Candy-ass Candy Grandpre Harasses People, Police in Pensacola, FL

So the gist of this is that a group of outdoor partygoers decide to play some music in a parking lot near wherever Candy is hanging out and Candy decides to go interrupt them and tell them they’re not allowed to play music because of her alleged condition of “hyperacusis”.

They get fed up with Candy’s non-stop harassment and call the police, the police tell Candy that they are breaking no laws, Candy starts verbally abusing the police officers, calling them expletives, and etc.

The whole thing is very pathetic, Candy believes she is entitled to control other people in public spaces and throws a childish tantrum when she doesn’t get her way.

By the way, I’m sympathetic to the concerns about loud noises and loud music, but context is key. There are places and times of day where you are allowed to do that and places that you aren’t. Get your ass somewhere else if you want it to be quiet and stop being an entitled brat.

12 thoughts on “Candy-ass Candy Grandpre Harasses People, Police in Pensacola, FL”

  1. Candy Grandpre can do no wrong, a least according to Candy Grandpre. It gets old being the person who I always am identified as the kingpin in all her misadventures. Andam even labeled with my hometown, making me somewhat easy to find. Oh, well. Because she is such a sniveling coward and cannot abide by any message which does not conform to her warped view, I guess I’ll point out a few things frealingly obvious to everyone but her:
    ☆ There are companies, called “property management” companies. The guy who kicked you off “your” sleep spot on Government Street was one. These are people hired by business, property owners and sometimes realtors whose job it is making sure the property is clean, in good repair and secure. At all hours. If they see someone using a property, they can call the cops, or they can call the owner who can call the cops. Likely the SUV you saw at the property was doing this. The owner was called, who went to the property to see what is going on, the white car. They see a short fat person camping, who rushes up with cellphone held out and aggressively approaches their car. They called the cops.
    Not me. I call the cops when you say I need to be murdered, as that was a crime against me. Stop already.
    ☆ When a police officer arrives on an unknown scene, he needs it well-lit, so used his headlights. For his protection and safety. The light hurt your eyes because you were on the ground, at eye level to the headlights. You make this stupid mistake often. It’s YOUR POSITION in relation to the light source, not the light source itself.
    The same goes for your claim about businesses and cars turning music up when you go past. No. The closer you are to a sound, the louder it will be. So music from a car will get louder the closer it gets to your location, is the loudest beside you, and decreases in volume as the car moves further from you. A child knows this. So should you.
    ☆ It’s not a “drone.” It is still Jupiter. People have been able to plot the orbit of Jupiter for thousands of years. If you want people to believe you you need to show how that cannot possibly be Jupiter. Having persecutory delusions about drones makes you look childish, unlearned, and paranoid.
    ☆ Haing delusions about birds and actually yelling at them? It will be used against you because it is majorly crazy.
    ☆ Heres a little real world fuel for your persecutory delusional fires. The city cops saw your channel. They talk to the sherrifs and share your channel. Saying the totally abusive things you say about law officers is not wise. While it will help them realize the real issue, they also will be on notice that when they have to engage with you you will be hostile. And the encounters you have had are in NO WAY abusive and there has NEVER been a moment when any law officer has shown you a threatening act. That you continue to say they do reinforces that you are going to be a problem. Not a good position to be in. And again, your own videos show you being treated with amazing control. And they will have their own videos to show they are doing their jobs well. Something to think about.
    ☆ You need to practice more discernment online. Unfortunately there are people who will mess with you and try to trigger you. You seem to not understand this. While most of the people online who comment on your videos are leaving their true thoughts, some are pulling your chain. You let them by treating everything you hear as the absolute truth. Stop. Grow up. Until you realize this, you will be triggered 24/7/365 and you will find more trouble. And when you say “They say” or “They said” I know it will be something untrue or stupid. “They,” are idiots.
    For example, the cop saying he got his badge a Walmart. That was sarcasm, because you called him “fake.” He’s a real cop. And not your friend, since you treat him so disrespectful.
    ☆ Stop using “fake” from meaning anything but artificial. It looks stupid and crazy. Another confusion coming from your already incoherent rants.
    ☆ Histrionics. Look it up. You might feel everything you rant about, but the extent of what you say to a newcomer can get you attention you do not want. Like when a stranger saw your video of a meltdown, sent you money for a hot meal off the streets, and considered having a welfare check done on you when you disappeared. You recent videos could have the same outcome of a welfare check or a report of an endangered mentally disabled person report. Really.
    ☆ Go back to your video about the homeless man looking for free food that earlier said “no” to you. Most of the people you meet, both in person and online would say the same thing you say about him about YOU. You need to be more kind. He didn’t kill your “free food cash cow.” You did that on your own.

    • It looks like the “Cop Watch” crowd has noticed Candy’s video and is taking her side. They put out a video saying Candy “owned” the cops which is a bit of an odd take. Candy is gleefully basking in her new 15 minutes of fame.

      This, again, is one of those awkward situations for me, like when I had to defend a used car dealer from Bryan Tew.

      I don’t have much nice to say about policing in America, generally speaking. But there is no way you watch that video of Candy harassing people and somehow with any bit of honesty say Candy is a victim of bad policing or that people who called the cops were wrong for reporting her for her repeated harassment and bullying.

      The “Cop Watch” crowd tends to be from the extremely toxic wing of edgelord libertarianism. Not exactly the sort of people who would be in favor of social justice for homeless black women. They only care that you said something bad about the police. They don’t care about you personally.

  2. Candy, I know you will see this. I feel the need to mention a few things.
    ☆ Those who follow you know the number of videos you make is dependent on if you are noticeably manic, or need more contributions. You get all weepy creepy. When you are in a motel room, you get all creepy stagnant.
    ☆ When you admit the people who sub you are waiting for the trainwreck, reaching 1000 is not really an accomplishment. And outside of a close personal relationship or when dealing with the law, few adults think of things as being “punishment.” That you feel like a “punished child” is something you should discuss with a counselor.
    Having people who unsub so you can’t get the jollies of having 1000 subs is just human nature. It is a bit childish, but? Oh, well.
    ☆ When someone is really serious about learning a second or third language, they study and practice hard to become something called “fluent.” It is something to be admired. Someone who is fluent can usually only be outed because they speak too well. But millions of people are fluent in another language, some people know several. And most want to know the language and study on their own, without even going to classes. Lee Wang is ahead of the curve in a growing global business and economic situation. That means he is very smart. Just sayin’. Algo sobre lo que pensar.

    • I honestly just assume the follower count going up and then down is just the usual ebb and flow of Youtube, especially after Youtube detects and deletes bot accounts. Same goes for the amount of likes on each video going up and down.

      I’ve heard the numbers aren’t always 100% accurate anyway, and it’s a really minor thing for her to be concerned about.

    • So, there is ON RECORD an unreasonable fear that birds, bugs, dogs, and now cats are all part of gang-stalking. Mercy.
      And for all her talk about being a truly good person, she couldn’t be bothered with pushing some still living fish from the sidewalk back to the water. While they might have been injured, at least they would not have been wasted, as they would have been food for other fish. THAT ticked me off.
      All creatures are made by God, Candy. You let those fish suffer and die. YOU. So did the person who put them there, but you were cold hearted and narcissistic enough you only thought about you. You didn’t need to touch them with your hands, you could have used your shoe, or found a stick. Were you afraid your organs were going to “squish” bending over? Buy bigger clothes and eat better. Cracker Barrel has huge , good salads. You get greasy meat, three starches, and dessert.
      And yes, I do not kill animals, even mice. I live trap them and release into some woods at a local park. Where I know an owl lives, because if the animal can’t manage to live in the wild, being food for another animal is not wasting a life.
      Just as me having terminal cancer. Despite your imagination, I am not in bed wasting away and dying. I keep busy. I help others every chance I get. I make blankets for people getting chemo and matching baskets to carry things they might want during chemo, like books, snacks, water, etc. I treat my life as though it has meaning. Despite have a terminal diagnosis. My life goes on. And I’m not even depressed.
      The only person I know who is totally wasting their life is YOU, Candy. You will pee anywhere, but think you can’t spit out rinsing after brushing your teeth? You have access to a shower, but don’t shower days because you are “too depressed?” When you are in a motel, you close the curtains and lay in bed, doing nothing of worth. You could be volunteering somewhere. Learning a new skill. Exercise, relearning Spanish. Increasing your knowledge. But those things take effort. So you lay in bed, sometimes barely making it to the toilet without wetting yourself. You are a 39 year old grown ass woman and you broadcast your problems for the world to see, but you never do anything about any of it.
      Except ask for more money for a dark room to lay around, wet yourself and eat crap, all the while saying you are starving and worth something.
      The most worthy thing you do is making yourself in a glowing testament of being a bad example. Grow up. Get treated. Without doing both, the next three years will be like your last three years….at least until your pity audience dries up. And how has that working out for you?
      And as long as you continue to accuse me of being at the heart of all your hardship, I’ll keep on giving you my honest opinion. And reporting you every time you bully or harass me. So lay off.

  3. She is getting stale. The Candy Grandpre spiel has changed little over the years. If anything she has gotten more desperate and forgetful. Like calling me a liar about her calling for my murder. I did share that video with the local police, and I’m reasonably certain they have it on file. The internet is forever, Candy. Even if you deleted or set on “private” videos you know make you look crazy. Why you were not arrested was because I told them I knew you were mentally I’ll and acting out. But it was still reported as, and treated as, a crime.
    I have never bragged about calling anyone about you. You just do not comprehend enough of what you read to judge anything. Your entire communication network is flawed. The more times you relate a story, the more layers of imagination you add to it. The conversation you had with cops? Your version is not backed up by your own videos. You were acting like a petulant child, AGAIN. And you ran away. Your repeated “but I was here first” is so third grade. Unless you were talking about a parking space.
    And just because you do not understand my Church does not make your pronouncement that my Church is somehow “wrong” correct. All the stuff you say shows people are not “true” Christian’s are transparently whines about Churches choosing to not help you, by giving you money, a house, a car, a job, and some semblance of a true community or family. But guess what? Members of my Church helped you, and you showed your gratitude by pouting that they could have a nice, newer truck but did not give you money. I belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter-Day Saints. As the name shows we are Christian. I am proud of my membership, and of my Church in general. That is not a lie. You have yet to explain why we are not Christian, and everything you have said we do we either don’t or you misunderstand. All the stuff you say proves any Church is not Christian because they are not giving to you would be given to me, if the need arose. So your lying false attempts at insulting me don’t work. They make look foolish, petty, and childish.
    Which is all I ever expect from you.

  4. Candy has been reading this thread.

    Candy claims I have been making “fake documentation”. What documentation exactly is fake here? Kevin Christian’s arrest record and history of drug abuse is a documented with the courts that you can look up yourself.

    She also says Star is “brainwashed” in a “Morman cult”.

    • Candy claims we’re criminals .. documenting your behavior and commenting on it is free speech, not a crime.

      Claims it’s impossible for “new” cars to have burned out headlights, that the headlights are being “manipulated” (for what purpose, how are you victimized by burned out headlights?!?)

      I don’t think Candy deserves to be “punished” for existing but my God, you go around harassing people who have nothing to do with you and wonder why people clap back at you!

  5. Yeah, Candy….when you publish online in pretty much any free forum, it is PUBLIC information. This includes all kind of things, including police and other first responder actions. Something you should learn to do to calm your irrational fears of both sirens and air traffic. First, look up the city of Pensacola and the County of Escambia web sites. Each will list every single call they make. Like when something caught fire in my broiler, within a few hours, I was able to find that call online. And I have used it to find what is happening at the neighbors (it was involving their foster child🙄). You will be able to see why each siren is being used. I’m also taking this opportunity to once again point out your narcissistic duplicity: when you were in an ambulance, you were glad the used the siren, and you were fine, yet any other ambulance siren (you can tell the difference if you want to LEARN SOMETHING) you say are being used just to annoy you. No they are not. Sirens are used when they are needed ONLY.
    Then look up the website Flightaware. It can show you real time all the flights over your head. Where they are coming from, where they are going, the airline/entity making the flight, even the model of the plane. Not only are planes and helicopters NOT flying over YOU, they are on set recorded flights. And how you can believe a plane can somehow pick you out those 100s and 1000s feet over your head is just ridiculous. It is on par with you saying freaking animals and bugs are there just to annoy YOU.
    Then look up a star map of the Pensacola night sky. IT IS FREAKING JUPITER. It has been Jupiter most nights you claim drones, or Mars or Venus….all have been freaking planets, sometime conjunctions. There is and will be a conjunction that will look very bright, Venus and Saturn. And there might be a comet visible, which will be green.
    You keep say you are only trying to improve your life. Try THINKING THINGS THROUGH. If you don’t know what something is, LEARN. If you do not understand something, LEARN. All of the above sources of information are free and easy to find. Your irrational fears make you look stupid, because they are all something you can find out online.
    You lay around in a motel room doing NOTHING of worth. You don’t even try. No one holds you back but you, because it is easier to lay down and piss yourself than it is to LEARN something. You even have posted that your life is a waste, then you blame the blame on everyone but the only true source, YOU.
    And you keep saying I am dying. You are wrong. I am living, in complete remission. My medicines have stopped my cancer. Modern medicine wins again. And I have no serious side effects. So lay off the attempt at depressing me, or whatever you are trying to do.
    Also know that mental health facilities are places where people who can heal, get better, and go on to happy lives. That you did not is on you, again. Maybe you can’t get better, but your experience is not the usual. You have to WANT to get better, WORK at getting better, and TRY. Yeah, if you fight, you will be treated like you fight. If you don’t participate in therapy, you won’t learn. If you sit down sullen and scowling, you’ll get assessed as being less functioning. And you will be treated accordingly. I’ve been in one myself. I got better. I wanted to get better. There were people around me who did not. I was discharged and haven’t needed anything more than a single pill a day to stay better. And while I am doing well now, it is still something heavy I bear. And I make it through, and share and have been told I am an encouragement to people, to both cancer patients and depression patients. I make my life matter. I try. I am always learning, always doing something of worth, and living a good full life.
    You do not. How has that working out for you?


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