Bryan Tew Relocates to New York & New Jersey

This is more of a recap than an update but the previous thread was getting long with updates, so it’s a good time to make a new one.

If you want the full update, please see the comments of the previous story, but these are the highlights:

Bryan misbehaved and got kicked out of the VA shelter in Los Angeles, so he booked a ticket to New York. For several weeks, Bryan was living out of a rental car he got at JFK Airport while he searched for a suitable used car to purchase.

The search took a while because car dealers couldn’t or didn’t want to sell a car to someone with out-of-state residency. This resulted in Bryan issuing bogus legal threats to car dealers (that went nowhere, obviously). Then Bryan gets in touch with a TI in Stewartsville, NJ who agrees to let Bryan use her address to claim residency.

Bryan purchases a 2006 Toyota 4Runner in New Jersey and he’s been living in the car since. He shifts between a parking lot in Valley Stream, NY (Long Island) next to a Dick’s Sporting Goods and Buffalo Wild Wings, and a Walmart / Costco parking lot in Teterboro, NJ as his actual spot to live.

Today Bryan purchases yet another laptop (a MacBook Air) that he says will be used to file more frivolous lawsuits. While Bryan is setting up that MacBook, he is driving his car around the parking lot and the police get called on him.

Bryan very deservedly receives a citation for driving around with a phone in his hand and a laptop in his lap.

58 thoughts on “Bryan Tew Relocates to New York & New Jersey”

  1. Took a look at Candy’s TikTok.

    In this post she says the waitstaff do not deserve tips because they won’t fill up her glass all the way.

    Candy, they don’t fill the glasses up to the brim because it’s very likely that you or they will spill the drink carrying it or picking it up.

    The drinks have free refills and they even gave you two glasses. Your complaint is invalid and petty.

    Again you’re robbing the waitstaff of their pay because you’re just too cheap, too petty, and too selfish.

    candy ass

    • Everything she does is petty and ignorant. She quit her most recent job because her boss was “bossy” and required the work to be done correctly. She also claimed her medical condition of “hyper acusis” as a disability for which she can use her earbuds as a necessary medical devise and therefore a “handicap.” Uh, no. It is only a medical device if PRESCRIBED by a doctor and using earbuds to blast loud white noise into your extra-sensitive ears is counter-productive. And the first thing done is actual training your brain to ignore things. Anything prescribed would be noise-canceling, not noise making. She also continues to claim that she has Tourette’s and that is why she ends up swearing at people. While she does have tics, she also just swears like a demented sailor in everyday interactions or whi.e ranting, in full control of her vocabulary and making the choice to use the words she uses. What she has is perfectly portrayed by Eric Cartman, who told people he had Tourette’s just to be able to swear at whim without repercussions. She needs to get right and admit that the disability for which she receives SSDI is here all conditions for which she receives no treatment, a direct violation that could cut off her only income, restitution payments, even jail for fraud. She is continually saying she is not mentally ill. She also is continually saying she is a Christian. Lying is not Christian. I completely get that she is too mentally ill and challenged to NOT get help, but taking money you claim is given you in error is still fraud. For almost 20 years is a hefty bill. If she wants a different handicap to be paid for, she needs to get assessed, by proper medical professionals and geta new diagnosis, then get treated for that condition. Or stop taking the money. As she is less than one week from her last SSDI payment and already talking abut needing $$ help “soon” her idea of being independent is just a pipe dream. Her life circumstances over the past three years, her continuing to fail a having anything close to a normal human relationship, her failing health, her growing persecutory delusions would showa reasonable person she needs permanent assistance, like a social worker. But the last person who suggested that is someone Candy wants to spit into the face.
      That’s not normal. It is a punishment beyond narcissism. It is physical assault and emotional abuse. And saying you want to do that to someone? Sick and disgusting.
      Like most of her interactions with people.

      • Someone calls the police on Candy again.

        Police officer (after Candy’s usual spiel about gangstalking and gaslighting): “Stop using those stupid terms, act like an adult, and talk to me like an adult.”

        Is it too early in the year to name him “Cop of the Year”?

  2. Youtube channel creators have been complaining the past few days about Youtube’s new algorithm changes making it so that pretty much any video with swearing in the first 15 seconds has retroactively gotten demonetized.

    I’m not going to argue the pros or cons of that algorithm change since it’s a topic beyond the subject of this blog, I’m just amazed that Youtube seemingly still hasn’t demonetized terms like “gangstalking” and “targeted individual”, as though advertisers don’t mind having their ads in front of and after schizophrenic rants. I can click on a random video from Kevin Christian and 75% of the time, I’ll still see ads, even in front of videos where he’s insinuating that he wants to take vigilante action against the people he believes are responsible for the auditory pareidolia voices in his head.

    • Yeah, I guess videos like Kevin’s fly under the radar. Not enough viewers or complaints to cause problems.

      I don’t get Kevin the pleasure of making any advertising revenue off of me. Adblock always stays on when I watch his channel.

  3. Bryan has a new video that is tagged at the VA Harbor Medical Center in Manhattan. Also in the video I see that he has a newly received handicap pass. Given how fucked up his health situation is, he probably legitimately qualifies for it.

    In the past I was skeptical about his disability situation but clearly he has gotten worse medically from years of neglect and harassing people such that he has been beaten up many times.

    I still maintain he engaged in fraud by telling Ohio BWC that he’s too disabled to work and deserves a full salary to jetset around the world like he has been but that’s that.

    Only thing I’m not sure about is exactly where he is parking. There’s essentially no parking except maybe a few spots for drop-offs and deliveries that I can tell. I can’t imagine that security would allow him to camp out in a spot for any longer than the duration of an appointment he has.

    • Bryan Tew violates at least two laws while driving: (1) no seatbelt, (2) use of mobile device while driving.

      I imagine it won’t be long before a cop notices and tickets him. Didn’t learn a damn thing after getting the ticket in Teterboro.

      • Ironically, most of the sort of Christian music that Bryan listens to is torture to my ears. (I certainly like classic Christmas music of the religious sort, so it’s not “all Christian music” that I can’t stand, just the American Christian radio pop/country pablum that Bryan prefers.)

        Also, any time Bryan mentions “cognitive researchers”, I imagine a pair of cartoonish buffoons following him around like Boris and Natasha from Rocky and Bullwinkle, hiding behind rocks and telephone poles or wearing terrible disguises.


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