I’ll let Candy try to explain it for you but basically her Social Security benefit was around ~$900/month but has been cut to about ~$400/month because it turns out that the State of Florida was contributing about ~$500/month and apparently they only just realized that she moved out of state. I wonder if they will try to claw back any of the money that was disbursed in the many months she was not a Florida resident?
It’s not 100% clear if she has already received the funds for this month but it sure sounds like she’s spent it all already in just a matter of a couple of days because it all goes towards hotel rooms and DoorDash meals that add up fast. Candy is banned from a lot of the cheaper motel chains now, so apparently she can only stay at the more expensive ones.
I don’t know if this is because Louisiana doesn’t have the same benefits as Florida or if Candy just needs to apply for those extra benefits in Louisiana.
If this isn’t a simple matter of applying for new benefits, I predict Candy will be moving back to Florida, or at least finding another state with similar benefits as Florida.
I’ve been reading about all of this stalking stuff, and you know what it seems like to me??? oh, it’s real alright, because everyone and everybody, is doing it to everyone and everybody else, like One of those scenes in a Western movie or film, when everyone and everybody, just goes and hauls off, FREE FOR ALL Lol onto everyone and everybody else, like a big human crazy show lol government officials and authorities vice versa, included too, because: when it comes right down to it: humans all have the low parts of their minds and brains, really running the show, and often times, all of our minds and brains, basically snap back, to the low functioning side and sides, even when one is a genius or geniuses, or say they are a genius, or geniuses, again, when it comes right down to it, we are all just little kids and little children, in this uh, great big?? universe!!! that’s what this type of stalking, sounds like, to me, mister Stefan Adams, because we are all little kids and little children in this place called the universe, and we oftentimes want what we want, and we want it now!!!! why are government officials and authorities, any different?? plus, the government officials and authorities, they get these mechanical toys to play with!! ooh!! exciting!!! lol give lots of the kids or children toys to play with, in this world and society, and oftentimes, it goes in the wrong and stupid direction…….except one thing: the government officials and authorities, are full grown adults, using mechanical toys, for bad reasons and to hurt. Can’t/Not We All Just Try And Get Along In This World And Society?? can we?? I guess Bryan Tew and that Candy lady, aren’t/not really that (different) hey?? again: we all want our comfort and comforts, in this world and society, I guess…….
I don’t really wanna make a new post just for this but Bryan just revealed what he says caused his PTSD in the US Army.
And I wanna make it clear it’s not funny, it’s sad if it’s really true. It is probably a big part of the reason why he’s fucked up in the head today.
Ummm…..I would take this with a grain of salt.
He thinks any male who touches him is sexually assaulting him.
Or maybe he was. Who knows.
I just know that both Candy and him need to be held accountable for NOT GETTING TREATMENT.
I know this only too well. I am old enough that the signs I had depression in my pre-teens were there and ignored. Kids can’t be stressed. And when it resurfaced due to chronic pain, I help off getting help.
Now, I have every reason to be stressed, both personal and things with the family. And my antidepressant stopped working well. So I have a change of meds. I can’t sleep well, am rarely hungry, and can go from zero to rage or tears in 2.05 seconds. It will be another two weeks and I should be back to “fine”, even “good.”
While both of them have no hope of a single type of med working out for them, that they choose to not even try is maddening to me. They prefer to wallow in their delusions, then blame everyone but their own stupid selves for not being anything but a waste of oxygen and space.
Maybe I’ll need more than this one pill, but at least I am aware that I just need to talk with andoctor and get an adjustment or add-on treatment. I want to live and be happy. I think my life matters.
They do not.