Bryan Tew’s Living Conditions in Los Angeles

Bryan often makes videos inside of his “pallet shelter” at the VA campus in Los Angeles. The camera will sometimes start with the forward facing camera for a fleeting moment before he switches it over to the selfie camera.

As they say, a picture is worth a thousand words.

What is the yellow substance in the bottle of coke? Is it, uh, piss?

What is up with the multiple bags of sugar (the pink ”C&H” sugar bags)? I assume it is for the coffee. How much fucking sugar do you take in your coffee? That’s not healthy. I mean I’m not the healthiest person in the world (I’m working on changing that) but one of those bags of sugar would last me like two years. I see three bags in this photo with one bag nearly empty. He has only had that coffee maker for like a month or two!

But I guess I shouldn’t expect any better from the dude who 24 hours after he supposedly was having congestive heart failure to go out to Chick-Fil-A for dinner.

Pills on the floor.

Stuff blocking the area that is clearly marked ”KEEP CLEAR”.

27 thoughts on “Bryan Tew’s Living Conditions in Los Angeles”

  1. Ugh. I’m surprised there are not cleanliness inspections at least weekly. What an awful mess. It is a bad sign a prescription bottle is just tossed on the floor, too. We know he is not careful TAKING some of his meds, but to just throw them around like litter is a bad sign. When my mother-in-law was getting assessed for Alzheimers/dementia, it was one of the questions we were asked about her ability to care for herself. Even empty bottles lying around were a bad sign. Meds are important and need to be considered important, empty or not.

    • Reminds me of college. Got stuck in a dorm with two slobs. Trash never taken out, dishes never cleaned. The university responded by fining all of us even though I wasn’t the one refusing to clean.

      • Ugh, I really didn’t need to see that Coca-Cola bottle.

        My attitude towards coffee is, if you have to add more than about a teaspoon of sugar to coffee to be able to tolerate the taste, you’re not a coffee person. I’m not a coffee person either and, as such, I never drink the stuff.

        • And drinking coffee with that much sugar and regular Coke and the other crap he drinks, combined with his age, weight, seeming complete lack of physical activity means he is ripe for diabetes. Which means more liquids and more needing to pee, so I envision more Coke bottle urinals in his future.
          Candy is another one like this, but she just pees somewhere where no one can see her. And often pees on herself and her clothes, which she admits on her videos. She pees several times a night, and often pees right before leaving a restaurant, to have to go again right after she leaves. She pees as much as my husband, who is having prostate issues.
          Where she “doo-doos”, her term as an someone who sees herself as an adult, I don’t want to think about.

  2. Bryan’s complaints about “sleep deprivation” and subsequent missing of Dr’s appointments track pretty well with his purchase of that coffee machine. He’s been missing quite a few appointments.

    He justifies the caffeine consumption by saying “they” are attacking him with daytime drowsiness.

    I don’t think he was sleeping well before he purchased the coffee maker, but I think it’s making the problem worse by preventing him from getting rest during the day. Better to catch up on sleep debt during the day than to be perpetually “wired” from excessive caffeine and sugar consumption and carry around many days worth of sleep debt.

    I’ve also noticed that his “I’m being attacked with drowsiness” videos are frequently combined with complaints of “remote neural attacks of lust”. He seems to believe there is a correlation between nodding off and getting horny.

    I’m a guy and I sometimes fantasize about women while I’m stretched out on the bed or sofa. Shocking I know. I don’t know what Bryan is fantasizing about, but apparently he’s ashamed of it so much that he feels he needs to stop the daydreaming by any means possible.

  3. The piss jug has made several appearances since I first saw it, including once in his bed. It’s gone from him unintentionally showing it to him knowing its visible and just not caring what people think about it. Hasn’t explicitly mentioned it but he has to know we can all see it, especially when it’s next to him while he’s filming himself.

    This is the new theme song for Bryan Tew:

    (apologies to anyone who is revolted by all of this, but I thought it was worth mentioning because I feel Bryan’s living / hygienic conditions are deteriorating)

  4. Also, I’m a bit tardy in reporting this, but Bryan went to a Target several days ago and ended up in another “collision” with a patron as he was exiting the store and claimed he was punched. Police weren’t involved AFAIK.

    The video is pretty useless as it’s obscured until near the end, so no idea what actually happened, but I doubt whatever really happened would actually make Bryan the victim.

  5. Kevin Christian films a tree with only his most potato-quality camera and claims to see mind control holograms.

    I see branches, out of focus leaves, and absolutely nothing else other than maybe a slight smear on the window.

    • Oh, that will get him a referral to a psych eval quicker than shit. Bryan is slipping.
      They’ll likely give him a 48 hour monitor, find a mild arrhythmia that doesn’t need even meds for, tell him to lose a bunch of weight, eat less and better, exercise more and cut out all stimulants, a.k.a coffee and caffeine containing energy drinks.
      And Bryan will respond by looking for ways to get into Iran, China, maybe even North Korea to escape the gang-stalking.
      Those DEWs must be cheap. Everyone seems to have one. Millions of dollars in technology just to make someone’s manboob ache. Or in Candy’s life, make her vibrate, make her organs squish, and make her toes burn. Oh, and forced diarrhea and peeing.
      Although she admits her pants are too tight and she wears flip flops for walking on hot sidewalks.
      Actually, her toes might be diabetic neuropathy. As much as she drinks and pees, and that her pants when she wets herself get sticky, coupled with her weight and diet (or lack thereof) and her age she’s at least Syndrome X,

      • Bryan’s trip to the ER where he was coughing like crazy and telling everyone he was having “congestive heart failure” (and subsequently discharged with Bryan eating fried chicken the next day) was classified as an anxiety attack.

        He was visited by (I am assuming) a social worker who came to talk to him about the ER visit and Bryan told him to go away / I’m fine.

  6. Bryan has been whining about the increased police presence around him and thinks they are targeting him specifically (the “bogus 21 year investigation” he always refers to), despite those police not interacting with him at all.

    Those cops are likely there because of Joe Biden’s visit to LA where, among other places, he visited a taco stand near the UCLA campus.

  7. Video capture of the waves responsible for Havana Syndrome interacting with a body at low intensity.

    At high intensity and targeting the brain, concussion is done, including knockout. Can be used to punch holes in thin fabrics.

    Also used on corn fields to give rise to dumb fringe theories.

    • Nobody has shown any evidence that microwave emissions are responsible for Havana Syndrome. There are only guesses and no actual measurements / detections.

    • Oh, please. My thigh muscle does that, only a bit worse. On the hip I had replaced. There are too many ways for muscles to spasm to claim this is anything but a muscle spasm. And it is a single muscle, something that makes your theory even more outlandish. If you go by anecdotal evidence alone, another TI is being attacked by DEW/microwaves from just about every other car and it is used to induce headaches, cause random location twinges, burn her toes, give her uncontrolled evacuation of both bladder and bowels, cause organs to be “squished,” makes various body parts “vibrate,” and induce orgasm (sadly I suggested this; I wanted to see how suggestable she was and it took one post and about five minutes.) You need to show it is not something more mundane, something TIs fail at 100% of the time.
      Like all the other weird, conspiratorial maladies like “morgellons.” Just a new decade.
      If weapons are available to do this, what exactly is the point? Billions of dollars on research and development to induce mundane spasms? The same amount to produce “personal-use” size to everyone so “They” can burn toes?
      How about burning toes from walking on a hot sidewalk with open-toed flip-flops. You would have to prove it is NOT this, and IS what TIs claim.

  8. Bryan is posting some sovereign citizen nonsense about grand juries. He claims you can waltz into a courthouse that is holding a grand jury and ask to present your case.

    Bryan then says “oh I never had to do this because I could always afford a lawyer” which is hilarious. Bryan has only ever brought civil litigation, you don’t use a lawyer to instigate criminal charges, and Bryan has been seen on videos before begging lawyers to represent him pro bono. He doesn’t take his own advice here.

    The law school dropout is even more ignorant of the law than I thought. He doesn’t understand the difference between criminal and civil cases. Civil cases are between two individuals whereas criminal cases are the state vs. individual(s).

    A rando can’t just show up and force the state to criminally indict and prosecute someone nor can a lawyer you hire from a law firm do it either.

    • Is it wrong that I now kind of want to see Kevin Christian take Bryan’s advice and randomly show up at a court and interrupt a grand jury to burble on about the Howard Circle gang and Remote Neural Monitoring?

      • Yeah, anyone who takes Tew’s advice is going to be given the bum’s rush out of the courthouse and arrested if they try to force the matter. Part of me thinks Bryan actually knows this but is just spewing this nonsense for attention / likes / whatever. But then again I may be underestimating the level of delusion and credulity he has.

        It reminds me of the (currently ongoing) trial of Darrell Brooks, the guy who mowed down a bunch of people in Wisconsin last Christmas. Brooks has chosen to represent himself and is deploying pretty much all of the sovereign citizen “legal hacks” that are out there in effort to make the legal proceedings go in his favor (spoiler alert: none of it is working and is just making the judge yell at him).

        Just search his name on Twitter, there’s mountains of hilarious interactions of Brooks in court trying to weasel his way out of the trial. He’s rather combative with the judge and frequently gets thrown out of the courtroom when the judge has had enough.

  9. Bryan had a minor physical altercation at the VA today. Bryan describes it as getting elbowed by someone, which may or may not have been accidental, and then Bryan admits to shoving the guy which was obviously intentional.

    Nobody actually got hurt but it doesn’t make Bryan look like the victim and it makes him come off as unhinged.

    • Yeah, this definitely did not go well for Bryan. They have ejected him from the CTRS program. Pretty sure that means he’s going to have to take his piss jug and other garbage and go somewhere else.

      Bryan was kind enough to show his discharge paperwork documenting it.

      How does Bryan think that the incident, the way he described it, makes HIM the victim? The other guy elbowed him, which very well could have been an accident, and he totally overreacts, assaults him, and blows a gasket over it, then videotapes himself shouting obscenities at him and trying to get the guy to fight him.

      He’s lucky that he didn’t get arrested for assault.


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