B, that crazy TI woman. Several years ago she made a video about Bryan saying that he got Mandela Effect’d from Brian Tew to Bryan Tew. (I trolled her a little bit at that time, she’s gullible)

    Bryan apparently just now discovered that video of hers and this really triggered him. As you know, Bryan thinks the Mandela Effect is really just the CIA/DIA/NSA/BBQ testing people to see what they can accept as the truth, ergo anyone who promotes the Mandela Effect as a conspiracy theory is really a “perp”, which is how he is now labeling her.

  2. Bryan is rambling about how even the “perps” are being targeted and that the supposed conspiracy is much deeper than he thought. Of course absolutely no evidence is offered for his assertions, par for the course. And, as usual, he refuses to wear a mask properly.

  3. Bryan is attempting to set a world record on the number of sleeping pills he takes in one day. I don’t have an accurate count but I’m confident he has taken at least three, maybe four, in one whole day. Like it’s supposed to be proof that validates his conspiracy theory.

    • And the sad part (because he is mentally ill) is that when he takes too many, and he starts running down, he’ll be totally alone because he’s such an anti-social ass. People will hear him agonal breathing and think it’s just his fat ass and multiple chins are making him snore and walk away. They will check on him when he starts to smell…worse than he probably does now, as his hygiene has never been good.

    • Now he’s combining Ativan with the Zopiclone. I don’t think you’re supposed to take both of those together, especially when you’re overdosing.

      If he’s lucky he might actually knock himself out into a very deep sleep. If he’s unlucky he’ll become dependent on the medicine and have nasty withdrawal symptoms when he gets cut off from obtaining more.

      If he’s really unlucky he will knock himself out into a sleep that he never wakes up from.

      Maybe it’s a good thing that he has that espresso machine that he insists on chugging drinks from while he whines about sleep deprivation – it might actually be keeping him alive at this point.

  4. Apologies for the recent meltdown with comments and spam. A bunch of legit comments got trashed by mistake, somehow.

    Bryan got himself some more Zopiclona (sleeping pills similar to Ambien) and boasts about it in a new video:

    That’s not unusual for him, I’m just highlighting the fact that he whines about being *too* sleepy, hence buying the espresso machine, and simultaneously whines about not being sleepy enough where he needs to use sleeping pills. This has never made sense to me, but then again I’ve never accused Bryan of being entirely rational and consistent.

  5. Bryan has a post up about being “forced” to masturbate (I guess the anti-boner shot doesn’t really work). I normally wouldn’t care to mention that BUT at nearly the same time, he posted this YouTube video that features sexualized images of children.

    (Note – the video itself isn’t pornographic, it’s just somewhat disturbing to me when he posts this sort of stuff while discussing his masturbation habits. It’s hardly the first time he’s done something like this – a post about masturbation and then a post or video featuring children. Sick pervert!)

  6. Bryan’s latest wacko conspiracy theory is that artificial intelligence and supercomputers are being used to create fake Christian videos on YouTube for the purposes of mind control and psychoanalysis of Christian people. He calls out a channel called “Lion of Judah” as an example of this.

    He provides absolutely no evidence for this besides just claiming that their use of provocative and repetitive flashing imagery is somehow an example of mind control.

    (I mean, I totally get how say, advertisers and propagandists use graphics, imagery, and other artistic techniques to get people to agree with their message, buy their product, vote for their guy, and etc. but that’s a far cry from saying that an AI-driven supercomputer is trying to read your mind and take over your mental functions).

    I’m guessing Bryan just has some weird random beef with this channel and he has decided to invent a conspiracy theory around it.

    • To be fair to Bryan (for once), the voices on that Lion of Judah channel do sometimes sound weirdly artificial but I think it’s just how they process the vocals in Audacity or whatnot to make the speaker sound more profound.

      I think the appropriate term is “overproduced”, I don’t think it’s a synthetic voice although text-to-speech voices have come a long way towards getting more natural sounding.


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