Bryan Tew Banned from VA CTRS Shelter

I commented about this on the previous post but it deserves to be mentioned in its own post.

Bryan says another veteran elbowed him, likely unintentionally, and Bryan responded by shoving him, cursing him out, and trying to get him to fight him:

Of course Bryan’s reaction is perfectly normal and totally reasonable. Unfortunately the VA does not see it that way and has chosen to eject Bryan from his ”pallet shelter” for violating the VA’s zero tolerance rule on violence:

Do I feel sorry for Bryan? No, he has acted out this way on numerous occasions over the years. It’s why Bryan is missing so many teeth and why his back/shoulder is messed up as badly as it is. He keeps starting fights, getting his ass kicked, and losing with no remorse.

Bryan is lucky that the other guy didn’t take a swing at him and knock out his remaining teeth. But what Bryan didn’t receive in physical injury he received in loss of shelter placement.

He hasn’t learned his lesson before and likely hasn’t learned it now. He blames everyone else but himself.

81 thoughts on “Bryan Tew Banned from VA CTRS Shelter”

  1. Bryan alludes to the machete guy in Nicaragua again?

    He conveniently leaves out the part where he was on a bus, filming through a window, so that Bryan really wasn’t in any immediate danger from the machete guy.

  2. San Diego ER seeing up to 37 marijuana cases a day — mostly psychosis

    “We’re now counting 37 cannabis-related diagnoses a day,” Dr. Roneet Lev, an addiction medicine doctor at Scripps Mercy Hospital in San Diego, said about her emergency department. “It’s been steadily increasing over the years. When I started in the 1990s, there was no such thing. Now I see 1 to 2 cases per shift. The most common symptom is psychosis.”

    Article tells a story of a 19 years old that suicided after saying his room was bugged and his parents were trying to kill him.

    “Specialist” still have no clue. Drugs don’t cause these. Criminals with microwave weapons wait for people to take drugs and then start messing with them so the victims’ testimony is made not credible by the drug association. Genetic relation is also inexistent, the criminals just target people who are related because they are already familiar with relatives.

    • Today’s weed is a lot more potent than it was 30+ years ago. Growers are selecting for high THC concentrations, plus the weed of today is produced more by Americans than by cartels in Mexico (who are known for “shitty brick weed”).

      You get a lot of n00bs who consume way more than they should, especially in edible form where it can take 30-60+ minutes for the “high” to kick in causing people to eat more and more thinking they didn’t have enough until they end up stoned out of their mind. There’s an article by a NY Times columnist who went to (I think Colorado) to try the local weed for a story she was working on. She bought edibles and made that mistake and said it was the worst experience of her life (and she was subsequently mocked for her ignorance).

      I know the stoners will get mad for me saying it, but there are at least a few studies that suggest that weed can worsen types of mental illnesses in people who are pre-disposed or already diagnosed with a mental condition.

      (There was that time in San Diego where Bryan was “caught” with marijuana in the veteran’s shelter but he denied it being his and made that big scene with the police over it. I was wondering if Bryan might actually have been sampling some to “help” with his various issues – and thinking how it would be bad for him as a diagnosed schizoaffective)

      All that being said, I would take an article from the right-wing NY Post about the harms of MJ with some skepticism. But what I’m saying about today’s weed being way more potent is true, and combine that fact with all the n00bs trying it for the first time and the occasional kid getting into mummy/daddy’s edible stash and I am not surprised that at least a few of them freak out and end up in the ER over it.

  3. Bryan took a flight to JFK (New York) and he is currently moping around the airport. No idea if he’ll try the NY VA again or if he’ll come up with a new destination.

    • Bryan still appears to be at JFK. Someone played a prank with the “Airdrop” feature of iPhones and sent him a photo containing pornography.

      I’ve never had this happen to me but I have used Airdrop to send people funny memes and stuff (I’m that kinda guy), but not pornography (I’m not the kinda guy who would send porn to people who may not want it).

      Bryan was kind enough to post on Facebook the photo he was sent. He could get a TOS violation for posting it. I won’t show it here because it is pretty ordinary straight porn and showing it doesn’t really add any value.

      It’s possible someone did this to Bryan specifically (scruffy, paranoid looking dude splayed out on the floor) and it’s also possible that someone did this to anyone with an iPhone in the immediate area that had Airdrop turned on and not him specifically.

      I suppose if it were a suggestive and/or pornographic photo of Rafael Nadal that he wouldn’t be as upset?

  4. It looks like Bryan was given the bum’s rush out of the airport this morning. It appears he’s trying to get housing from the New York VA again and they’re wanting to put him back in the same place where he was assaulted at previously.

  5. Mariana Maritato speaks about being tortured by electromagnetic neuroweapons

    Mariana Maritato spoke for over an hour about how she is being tortured by electromagnetic neuroweapons to the International Tribunal for Natural Justice.

    Very detailed, including about children being victimized.

  6. Bryan hasn’t posted to Facebook or YouTube in 24 hours but he is posting on TikTok. It appears that he was able to procure a rental car and is living out of it. I see something that may or may not be a piss jug in the passenger seat (on another video).

    (In previous videos he was not able to get a rental car due to financial issues with his debit card / checking account)

    I’m not sure what rental cars go for these days (inflation plus new vehicle shortages have made rentals harder to come by) but I’m wondering how this is financially viable for him. I don’t see this being affordable for more than a few days. Unless he plans on just absconding with the car.


    ? original sound – bryanktew

    • By the way, unless it’s some sort of glitch, his recent TikToks had 0 views. Literally nobody is watching this except us.

      Bryan has said in the past that he posts to TikTok because he believes that the Chinese government surveils TikTok due to their supposed relationship with ByteDance. That’s probably true, but they likely don’t have any interest in his schizophrenic drivel except as comedy.

    • Bryan is looking to purchase a vehicle again.

      It also appears he has a new batch of Dr’s appointments set up in New York, so at least he’s not giving up on his medical problems.

  7. Bryan can’t stop beating it to Rafael Nadal apparently. He made a post with a photo of Rafael that he has saved off to his computer/phone.

  8. Thought this was funny. One of Bryan’s TikTok’s that he re-uploaded to YouTube was flagged for copyright infringement.

    TikTok licenses copyrighted music tracks from music studios so that they’re allowed to play that music on top of people’s uploads on their website. Bryan doesn’t get that he doesn’t have a license to re-upload that music elsewhere, so it gets flagged for copyright.

    Then on top of that, he says the restriction must be in place so that people in Iran / China / Russia, places he still wants to get asylum in, cannot view his video.

    But those places already heavily restrict and/or filter social media. His video is already filtered in China, because YouTube is banned there, and Iran has been blocking/filtering social media because of the unrest going on. Not sure about Russia.

  9. Bryan is apparently not having much luck buying a used car. He’s apparently been to a few dealers and has had trouble either because of the bank or because the dealer can’t sell to people from out-of-state or whatever.

    Used car dealers are some of the last people I’d want to defend but well here we are. Bryan is threatening to sue a Toyota dealer in New Jersey because they don’t want to sell to someone out-of-state and is demanding $100,000 compensation.

    I don’t know the ins-and-outs of car sales or if the car dealer really has a point vs. maybe not wanting to deal with a belligerent person like Bryan but I’m having a hard time imagining them taking him too seriously here.

      • Another rental. He’s been back to the airport at least two times since arriving. I guess he is having to drop off the rental at JFK and get another one every several days.

        He’s still trying to buy a car. This time he is phoning a used car lot in Virginia.

  10. Kevin’s seeing more “faces” in his leg hairs in a photo he’s once again “enhanced” (re: using filters like “grunge” that add things not present in the original photo such as fake film scratches and fake film grain) in whatever phone photo edit tool it is that he uses (and the phone camera that he uses for still shots already appears to be quite potato quality, especially in low light).
    (Note that the Wikipedia article about Pareidolia doesn’t even focus on mental illness, just the predisposition of all people (not counting the blind, I suppose) to seek out recognizable patterns, especially faces, even where there is nothing but skin tone and leg hair to be seen.)

    • Hold on, looking at Kevin’s leg hairs very closely, I think I do see something.

      It’s Doraemon (the classic manga robot cat that got a long-running anime seen all over the world)!

      • I would say if his skin really looked like that (minus the Doraemon) he needs to either take a bath or see a dermatologist (or both). But I guess the filth and dark patches are just from the photo filter he uses.

  11. Bryan is trying to purchase likes and views for his YouTube channel. Glad to know his priorities are in order – more concerned about being famous than he is getting help.

    • I thought Youtube had gotten better at detecting that sort of “paid for” activity and deleting accounts from those follower bots?

      Then again, Youtube needs to work on detecting fake replies from scammers who pretend to be from popular gaming/tech channels (e.g. ReviewTech USA or Game Sack) telling everyone who wrote legitimate comments in the replies to those channels to contact them on Telegram for some bogus prize for which they have to pay for “shipping” or whatever else it is they do to scam people, so, if Youtube can’t delete scammer accounts fast enough, maybe paying for fake followers from bot accounts also still works for all I know.

  12. Bryan got chased out of the handicapped parking lot at the VA yesterday because he had no sort of handicap placard on his vehicle. Said the cops were “harassing” him. He recorded part of the interaction with the VA cop and the cop was actually pretty cordial with him.

    I bet they would have overlooked it if he were in a legit wheelchair or had something obvious that made him look handicapped. I think the issue is that parking is few and far between at the NY VA and what little parking is there is reserved for handicapped and they’re gonna enforce because it’s New York.

    Everyone else probably takes transit or parks at some sort of remote lot and walks the rest of the way.

  13. Bryan is trying to get a referral for something (didn’t listen to the whole thing) and the VA employee (possibly a social worker?) is telling him that a pysch eval will be absolutely required of him.

    Bryan says he has no psych history with the VA but the employee rebuts and points out the fact that he’s been running around the whole country trying to use VA resources and having incidents recorded in his file.

    Then he starts becoming belligerent and badmouthing the psychiatrists that he has never even met.

    (About 14m45s into the video, you can skip over the beginning if you want)

  14. Here’s a video from Anton Petrov that might be of interest to Kevin showing the state of actual “mind-reading” (more like mind interpreting) technology.

    Notice the freaking huge MRI machine, something I’m sure the Viva La Crucxial gang would have no small amount of difficulty disassembling and hiding in the walls of Kevin’s house or inside of Kevin’s car.

      • I know the counter-argument is “That’s only what THEY want you to see, to fool you into thinking the technology is decades/centuries behind where it actually is,” but I’m pretty sure you still need some kind of tech reasonably close to the head to actually be able to read brainwaves (not just infer thoughts based on what you post, your vocal intonations, or your facial expressions) and I doubt it’s small enough to cram into an iPhone along with everything else you need to make an iPhone work and then be powered by the puny iPhone battery.

  15. Bryan says no dealer in NY or NJ can sell him a car due to residency issues (I’m just relaying what he says, no idea how the system actually works).

    Chase Bank has also supposedly frozen his account and he can’t get to his money now.

    Not quite sure for what reason. I do know Bryan was, on a semi daily basis last week / this week, posting teller slips showing him depositing about $1500 at a time into an account.

    He said something about needing to deposit money in one account, transferring it, and then withdrawing it in small increments from another account because he’s not allowed to withdraw too much money at a time. I don’t quite understand what situation he is in that would require this or have a withdrawal limit like that.

    I know debit cards have those kind of daily limits at ATMs but you get around that by seeing a teller if you need more cash in one go so I can’t see that being the problem.

    I do know that in the past he had a bank account garnished by the government (Bryan is delinquent in tax payments in Ohio, I think). That may be part of the reason. The funny way he is moving money around may also look suspicious and appear to be money laundering or something to the bank and cause a hold to be placed.

    • It appears Bryan purchased a vehicle in New Jersey. 2006 4Runner.

      He posted his insurance policy. He put down a bogus address (Google Maps says there is no 555 on that street, the nearest address is 557 and it appears to be a house that’s definitely not his). Not sure if having an invalid home address / false residency affects the status of his insurance policy should they find out.

      • Yeah, the fake address could definitely be a problem. Rates are quoted based on the “garaged” address. He lists an address he doesn’t actually park his car at meaning he’s being quoted rates based on the perceived risk the insurance company sees with someone who drives to and from that particular location regularly. He’s parking his car somewhere many miles away. Unless he’s really decided to move to that part of Jersey.

        Could be viewed as insurance fraud but I dunno.

        If he ever has a claim and they find out, they could retroactively cancel his policy and deny the claim.

        They might find out sooner when the insurance paperwork gets return to sender’d or if the underwriters do a simple Lexis Nexis search on Bryan and find he has absolutely no connection to that address whatsoever.

        My feeling on this is that he finally found a used car salesman who understood his predicament w/r/t being a homeless non-resident and (the salesman) went to some creative effort to complete the sale. Made up a fake in-state address and got his insurance agent buddy to sell him a policy.

        Bryan normally puts that Neil Good Day Center’s address (in San Diego) as his residence, and as of late, he started using the address of the CTRS shelter he was just kicked out of.

  16. This seems to be more or less an admission that Bryan is pleasuring himself inside the Nissan he rented from Alamo.

    “And then when it [the mean old bully supercomputer] forces the victim into… undesirable behavior, because of that lust, and then it captures the memory of that event and the guilt, the associated impulse if you’re a Christian of remorse, guilt, whatever, and then, once it captures that, it keeps injecting it, that guilt, that remorse, back into the subconscious of the victim. That’s verification.”

    Wouldn’t want to be the poor soul who has to clean up the Nissan after he returns it.

    • Yeah. Gross!

      I’m really surprised the cops haven’t been called on him already for loitering. Maybe its the kind of neighborhood where they just don’t care about a dude sleeping in the front of the same parking lot for weeks at a time.

      I wonder how much that rental has cost him. He said something like $100/day. If that’s true then he’s racked up like a few grand already.

      • I’m really surprised the cops haven’t been called on him already for loitering.

        He’s also risking being charged with public indecency should someone inadvertently glimpse him through the windows mid-wank (although that’s with the caveat that he could be talking about having done his “undesirable behavior” somewhere more private than the car like such as a shower with a private stall; I’m not sure if any of the gyms where I think he showers have those).

  17. Looks like Bryan’s bought another expensive device: Facebook Rayban smart glasses with camera, which seem to go for around $300 U.S. (possibly slightly cheaper if he got them at a pre-Black Friday sale).

    I can’t speak for anyone else, but if I see glasses with frames that thick in this day and age, I generally assume there’s a camera inside (and I’m sure security staff in places where you’re not allowed to film know to look out for and identify hidden camera glasses).

    • I think I’ve seen ads for those and they had a lot of negative reviews, mainly around the recording length being too short. Bryan likes to record at length so I don’t see this being useful for him.

      Also, I believe there is supposed to be a LED that lights up when it is in record mode? May be thinking of another brand perhaps.

    • if I see glasses with frames that thick in this day and age, I generally assume there’s a camera inside

      Okay, maybe not the entire frame per se, since there are still people who like wearing 1950s-60s style “Buddy Holly” glasses with thick frames, but the bridge on the glasses that looks to be at least an inch high, going up almost to the brow, is the real dead giveaway, flashing LED or no.

  18. Candy Grandpre makes a video titled “Exposing online #gangstalking #cyberbullying #bullying 11/15/2022. Yes, words DO hurt!”.

    The first several minutes of the video is Candy describing people she knows nothing about as “illegals” who she alleges are engaging in human trafficking.

    I just want to make it clear that Candy is whining about the truthful things people are saying about her and begging for sympathy while making up vicious accusations about people she doesn’t know.

  19. “Happy Science” disciple living in LA uses Twitter to post about how California will be destroyed by means of “melodies, frequency and vibration by Satan and his devils” and how he approves of it.

    He may not know it, but by that he actually means “wave weapons used by criminals will kill innocent people on California”, albeit I assume he would approve of that.

    The leader of “Happy Science” itself says he communicates with spirits, that schizophrenia and auditory hallucinations are caused by evil spirits and that prayers work to solve this (and maybe even coronavirus).


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